It is one of the keys to correctly managing the appointment schedule: we must filter to obtain the best candidates and teach them the appropriate properties. Making an appointment that we know in advance does not fit the property means wasting both the agent and the client.
On more than one occasion, either by courtesy (for not appearing discriminatory when deciding whether a flat is suitable for someone or not) or for misinformation (not knowing who is scheduled to see a property), we fill the visit schedule with no more filters than those who have requested to see the house.
While we can never know for sure what property is perfect in all terms (economic, functional, etc.) for those who request an appointment, there are situations in which it is evident that it is not within reach or inadequate. In these cases, we must politely dismiss it and propose alternatives that do not cause rejection.
Sort by Sales Probabilities
Managing appointments is not the same as making appointments. The rush leads us to fill the schedule at all costs and reasonable intervals, giving time as they become interested in the property.
While this is common, whenever we can, we should order and give preference to those appointments for which we have helpful information that indicates a high interest or probability of being able to keep the property.
If we take care of these interested parties early, we may close the deal now and not waste time on the rest, to whom we can quietly offer other alternatives that may fit them.
Plan the Visit
How do you distinguish an agent committed to making a sale from someone who performs their work routinely? The best way to find out is in the way he raises visits.
A committed agent will not condense the visit to the fullest so that it will take 15-30 minutes to teach it but will show it in full by standing in detail where the visitor can make the most impression.
Planning also applies to the “linear” method of starting to teach since entering through the door. If the first thing we teach is a tiny toilet, it won’t look at all. However, despite being next to the entrance, we leave it for the end after witnessing a complete and spectacular bathroom in the bedroom area. It will appreciate that bathroom’s functional and auxiliary nature that wouldn’t have caught our attention initially.
Send Information in Advance
It is also an excellent way to make that filter that we referred to in the first of the tips: if before arranging a visit, or before it occurs, we ensure that all relevant property information is in the hands of the visitor, we will avoid surprises as you realize upload a third without elevator that is not what you want “for the rest of your life.”
Therefore, how we organize the visit as the source from which it comes is the tab on the real estate portals. These files must not be confusing and have interactive resources beyond the classic advertising text and several images.
Try New Methods From The Agency
And if, instead of motivating visits, we try not to make them happen, It is not about self-boycotting and refusing to arrange them but finding a way that they are not necessary or simply complementary (to verify that the property they are interested in is really what they want).
This is possible thanks to new methodologies such as virtual housing tours for real estate agents: a novel way to show properties from a distance and with detail, from where you want and time and as many times as necessary.
Thus, you can provide an exciting tour of the properties in 360 degrees so that they only request an appointment to visit them if they fall within their interests and can keep the house. We even see several interested parties through videoconferencing to resolve doubts as if we were inside the property.