Given the latest changes affecting the benefits we can receive according to quotes as autonomous, we have prepared this summary with all the relevant information about them.
One of the requirements to enjoy these benefits is to be up to date in the payment of fees. If this is not the case, an invitation to a payment mechanism grants an extraordinary and non-extendable period of 30 days to correct the situation.
Healthcare Benefit
As a self-employed person, you have the right to the same benefits and conditions as any employed persons (attached to the General Social Security Scheme), that is, “… the medical and pharmaceutical services necessary to preserve or restore the health of their beneficiaries, as well as their fitness for work … “. It covers health care in cases of maternity, common or professional illness, and accidents, whether they are working.
Whatever you’re Autonomous Community you have covered: primary care, specialized care, urgent care, pharmaceutical benefits, orthoprosthetic benefits, dietary products, medical transport, health information, and documentation services, and occupational accidents and diseases.
It also includes the complimentary services necessary to complete medical and pharmaceutical benefits, especially the physical rehabilitation necessary to achieve the total professional recovery of workers.
Maternity Benefit
In general, you have the same conditions as the workers of the general regime, although with some peculiarities.
Generally, you have the right to leave due to rest in situations of maternity, adoption, foster care, or guardianship of a family member, provided that the fulfillment of the requisites that are being affiliated and enrolled or in a situation assimilated to the discharge is accredited, to be current in the payment of self-employed fees and having a minimum contribution period that varies according to age.
- None in the case of children under 21 years the date of delivery or the date of the administrative or judicial resolution by the foster care or adoption constitutes.
- In young people between 21 and 26 years old on the date of delivery, 90 days in the seven years immediately before the start of the break or 180 days quoted throughout their working life.
- In those over 26 years of age on the date of delivery, 180 days in the seven years immediately before the start of the break, or 360 days quoted throughout their working life.
Paternity Benefit
Autonomous workers are also entitled to paternity benefits under the same conditions as workers in the general scheme, granted in the same cases as maternity.
The requirements are to be affiliated and registered or in a situation assimilated to registration, be up to date with the payment of self-employed fees and have a minimum contribution period of 180 days within the immediately preceding seven years or 360 years covered of working life.
The benefit duration will be 13 uninterrupted calendar days, expandable by two more days for each child from the second and 20 days in the case of large families. The economic benefit to be received will also be 100% of the regulatory base.
Some of the particularities that apply in the case of maternity leave for self-employed workers will be applicable: obligation to submit within 15 days from the birth of the statement of activity status, the possibility of opting for Part-time paternity leave with a 50% subsidy, and activity reduction and complementarity with the cessation of activity benefit, which can be interrupted and resumed.
Benefit for Risk during Pregnancy
This economic benefit is derived from professional contingencies, offers coverage to those pregnant freelancers who have been interrupted in their professional activity due to the risk of having a negative influence on their health or that of the fetus, and who have the corresponding certified report from the Public Service of health.
Temporary Disability Benefit
Temporary disability is the situation caused by a standard or occupational disease or an accident that prevents the creation and requires healthcare, whether work or not.
You can attribute the right to a subsidy to alleviate your lack of income while receiving Social Security health care and continuing to be prevented from working for a maximum period of 12 months, extendable for another 6 when it is assumed that during them the worker can be discharged by cure.