It ensures consistent behavior and actions of employees and recognition among customers. Again, a culture introduction and embedding program can significantly contribute to this.
Many organizations invest in recruitment and selection to bring in the best people but pay little or no attention to the integration and socialization of employees. Frequently shaking hands, going around the shop, and handing over an information package are often good introductions. A survey of 1481 companies showed that a third of these companies did not have any form of induction policy, formal or informal.
What exactly is organizational culture?
An organizational culture consists of the shared values and norms within an organization. Conscious and unconscious assumptions, rituals, and beliefs thus determine how people should behave. Mutual interaction creates a social process in which desirable behavior is maintained, and undesirable behavior is punished. In this way, the character of an organization is gradually formed. Meaning arises for the so-called ‘that’s just how it goes here.
Capturing culture in core values
An excellent way to capture an organization’s culture is through the core values: the unique values that characterize a specific organization. Organizations that more often invest time in understanding, articulating, and propagating these core values have a well-lived and robust corporate culture. Their values radiate outwardly and ensure recognizability among customers. So, no marketing slogans like ‘customer-oriented’ or ‘reliable,’ but ask yourself as an organization what you stand for and, what you believe in, what the organization is essential.
Stay ahead of the competition
A healthy and productive culture is increasingly seen as an essential precondition for staying ahead of the competition. You can copy products, services, and processes from the competition; an organizational culture that reflects core values is not. To promote recognition among customers and the involvement and performance of employees, employees must live the culture and associated core values. But how do you handle this? Simple: with a culture introduction and anchoring program.
Social glue and involvement
One of the effects of such a program is that it ensures connection and involvement. Shared norms, values, and behavior among employees form a social glue that binds them together. They are part of a team that works together for the same goal. When they have a positive image of the organization and feel part of it (social glue), employees are often more involved in the work. A global survey of 142 organizations shows that companies with high employee engagement are more profitable and productive, have higher customer satisfaction, and have lower absenteeism and turnover.
The culture program ensures consistency
When workers know what the organization stands for, they can also better fulfill their expectations. For example, at Zappos, where happy customers are the most important thing, the duration of phone calls is not measured, although this is very common in in-service departments. Customer satisfaction after a conversation, on the other hand, is measured. Therefore, a culture program mainly contributes to the consistent translation of culture into the structure of the organization. The result is that the entire organization becomes more consistent in what they think is important and what they do.
How do you change company culture?
Introducing a new corporate culture is very valuable but not prominent. The visible aspects, such as the mission or processes, are easier to adjust than the invisible aspects. After all, patterns and behavior are difficult to break. Yet it is certainly possible.
Involve management and staff
To begin with, consider what needs to change. First and foremost, provide management support. When the highest levels don’t believe in it, nothing changes. Ensure the values are carried out because that’s how the implementation works best. Indeed, today it is the employees who shape the company culture. As an employer, try to ensure that the critical people in your organization recognize themselves and feel at home in your organizational culture.
Set a good example
‘Lead by example is the message: you start yourself and show how you expect all employees to apply the new values. The communication of the values is also essential: internally to the team and externally on your website, in a vacancy, etc. Living your core values is necessary. Otherwise, you will lose your credibility. Just think of a bank where ethics is of paramount importance but which subsequently comes up with scandals in the press.
About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.