Do you have difficulty developing ideas for your social media, and this month’s content planning echoes even? Then, gather a couple of colleagues and test the following tips, and you will soon be starting with excellent brainstorming and new ideas for the flow!
Dig Where You Stand!
When trying to get inspiration and find ideas that work well or badly for your target group, it is always a good start to look at the content you have already published. What has worked well? What made that content work? Is it possible to redo that content or spin on it and post it again?
When you look at your content, you can see what has not received as good a response from your followers and avoid creating similar material again.
Keep an Eye on The Competitors
Scrolling through competitors’ feeds usually starts the discussion about what you can do that they do not or what you can do better than them! To get inspiration and, at the same time, stick to the right target group, you can check out what your competitors publish. Have they produced exciting ideas lately that you can be inspired by?
Seasonal News
Is there a holiday approaching? Mother’s Day? Soon autumn vacation? The cinnamon bun’s day? In social media, it’s a holiday every day! So, what seasonal content fits your social channels this month?
How can your followers use your products with the season or the holiday? Or how do you celebrate in the office? There is ALWAYS something to pick up, so let the inspiration flow!
Gather Inspiration in a Heap!
Inspiration and creative flow come and go for everyone. It is just as good to be aware of it to work preventively before such periods.
When you are in a natural flow – write down ideas and save inspirational photos or good posts from competitors. Then, keep everything in a folder you can open and be inspired by when the flow in social media risks echoing blank.
Dare to Ask the Experts
Those who will undoubtedly know what would work on your social media are your customers and followers. Dare to ask them what they want to see more of or know about your business and products. It could not be more accessible, and you will also get high engagement numbers on the post.
Stay Tuned for The News
By keeping up to date on the latest news, both in your industry and society at large, you can find entrances to new material. What is relevant for your followers now, and how can you connect your product or business? How did the latest change in the law affect your business? Have errors been discovered in the competitor’s products that may require you to highlight specific information about your product?
Run Inspiration Intervals
Sometimes spontaneous advice is the best, and sometimes not. But to know, we must have ideas, and it can be challenging to get the creativity going. This exercise can help!
Write a theme so that everyone in the group sees it. Set the timer to 3-5 minutes and let everyone in the group write down all the spontaneous associations, ideas, angles, and words that come to mind.
Run a couple of laps on different themes and then review the material together. There are certainly lots of grains of gold for ideas to work on!
Allow all Ideas
Make sure you have a permissive climate of ideas during your brainstorming! No ideas are wrong before you have thought and given them a chance. However, for everyone to dare to contribute and say what they think and feel, it is essential not to see someone else’s idea directly.
Start by just brainstorming ideas. Then, help each other develop ideas further. In this way, you get good content for your social media and a good work environment where everyone dares to speak! A little balling within the group can turn even a lousy vision into something good.
We hope you start brainstorming and get many ideas for your social media. If it still feels daunting, you can contact us, and we will help you with a workshop or ideas from our point of view!