On average, today’s mortgage debt is a little over $200,000, which is 10% higher than during the housing market crash. For an investor, it can become challenging to decide between investing and paying the mortgage.
What is a Mortgage?
An individual buying a house after October 2015 will find in the documents a TIP (Total Interest Percentage), which tells them the amount that is required to be paid, which includes interest along with the original loan amount. Before October 2015, the term mortgage was known as a finance charge.
At the rate of 5% APR (Annual Percentage Rate), the $200,000 TIP loan gets more than 90%, which means that an additional $180,000 is required to be paid over the next 30 years on the loan.
For example, a person whose funds are short of the $200,000 needed to pay the mortgage will be required to pay additional amounts. The additional amount will be the conventional way of paying $100 per month, which equals about $3 every single day. A loan over the 30-year plan will be cut short by paying $100 per month for 5 years, which will result in a saving of $37,000 in interest.
The question becomes: Is it really possible to save $37,000 on interest in a 30-year plan with a contribution of $100 per month? According to past records, the answer is yes.
What is Investing?
An investment can be risky as well as rewarding. The simplest way to make the investment most efficient is by using the diversified index. The Index investment is not a new concept. Instead, it could be seen being used before the start of the 1970s when Vanguard provided a fund like other S&P 500 (a portion of the stock market made up of 500 of the largest companies). At present, there are a lot of alternatives that can track the S&P 500. The well-trusted investment alternative is the SPY stock, which is a low-expense exchange-traded fund.
A good thing about index investing is that it is easy and can do better than well-maintained mutual funds.
The history of S&P’s performance can be checked to know how it performed earlier and how it can help in the future. Simple stocks or actively managed indexes might not be able to provide many past records.
From past records, the S&P has been able to give off a 10% return with 3% from inflation and 7% real return.
The rate of return is proportional to the time frame, which can be understood by reviewing past records. The S&P values fell dramatically in 1928 and then rose again in 1982; it took about 54 years to reach the same level. After a couple of years, the S&P showed a histrionic rise with few falls along the way.
It is impossible to be sure about what will happen to the S&P index after a thirty-year time frame. However, past studies have shown that there will be a rise in the investment, giving a 10% return to individuals who did not sell it at an initial fall in the prices of the S&P.
The Benefit of Paying the Mortgage
A person looking toward retirement or looking forward to increasing the household income can be free of the mortgage soon. Moreover, there will be fewer things to worry about as people are looking to retire; it is a relief not to need part-time jobs to pay the mortgage and to have additional time on hand.
The Benefit of Investing
The most basic advantage of investing money instead of paying off a mortgage is that a person is buying a liquid asset, which can eradicate the mortgage interest payment. There is no surety that the money will grow but the chances of earning on investment, according to past events, is very high. However, it is hard for short-term investments to get impressive returns as it is hard for the market to adjust so rapidly.
Using the data of the thirty-year’ time span of the S&P 500 shows that by putting $100 every month, an individual is able to create a portfolio of $160,000 after 30 years.