Bookkeepers or accountants play an important role in many companies since they are in charge of maintaining financial records, making them balance, and accurately updating the accounting books. Their work is of value to all types of organizations or companies, whether public or private, since these individuals monitor the flow of money entering and leaving the corporation. Large companies tend to have more than one Bookkeeper on their staff. At the same time, the rest prefer to have only one professional in charge of this management or, on the contrary, prefer to hire the services of a specialized accounting firm. Provide your services to third parties. Also, some Bookkeepers choose to work independently or independently.
Bookkeepers produce financial reports based on information collected from the books they keep. Based on these records, the shareholders, managers, and accountants verify the company’s financial status and determine the most suitable way to proceed in future projects.
Here are the most common functions of a Bookkeeper:
- Manage and control the accounting books of the company in which they work or their client:
- Set parameters for accounting books.
- Make the balance of the accounting books.
- Take advantage of programs and systems capable of simplifying their work.
- Keep the general ledger updated:
- Review and record the daily income and expenses.
- Make the balance in the columns of assets and liabilities of the ledger.
Prepare accounting reports:
- Analyze the stopped and current statistics of the company.
- Verify that the expenses are duly justified.
- Verify that the income is properly registered.
- Prepare a report based on the information described above.
Create and maintain the budget of the company:
- Explain the budget to clients or supervisors.
- Advice on budgetary matters.
Prepare financial statements:
- Calculate the status of the accounts at the end of the year.
- Prepare and submit reports based on the information in the accounts.
- Determine the type of documentation required by the company.
Make reports regarding the tax return:
- Comply with tax legislation.
- Determine possible deductibles.
- Provide advice on tax irregularities.
- Project the future statistics of the company based on its current financial balance.
Daily tasks:
- Keep the financial records of the company.
- Set the income and expenses of assets in the general ledger.
- Make the balance of the accounting books.
- Prepare checks, payrolls, tax returns, payments, among others.
- Make tax returns.
- Complete and submit tax return forms.
- Prepare financial reports and make projections based on the information indicated therein.
- Establish and plan budgets.
- Candidate profile.
Communication skills:
- Communicate clearly, both orally and in writing, to provide financial advice effectively.
- Explain the accounting procedures to their clients or superiors, simplifying complex and extensive matters, using non-technical language.
- Write detailed and concise reports and be able to explain the results to your clients or superiors.
- Be in the capacity to work as a team.
Retail Accounting:
- Analyze financial information in detail.
- Record information meticulously in the accounting books.
- Make the balance of extensive and complex books.
Organized and able to manage your time effectively:
- The capacity to work with different clients and make the balance of different books simultaneously.
- Be able to write reports to different clients.
- Comply with the delivery dates.
Analytical skills:
- Analyze income and expenses to detect possible deductions.
- Have a systematic approach to analysis.
- Analyze budgets
- Conceive ways to increase efficiency.
Excellent computer knowledge:
- Use specialized accounting programs.
- Be familiar with specialized programs.
- High levels of integrity and honesty.
Although the requirements to perform as a bookkeeper are not all universal, in general, companies are looking for candidates that meet a series of common qualities. On the one hand, it is required that the aspirant has completed his high school studies; However, in some sites, a profile is developed for those who followed technical training in accounting or accounting students. In other cases, the talent hunt is filtered by those individuals who have a university degree in Finance, Mathematics, Business Administration, Accounting, or other related careers. Having work experience in related areas gives added value to the profile of the candidate.