The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped global society in many ways. From reduced restaurant dining to near-no theaters and cinemas, entertainment quite literally has evolved for all. So have other industries. One of the major paradigm shifts that the COVID-19 pandemic caused was the work environment. Millions of companies shut down and had to implement remote work on short notice, increasing the need for more robust and secure network connectivity.
While companies worldwide are gradually opening, many adopt the hybrid work culture, which allows employees to spend a part of their working week working remotely. There still are countries where strict work-from-home protocols are in place in the wake of the coronavirus variant spreading havoc.
While the remote working model has made life easier for both employers and employees, it has also presented us with its fair share of concerns. The topmost concern is cyber security. With the increased dependence on the internet, companies’ crucial data is also prone to hacking and data leakage. Last year alone, approximately $4.2 million was lost by businesses due to data breaches.
If you are among those worried about the potential threats of the remote working model, worry no more. Here’s a thorough guide on how to stay secure while embracing work from home.

Get a Strong Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Before you give your employees access to work from home, get a solid VPN to secure their remote connections. Opt for a VPN with a layer two tunneling protocol, and ensure your employees update their passwords frequently.
Make Sure Your Employees Have Updated Hardware
Obsolete systems like Windows 7 and earlier versions no longer need security updates. Your employees working remotely must have the most updated hardware. In addition to being up-to-date, ensure the devices are protected biometrically, and your employees use super-strong passwords and 2-factor verification wherever possible. Install and update anti-virus programs frequently.
Ensure You Connect on a Secure Network
If you don’t have a VPN, connect to your workplace through a secure network. Do not use public networks at any cost. If you link from your Wi-Fi, secure the WLAN and ensure your neighbors cannot see it.
Use The CRM for Data Management
Do not share data analysis or lead reports in an Excel sheet. Use a professional CRM tool for all such data transfers. Professional CRM tools not only restrict unreported access to company data by your employees but also minimize the risk of losing potential leads. If you don’t have a proper CRM, now is the time to get one and automate your data protection.
Opt For Cloud-Based Solutions
It would be best if you opted for cloud-based solutions. Get your employees to download project management apps or use Google Docs or Google Sheets to share the data with your team members. Cloud-based solutions are very effective if you don’t want to hand over your data to any employee. They not only keep your data secure but also allow access to it at all times, are very flexible, and offer threat prevention and threat mitigation.
Set Strong & Unique Passwords
Strong and unique passwords are complicated and almost impossible to crack, so your employees must use them for Wi-Fi connections, remote connections, and user accounts. It is also vital that your employees frequently change their passwords to avoid data theft. You could use a single sign-up option for all your devices or one of the many password management tools to keep all your passwords in one place.
Develop a Bilaterally Encrypted Remote Work Solution
Buy one, or get your IT and software guys to develop an encrypted, remote work solution. Ensure that your employees can only access official documents through that system, and it doesn’t allow data transfer at all, thus keeping all your data safe.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our work, with remote work becoming the new norm for many industries. At the same time, this shift offers flexibility and convenience but raises significant cybersecurity concerns. To mitigate these risks, companies must invest in robust security measures such as VPNs, updated hardware, secure networks, CRM systems for data management, cloud-based solutions, strong passwords, and encrypted remote work solutions. By prioritizing cybersecurity, businesses can ensure the safety of their sensitive data and maintain operational efficiency in the remote work environment amidst evolving global challenges.