Conflicts tend to escalate quickly and can reach the point of no return. Personal bias and behavioral differences can soon turn any disagreement into a major dispute. If actions are not effectively taken, these disputes can result in workplace chaos and cause significant damage to the company’s reputation. Each company has its own set of compliance policies and regulations. Conflicts can be managed and addressed effectively if planned strategies are implemented. A lot of companies have a set of rules that permit and prohibit certain actions. A stepwise strategic procedure can be implemented to resolve disputes and to ensure that the employees feel safe and protected. If you ever get into the position of resolving workplace conflict, then implementing the following steps can be helpful:
Early Intervention
Companies should train both their Human Resources Department (HR) and their supervisors and employees to tackle disputes at the ground level. By doing so, the risk of major disputes arising is minimized. Early intervention can prevent small disagreements from turning into major conflicts. Early intervention determines the scope of the issue and provides room for dialogue and resolution. Everyday problems that arise at a workplace may not require formal intervention and are often a result of misconception, misinterpretation, or false assumptions. Such disagreements can be easily addressed if more companies help their employees with problem-solving skills. Dismissing or ignoring a misconception allows it to turn into a conflict; therefore, it is best to give room for discussion to even out any issues.
Informal Negotiation
If the problem cannot be addressed through early intervention, then informal negotiation can help. This allows those in dispute to address their problems with each other discreetly. By giving the people in dispute time and privacy to resolve the issue, tempers can be calmed, and a more agreeable outcome can be achieved. Those involved in the dispute should share and discuss all the vital information required to reach a clear and agreed decision. This helps in clarifying misunderstandings and promotes bonding between employees. This process can take a bit more time than early intervention but is worth the effort if it can resolve the dispute.
Informal Mediation
If informal negotiation fails to give a solid conclusion, then informal meditation should take place. Informal mediation requires an HR professional to have a word with both parties involved in the dispute. The professional works as a mediator and points out every possible and plausible solution. The basic concept is to use the expertise and resources of a third person to work with both parties in resolving the issue at hand. Through informal mediation, the people in dispute are often aware of their personal biases. This allows them to think more rationally and logically and without emotion. The end of the meeting will be the time to determine an achievable outcome. In certain cases, the company’s policy dictates the outcomes. This helps the people in dispute know that their problems have been resolved, and they can return to work as usual.
Formal Complaint
When all the rest of the steps fail to resolve the conflict, a formal complaint is the last resort. A formal complaint addressed to HR is registered and documented to investigate the source of the problem. Once identified, the problem can be resolved in several ways, keeping the company’s policy and legislation in mind. Formal complaints can be lodged and registered depending on the availability of the authority. The investigation of the formal complaint can lead to a repositioning of roles, further training, job revisions, and even termination. The outcome of the investigation lies solely in the severity of the complaint lodged and company policies. Once the complaint has been investigated, it lies in the hands of authorities to determine how to ensure a healthy working environment.
Resolving a workplace conflict can at times be difficult and time-consuming, but with clear leadership and strategic planning, it can be done effectively.