Step 1: Choosing Your Financial Advocate: Navigating the Path to Security and Trust
Your advocate can be your spouse, but you should also designate a reserved person since you will be around the same age as you. Your advocate should be able to manage your daily expenses, monitor your investments, file your financial records, and protect you from potential fraud.
Choose someone trustworthy, well-organized, and capable of handling money matters. Steve Vernon, the co-author of the Thinking Ahead Roadmap, told me that having more than one advocate never hurts. If you have two children, you can have one pay the bills, and the other manage your investments. If you do not have children, think of a younger relative or good friend whom you know you can trust.
Step 2: Building Financial Stability
Start by developing a financial inventory that includes your assets and debts. Make a list of all your income, including what you get from Social Security and any pension. Then, list your bills, such as utilities, loan payments, and subscriptions. It is also essential that you list all your passwords and keep them in a safe place. Then try to simplify: do you need all those accounts? Do your advocate a favor and get your finances in order.
Step 3: A Conversation of Trust: Navigating the Future Together
You can start by saying, “Your work ethic and financial acumen have always impressed me, and I hold a great deal of respect for how well you manage your finances. As I plan for the future, I find myself considering the possibility that managing my finances might become challenging at some point. That’s why I wanted to reach out to you and ask if you would be willing to help me navigate this aspect of my life when the time comes.
I want to reassure you that I’m currently doing well, but I believe it’s essential to plan for potential scenarios where someone might need to step in. I understand that this is a significant responsibility, and I want you to take your time to process and consider whether you’d be comfortable taking on such a role. If it comes as a surprise or if you need time to think, feel free to take your time, and we can revisit this conversation whenever you’re ready.”
Step 4: Clarifying Financial Intentions: A Guide to Discussing and Documenting Your Priorities
Once you’ve compiled your financial inventory, engaging in a meaningful conversation with your advocate is the next crucial step. Begin by reviewing the detailed inventory together, ensuring transparency about your assets, debts, income sources, and regular expenses. Articulate what matters most to you, such as continuing contributions to a cherished charity or any other specific financial priorities.
This discussion serves as an opportunity to share your values and expectations regarding your financial future. Emphasize what financial aspects are significant and any specific commitments you’d like to maintain. It is highly advisable to document these discussions in writing to solidify this understanding. Creating a comprehensive document ensures clarity and serves as a future reference point for your advocate.
The written record should encapsulate your financial priorities, preferred investment strategies, and any specific wishes related to charitable contributions or other financial commitments. This provides guidance for your advocate and helps maintain alignment with your financial values and goals, ensuring a seamless transition in case they need to step in to manage your finances at any point in the future.
Step 5: Empowering Your Advocate: Navigating Legal Steps for Financial Management
Securing legal authority for your advocate to manage your assets involves completing paperwork known as a “power of attorney for financial matters.” As with the Durable Power of Attorney for Health, financial institutions require this legal documentation to grant access and authorization. In the Thinking Ahead Roadmap, you can find detailed guidance on the process.
It’s important to understand that a power of attorney for financial matters is valid until your death, when the responsibility transitions to your estate administrator or executor. The choice of this individual may or may not align with your chosen advocate, providing flexibility in designating those who will oversee your financial affairs. Taking these legal steps ensures that your advocate has the authority to act on your behalf and manage your assets according to your wishes.
Step 6: Navigating the Transition: Recognizing the Right Time for Financial Support
While the first five steps of the roadmap establish the groundwork for potential scenarios where your advocate may need to step in, recognizing the right time for your defender to act requires a nuanced understanding of critical events. The roadmap provides a comprehensive list of these events, ranging from the overt, such as a diagnosis of dementia, to more subtle indicators, like challenges in bill payment or difficulty managing affairs through technology.
It’s crucial to involve your advocate and others in monitoring for warning signs, particularly those associated with dementia, and acknowledging the difficulty of relinquishing control over financial affairs. Crafting a letter to your defender, specifying the circumstances that signal the appropriate time to assume financial management, can be a proactive step. Keeping a copy of this letter ensures clarity and aligns expectations, fostering a smoother transition when needed. This thoughtful approach empowers your advocate and prioritizes your financial well-being in the face of changing circumstances.
About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.