When forming a start-up, it is important to create a thoughtful financing concept in the early stages. Depending on the type of company, the self-employed entrepreneur must consider some key factors. Is it necessary to purchase new equipment? When it comes to company vehicles, which is better: leased or financed? How much money should be invested in marketing strategies? When are the first revenues expected? The only way to minimize the risks involved with setting costs is to start low. In this article, we mention a few aspects that you may consider to ensure your start-up success.
The financing concept: How much capital is needed?
Before forming a company, it is essential to become aware of how high the financing sum must be. In many cases, founders underestimate the actual costs of running a business and set the bar too low. This mistake can be detrimental to your start-up, as well as your personal finances. Rarely are founders able to generate enough income in the first few months to support themselves. It usually takes at least 6 months before a company starts earning profits. It is not hard to understand why most start-ups fail within the first three years. In most cases, not having sufficient capital is the culprit. Below are a few ways to self-finance your startup:
Bank loans
Your own bank is often the first port of call when it comes to financing self-employment. The on-site advisor can provide information about the maximum loan amount available, the interest rates, and what repayment looks like for the borrower. Often, self-employed people, who do not have a regular income, cannot avoid depositing collateral. This is because not having a steady source of income poses a higher risk of default for banks.
Startup grant
The start-up funding is, for many, the root of self-employment. A start-up grant is designed to end unemployment and enable people to start a new career. In order to receive this grant, the application must be submitted to the Employment Agency before taking up self-employment. The person receiving the loan does not only need to have a start-up plan but must also provide proof of their qualifications. In short, the clerk must be fully persuaded of the start-up idea in order to grant a license. Because the start-up grant will not be awarded to just anyone, the employment office decides on a case-by-case basis. Just because a person allegedly meets all the criteria does not guarantee that the government support will be paid back. Although the start-up grant can be a lifeline to a fledgling business, it is a luxury that is not always attainable.
Finance with the crowd
Crowdfunding/lending is a form of financing in which many investors, aka “the crowd,” take part in funding a business. This allows for the risks involved in any start-up venture to be spread across many shoulders, instead of just a core investor. This funding principle is as simple as it is ingenious: if everyone contributes a small part, big funding will be obtained. This method is typically presented via the internet. The founder presents their start-up idea, explains the required amount of funding needed, and outlines the time frame that they must obtain the funding. If an investor is impressed by the idea, they can contribute financially to the project. However, this does not mean that the investor is actively integrated into the business. The crowdfunding is divided into four different models:
- In classical crowdfunding, the investor receives consideration in the form of a present. In most cases, this is the product created with the money.
- In crowd investing, the lender acts as a micro-investor and is financially involved in the project.
- Crowdfunding by donation is typically relevant in non-profit organizations. The lender receives no consideration for his financial commitment. Some companies create a thank you certificate or send a small thank-you gift.
- Crowdlending is an alternative to a traditional bank loan. The founder receives a loan from the crowd, with a fixed term and an agreed interest.
Investments of Start-up angels and venture capitalists
In this form of funding, the founder specifically looks for one or more investors to fund his start-up idea. Private persons with capital and an understanding of how start-ups function have more knowledge to fund and additionally offer support to the start-up with their skills. Being self-employed is ideal not only from a financial standpoint, but it also allows you to gain experience from relations with your investor. A common example for start-ups is the organization “Start-up Angels.” Through this platform, donors usually participate with, on average, $60,000. However, depending on the start-up model, this number may go into millions.
It is not possible to finance your start-up through subsidies alone. Grants and profile-raising loans are usually only part of the overall funding. One reason for this is that many grant programs fix the amount of the grant in relation to the amount of your own contribution. If you desire to create a start-up, you must prepare the project so carefully that you are ready to assume the risks on your own. When applying for a loan, if the lender is not convinced of the start-up concept, it will be almost impossible to persuade a government agency to finance it.