Temporary employees have been around since the “Kelly Girls” of the 1930s. These employees can be a lifesaver for a business, and it helps the temporary employee gain skills or get their foot in the door for permanent positions. Temporary employees can be used for many different reasons, from a company needing someone with a special skill set for a project to filling in for someone who is out for an extended period.
Temporary employees carry with them positives and drawbacks. Here are some pros and cons of hiring a temporary employee to help you decide if it’s right for you and your company.
Pros of Temporary Employees
Immediate Availability
This pro is a good one. Because temp agencies have multiple employees on hand who have already been tested, interviewed, and vested, if you need someone last minute, they can often come as soon as the same day or first thing the next day. The agency will also make sure you get a temporary employee with the skillset for the job to be fairly painless to get them up to speed on the position and work to be done.
No Wasted Hours
Since temporary employees are generally hired for a specific project or length of time, the completion hours are often pre-set. The temp agency negotiates the hours, payment, and length of the job, so there are no surprises for the employer, employee, or agency. This negotiation ensures there are not wasted hours, and any extra time has to be negotiated.
Effective Trial Periods
If the position filled by the temporary employee is a permanent opening, the time they spend working the position could be considered a trial period. This period will eliminate the need to post the job, pull resumes, and conduct interviews to fill the position and save time and money. The employee may also be right for other positions for permanent hire if their position is not one.
Specialized Skillsets
When you have a company, especially a small business, you may not have employees to cover a specific skill set you need for a project or a temporary period. Contacting a temp agency to find an employee with the specialized skills you need can be a quick solution to the need.
High Productivity
Though many may think that a temporary employee would be less productive, the opposite is true. Temporary employees are fresh, motivated to impress, and many times eager to earn a permanent position.
Cons of Temporary Employees
Training Requirements
In many cases, the temporary employee’s skills will be enough to step into a position and take over without skipping a beat. However, if the position requires training, this can be a frustration in hiring a temporary employee. Training takes time and resources, and for someone that will be there a short period, it can feel like a waste. Training can be especially frustrating if you have to fill multiple positions within your company that require training.
Safety Issues
Because temporary employees generally don’t benefit from orientation and other permanent employee familiarity measures, temps are at more risk of on-the-job accidents. The solution is to ensure there are enough training or safety instructions to keep the temporary employee safe while on site.
Lack of Teamwork
Temporary employees often don’t have the time to forge relationships with co-workers that cultivates teamwork. In some cases, permanent employees can even feel threatened by the hard-working temp, and the treatment of that employee can be less than ideal. This kind of difficulty is not always the case but can happen depending on your company’s work dynamic.
Temporary employees can be a significant asset to a company who needs extra help on a project, has a temporary position to cover, or requires special skills they don’t have within the company. While there are some drawbacks, the benefits of using a temporary employee surpass them. Who knows, you may even end up with a new, valuable employee that has already shown their abilities and assets.