If you have been recently avoiding IRS notices regarding tax debt, you may want to think about taking numerous steps to resolve it. If not, your business, as well as your personal life, might become a lot more complicated and stressful. Nevertheless, the IRS has huge powers, for instance, to seize assets. Here are some of the steps that can be taken with your IRS tax debt:
Know Where You Stand
Carefully review all your IRS letters along with your tax returns. It should not come as a surprise that the agency might have made some mistakes. This means that you might ultimately reduce your debt. Even though it is usually a good idea to get support from a tax professional, these potential savings you gain might be more than the fees that you are going to pay.
Negotiate the Penalties
Tax penalties can spiral out of hand very quickly. This is the reason why you should act very swiftly when you deal with IRS debt. However, you might also be able to negotiate with your agency to lower and, sometimes, even eliminate the penalties if you show reasonable cause. Examples of this can include serious illness, difficult financial circumstances, and/or the destruction of your home or the business you are running. The IRS, furthermore, has a program that offers relief to those who have gotten in trouble with the agency for the very first time.
Payment Plan for Business Debt
After you know how much you owe, you can easily put together a working plan. One of the most common approaches is to set up an installment agreement. This arrangement might last for as long as six years (all payments should be made on a monthly basis with interest, or the penalties will continue to accrue). Remember, this kind of an agreement is going to put a stop to actions such as liens and levies. If you are indebted to $50,000 or less, then this process is most likely to be forthright. This can be done online; however, you are going to follow the IRS, for instance, having made the tax filings, deposits, and withholdings.
Reduce Business Expenses
You should always look at your operating costs. Figure out the expenses you might be able to deplete versus the services required for the daily operations of the business. For instance, are you going to pay for a subscription that you can make use of infrequently? Are there some professional memberships which you can suspend temporarily until you get the financial house back in order? Consult a professional accountant or use accounting software to predict the financial impact it would have on cutting costs.