Like any other business effort, investing involves careful consideration, risk assessment, and appropriate planning before committing. There is no better method to achieve this than to read books.
The Best Books for New Investors
There are many better books for investors, but the best is Investing for Dummies. Investing for Dummies is a beginner’s guide to investing that highlights different investing types, risks, and returns. He will teach you everything about investing, the different types, the risks and rewards associated with them, the stock market, etc.
Intellectual Investor Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham wrote this classic novel in 1949. The book is still one of the most popular investment books since it teaches readers how to succeed. It’s still one of the top 12 books for investors.
Warren Buffett has called Graham, an economist and professor, “the second most significant person in his life behind his father.” The book remains a popular investment book and one of the must-read investment books. The classic book on value investing. Who is credited with inventing the strategy of value investing using fundamental analysis, whereby investors analyze stock data to find assets that have been systematically undervalued?
Learn to Earn: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business by Peter Lynch
The best book on choosing “growth” stocks is by the legendary Peter Lynch. After his evacuation from the Fidelity Magellan Fund, Peter Lynch wrote three books on investing. Each would be a best-seller. Learn To Gain, One Up on Wall Street, and Beating the Street are some of the finest business books. The qualitative criteria I use to evaluate companies are based on this book and the following books.
Common Stocks and Extraordinary Earnings – Philip Fisher
A book by another legendary investor with a unique stock-picking strategy focused on a company’s quality characteristics—books by Joel Griblatt – one of the world’s most successful and famous investors. The titles of the books are immodest but thoroughly deserved.
His saying about this book is, “When I started learning about value investing and Warren Buffett, the starting books I studied were The Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham.”
Although Graham’s writing gave invaluable advice on mitigating risk and finding hidden value in corporate balance sheets, other great thinkers assisted Buffett’s overall approach. Phil Fisher was one of those influencers. His book gives excellent guidance for investors to assess the potential value of a successful business. He teaches the viewer how to find growth chances in areas many overlook.
The Manual of Ideas: The Proven Framework for Finding the Best Value Investments – John Mihaljevic
The Manual of Ideas: The Proven Framework for Finding the Best Value Investments gives an overview of nine value investing techniques, including why each is likely to perform, the benefits and drawbacks of each, and how to identify specific investment opportunities for each. It’s a good book for individuals looking for a current review of value investing and more experienced value investors looking for a critical study of investing tactics and ideas on finding specific investment possibilities.
Martin Zweig Winning on Wall Street
Martin Zweig’s book is widely regarded as an investment classic. In the book’s first section, Zweig presents a fascinating and extensive account of his youth, high school, college, and early professional days. All these stories are about investing or, at the very least, indicate how his life experiences led to personal growth, which helped him succeed.
Most of the book is then devoted to extensive (but simple-to-understand) blueprints for his market timing model. To create a Total Indicator, his model combines his Monetary Indicators (Prime Rate, Fed Indicator, Installment Debt) with his Momentum Indicators (advance/decline line, up volume indicator, 4 percent indicator).