Even if they are all related to the purchase of products, they are not all recorded in the same account. The goods purchase account should be well-documented because it is crucial in your revenue statement. You are the one who decides on your profit margin.
An overview of the accounting rules to be aware of and use to complete a perfect entry and achieve top accounting!
Which account should I use for posting goods?
Account 607 is the goods purchase account.
It is a part of class 6 in the chart of accounts, which is the category of purchases. It varies from the 601 stored purchases-raw materials, which are dedicated to activities in which a transformation occurs before the final product is offered to the user.
Account 607 is linked to account 6073, which represents a change in the stock of products. The latter makes only two accounting entries per year: the closing stock at the end of the financial year and the initial stock at the start of the financial year.
Of course, if you create an intermediate situation throughout the accounting year, you must report the ending stock on the date the case is made.
What should be recorded in the purchase of goods account?
Only commodity purchases should go into the commodities buy account. Put another way, your purchase invoice must be analyzed so that the accounting records accurately reflect reality.
What is the accounting consideration for the purchase of goods?
You will pass a consideration to balance your accounting record in the purchasing diary. It is the account for 401 Suppliers. It is strongly encouraged to divide the 401 accounts into 401001, 401002, etc., to have a supplier account dedicated to each of your suppliers. Alphanumeric subdivision is possible in some accounting applications.
As a result, you’ll have supplier accounts with account numbers beginning with 401SUPpliED.
Even if you pay your bill fully, the payment for items must proceed through a vendor account. This account solely contains the invoice’s total value, including VAT. It will then be settled by the cash account you used to make the payment (530000 cash or 512000 banks).
Why is entering merchandise purchases important?
The purchase of goods, like all other class 6 accounts, is one of the income statement’s parts.
This accounting document will provide you with precise and essential information about the health of your firm for year N at the end of the financial year in cost accounting. Improper account usage (e.g., an erroneous allocation) might result in inaccurate accounting data.
The cost of products is deducted from your net sales for the year, or your turnover, to determine your commercial margin. This commercial margin provides numerous important indicators and allows you to choose if you have successfully bargained with your suppliers or if your margin is adequate. It will enable you to make essential changes for the coming year.
In the same way, the 401-supplier account will increase your balance sheet debts.
It will then be time to check your suppliers’ payment terms and modify your customers’ receipts for the new fiscal year. You’ll gather crucial data for controlling your cash flow once more here.
As you can see, keeping track of item purchases is a serious undertaking. The company’s good management conducts an analysis. It has a significant impact on the income statement and the tax return, which provides a wealth of accounting data. Therefore it’s critical to keep track of all of your purchase invoices.
How do we adapt the recording of several different products?
If you sell various products in the same store, you’ll want to know which ones work, which ones cost money, and which ones don’t bring in any revenue but should be kept as a loss leader.
As a result, a “bulk” posting on a single 607 account will not give you the in-depth insight you require.
The PCG (General Chart of Accounts) allows you to create subdivisions to track each product you’re interested in. As a result, in accounting, you have the authority to construct a 607001, 607002, and so on.