Excessive Interest in Books About Increasing Motivation, Personal Growth, and Self-Improvement
Much such literature has been written, and it is pretty popular. You can glean helpful information from such books, but many readers think that just reading books will make them more confident, motivated, and purposeful. But after all, reading alone is worth nothing if you do not put everything you read into practice.
It is much more helpful to take the time to put into practice what you have learned and not read another book, “How to Become a Leader,” continuing to be a mediocre office worker in a not-very-successful company.
Striving to Implement all the Latest Techniques
A common mistake of people: “I am a modern person, so I must use all the most modern methods of professional growth.” Again, now you can find a large amount of literature on becoming a real professional and using your potential correctly. We are not saying that you should ignore such materials. You can find valuable and up-to-date information in them.
However, there is no need to put everything into practice at once. After all, many techniques are not universal, and for some people, they do not fit. Choose what suits and likes you, and follow a particular technology.
There is no need to exaggerate the value of someone else’s opinion. Remember that no matter what you do, where you are, and what people you communicate with, there will always and everywhere be people who will undertake to criticize you. Even if your idea is truly unique, there will be a person who will express his dissatisfaction or another negative in your direction. Listen to criticism and consider other people’s opinions, but always defend your point of view.
The opinion that “I am the smartest and I know how I need to act” is one of the same and most erroneous. Confidence in yourself and your actions is undoubtedly commendable. It is also beneficial to pay attention to the advice of more experienced people in your business and, even more so, professionals. And to pay attention and try as fully as possible to implement their recommendations in practice.
Dropping Hands After the First Failure
The phrase “every failure brings you one step closer to victory” is hackneyed and no longer original but authentic. Here you can recall many successful and now famous people in business. Not all of them got what they planned the first time. But they did not give up and tried until they reached the desired result. And only in this method do they become wealthy and successful people.
Throwing from Side to Side
If you have set yourself the job of making a career and becoming a true professional, you should treat this as the most critical goal in your life. You must understand that you may have too many other aspects of your life to succeed in your work.
It would be best to prioritize career growth, relegating entertainment, recreation, and hobbies to the background. Perhaps, you will have to reduce communication with loved ones slightly. Yes, it’s hard. But if you find the most optimal ratio of rest and work, when the first will not slow down the second, you will achieve your goal much faster.
Negative Aspects of Personality
It would help if you constantly struggle with your “demons.” everyone is not perfect and has qualities that prevent them from achieving their goals. It can be fear, envy, weakness, or inability to control negative emotions.
Any negative personality characteristics can play a cruel joke on your desire to move up the career ladder or create your own business.
Taking responsibility and being responsible for all your actions is a characteristic of a person who seeks to manage his life. If you continually shift the responsibility for your efforts to others – family, colleagues, partners, and the state – you will never be able to be the master of the situation.