When someone establishes themselves as a freelancer, many newbies often think that serving an extensive range of clients is better for their business because they will get more clients when trying to fit a group of older people.
In practice, just the opposite happens: specializing is a good thing for your business, and we will see three fundamental reasons explaining why this specialization is positive.
Specializing Will Make You More Visible
You are first; being specialized offers you greater visibility on Google. If you think of searches, a generic term such as “developer” will have exceedingly high competition, so if you try to position yourself on the first page of results for this term, it is likely to be quite challenging to achieve and even more in a short time.
Relevance is Critical in Google
The idea would be to specialize the search a bit, and all programmers know that there are many programming languages. Instead of writing a page saying that you are a “developer,” you would do well to say that you are a “PHP developer.”
But even so, this keyword formed by two words is likely too competitive, which would have to go a step further in specialization and specify what type of framework or development platform you specialize in. In this case, we can have “PHP developer in WordPress,” “PHP developer in Joomla,” or in many other platforms/ languages that may exist.
When you describe your main competencies in your blog or on your website, it is essential that, at least for the main competencies you want to highlight, you create a specific page about this competition to allow you to position yourself well in Google for this term. In the case of the Joomla platform, you could have a page to:
- Plugin Development for Joomla
- Component Development for Joomla
- Module Development for Joomla
- Advanced layout for Joomla templates
- Use popular terms in your community!
Another exciting thing, if we take the example of a PHP developer in the WordPress community, is to identify the most popular or most used plugins or themes (which will surely be free) and try to position oneself for terms like «plugin customization X »Or customization of theme Y » because in this way, what you are going to attract are people who have an interest already identified. If you attend these visits by offering a solution to their problems, the play will likely go well:
- SEO WordPress configuration and adaptation
- Buddy Press installation and configuration
- Configuration and transformation of the theme Canvas
In general, this concept that I just reviewed is called the concept of the long tail (or Long Tail) and tells us that the most generic terms tend to have too much competition even if their popularity is significant (searches/month) and that is more intelligent if you want short-term results, try to attack many more specific terms, formed by 3 or 4 words that give you a search level/month much lower than the generic terms, but that will have a lower level of competence than yes it will allow you to position yourself very quickly on the first page of Google and this is what we want.
Friends Do Not Know How to Recommend You
The second point is that your level of recommendation is low if you do not specialize. I work on the internet, and a few weeks ago, a neighbor told me, «Hey Franck, how you work on the internet, and you are a computer scientist (I took it for granted) if you can go home that I have a problem with my PC, it has a virus.
What happens is that I am not a computer technician, so my ability to help with these issues does not exceed that of an advanced user. Mine is digital marketing. Little must do.
People should be noticeably clear about what you are doing as a freelancer because, in this way, they can better explain to their network of contacts what you are doing and how you can help.
Suppose your mother does not understand very well what you are doing. In that case, you have a problem because these word-of-mouth recommendations are so necessary for freelancers, which also usually bring such good results that they will escape you.