A food truck business is unique in the culinary world. Gone are the days of the so-called “roach coach” that had prepackaged junk food and beverages. Food trucks have become gourmet food on wheels and, in some cases, are even considered fine dining. The advantages of owning a food truck business are that you have freedom in ways you could not if you had a storefront restaurant.
- You can be open or closed at any time
- You can change your location from day to day
- You can be creative with the menu
- The overhead is low
- Marketing is simple
Here are the things you will need to do to start a food truck business.
Get Licensed
Getting a food truck license in some cities can be tricky so do your research before setting out to start this type of business. Find out what you need to get your license and what rules and regulations come with the license. Some cities only allow a certain amount of licenses per year and have restrictions on parking that come with getting the license.
Get a Truck
Once you are licensed, it is time to find and buy a truck. While food trucks can be expensive, there are ways to find ones that are used and customized for your business. If purchasing a truck is too costly, you could consider purchasing a cart, which is far less expensive, and earn your way to a larger food truck.
Create a Business Plan
Just like any other business, a food truck business must have a solid business plan. A food truck owner needs to research the cost of permits, equipment, raw materials, fuel, parking, and employee costs associated with running the business. It would be best if you also planned for financing and projections for various stages of the business. It would help if you also came up with a comprehensive marketing plan as your food truck business will require marketing to attract initial and future business.
Get Insured
Every business needs insurance, but there are some additional insurance requirements since a food truck is on wheels. When you get to this stage, be sure to talk to an agent to determine what insurance coverage you need. This will ensure that the agent designs coverage to cover you and your business well.
Find Parking
Though you can park and sell in some areas, other areas require a food truck to have a permit or special permission to park. In some cities, the food truck must have a permanent, leased parking space from which to work. As part of your research, before starting a food truck business, find out your area’s requirements.
Get on Social Media
The food truck business is not unique in delivering restaurant-quality food; it has built-in appeal for social media platforms. A strong social media presence will be essential in getting the word out about what you offer and let your followers know your location for the day. You can effectively use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to have daily interaction with customers.
Mobile food is not unique to this era; these types of food delivery vehicles have been around in one form or another for decades. But the food truck business has come a long way from the chuckwagons and roach coaches of years past. Today’s food truck is more high-end, and the quality of the food has improved. Starting and operating a food truck can be fulfilling and go off without a hitch if you take care of these needs.