The pandemic has upended the conventional way we work. Even though remote work was not a new concept, the pandemic fortified the importance of confining everyone to their home. Where the businesses benefitted from increased productivity, the global workforce faced balancing personal and professional lives.
The social distancing and widespread lockdown impacted the global economy; the home-boundness increased the emotional and psychological challenges. With employees struggling to manage responsibilities, the overwhelming change in work style led to depression, anxiety, and burnout.
Before the pandemic, working from home excites job applicants—no commute, comfort of home, and no need to follow a strict office schedule. However, amid the realities of the pandemic, remote work became a terrible idea for most of the workforce.
The combination of fear of the virus and worries about family, financial, and job security exacerbated the mental health issues. The extension of social distancing, lockdown, business closures, and remote working not only adds to economic uncertainty but has also increased the toll on mental well-being.
Employees working at home are investing more hours in their jobs while dealing with the burden of maintaining a livelihood in unhealthy ways. The added psychological pressure could decrease employee engagement, reduce work satisfaction, and reduce work productivity and performance.
The Mental Well-Being Concerns
The last year they marked a healthcare dilemma, prevalent health danger, forced isolation, complex economic downturn, and record-breaking unemployment. The predominant uncertainty and limited ability to assess the risk led to increased reports of stress and anxiety. Social isolation is uncomfortable through and through, regardless of the circumstances.
Accredited to the cumulative nature of anxiety, the increased possibility of job loss, loss of a loved one, and danger to oneself serve as personal stressors. The deteriorating mental health damages the physical self, making you prone to the virus—another factor that worsens overall well-being.
About 4 in every 10 adults are reported to suffer from anxiety and mental disorder symptoms. Some typical troubles and negative impacts on mental health are difficulty sleeping, trouble eating, increased alcohol consumption, higher substance use, and worsening existing chronic conditions. The lower-income households are more susceptible to mental illnesses that come with the fear of job loss and potential income loss, leading to an increased suicide rate.
Addressing the Persisting Concerns
Arranging weekly team meetings and interactive sessions to check each employee’s well-being helps establish more robust connections. Team building exercises help colleagues to stay connected even in the days of social isolation. Allowing the employees to go on vacation and providing leverage in casual leaves could help the employees take the allay of the developing stress. Offer leniency in working hours and avoid bounding the employees to work more than eight or nine hours even when the assigned job is completed.
Please provide them with childcare insurance and eldercare resources to show that you care about your employees. The employee assistance program could help those experiencing mental health issues with the required mental help.
The free counseling and therapy sessions help the stressed employee deal with personal relationships and professional concerns. Watch your employee’s behavior and evaluate the possible direct life threats. If the employee expresses any self-harm and suicidal ideas, conduct a one-to-one session to evaluate his condition better to perform the regular tasks.
The management and HR could handle the mental well-being of employees by organizing weekly webinars and virtual mental health conferences. These activities help the employees to combat mental issues. Promoting and practicing the collaborative approach in these times of isolation is crucial.
The organizations need to develop a psychological first aid set to observe and handle the employee’s mental state. The management must be more flexible and patient with employees going through such challenging times.
On the other hand, recovering from the all-pervading impacts of the pandemic will not be easy. Employers need to demonstrate empathy and compassion when it comes to decision-making. On the other hand, employees need to find the right balance in their professional and personal lives.
Pandemic or no pandemic, businesses can benefit from a more productive and engaged workforce if they understand the needs and concerns of their employees.