The aid after the unemployment subsidy can be requested in the event that a worker is left without employment. We will explain what these help and subsidies for the unemployed consist of, as well as other options that exist if work is not found and these benefits have already been enjoyed. Reality leads us to have to look for useful information about the possibility of obtaining financial aid in order to have some income until we rejoin the labor market.
Unemployment benefit
When a person is unemployed due to dismissal or termination of the employment contract, they should know that they have the right to request unemployment. You must go to the Employment Office to find out the months you have quoted so far and thus process the application for the tax benefit or unemployment benefit.
It is necessary to know that there is both the tax benefit and the unemployment benefit that depend on the effective contribution for days worked. That is, the unemployed person must go to the Employment Office in order to request work life because currently there are two types of aid:
Tax benefit or “unemployment”
You can make the request for unemployment if you have a minimum of 360 days quoted from the cessation of work activity.
Unemployment benefit
It is an unemployment aid for situations in which the tax benefit has been exhausted or when the person has failed to contribute the necessary 360 days. Several types of subsidy differ according to personal and family situation:
- Familiar help
- Subsidy for over 45 years
- Benefit for insufficient contribution
- Help for people over 55
Aid when the unemployment benefit is exhausted
In most cases, unemployed people take a long time to find a new job so they become long-term unemployed. As it is quite common for unemployment benefits to end, the SEPE has planned to extend a series of aid for those who do not receive any type of income.
The so-called extraordinary aids are aimed at people who have exhausted the unemployment benefit and have a family burden. Recently, a state agreement was approved to extend this aid for long-term unemployed.
Types of extraordinary aid in force
There are currently 3 types of aid after the unemployment benefit:
- The Plan Prepare
- Active Insertion Income (RAI)
- The Extraordinary Employment Activation Program (PAE)
In case of exhausting the unemployment benefit, better known as “unemployment”, there are still options to not be suddenly in a situation of economic uncertainty. And well, given how important these types of resources are being for many citizens, I have considered it appropriate to see the matter in some more depth. Let’s take a look at the unemployment benefit, one of the subsistence keys for many families.
You have several options for unemployment benefits depending on your case, I’ll show you what the options that you can access are:
Family allowance
This unemployment benefit specifically covers those people who, having finished the unemployment benefit, are unemployed and have family charges . In addition to the general requirements shown in the next chapter, those interested in accessing this route must have children under 26 and / or economically dependent partners.
Unemployment benefit for people over 45
Are you over 45 and under 55 and you find that you have lost your job and are not entitled to unemployment benefits? It is not a very comfortable situation, but stay calm, because there are options; and one of them is the unemployment benefit for people over 45 years old. The requirements do not differ from the general ones with the exception of age.
Subsidy for over 55 years
If you have reached the age of 55 and you are unemployed and with an income below 75% of the SMI this is your option, because in addition to guaranteeing you a monthly help, the SEPE will contribute for you to the Social Security so that you can retire when the time comes Of course, you will have to be at least six years old. Is it your case?
Grant for Returned Immigrants
Have you been working outside America for more than a year? When you return, you may find that you have no right to unemployment, right? Well, if you don’t find work, don’t worry, because this subsidy will help you out.
Total disability improvement allowance
Had they declared you a total disability and have you improved to the point of being able to work? Well, congratulations! And calm down, that while you find a new access to the labor market you can collect this unemployment benefit. You will be asked for specific medical certificates, so check with the SEPE office.
Subsidy for prisoners released
If you have been in prison for at least six months and when you leave you find that you have neither work nor right to unemployment you will have to take a look at this subsidy, because it will allow you to receive financial assistance for half a year while you stabilize and access a job. Of course, in cases of convictions for terrorism, belonging to an armed gang or criminal organization there are special requirements. Is it your case? Check the details at the nearest SEPE office.
Farm income
Do you work as day laborers? Then you will have the possibility of accessing special income focused on promoting the welfare of the collective in autonomous communities. The amount to be paid will vary depending on the days worked and the family situation.
General requirements to apply for unemployment benefits
As you will understand, not everyone can access the subsidies mentioned in the previous section, so let’s see what the general requirements are:
- First of all you have to be unemployed. And it should be noted that this does not simply mean that you do not work, but that you are legally willing to collect subsidies. That is to say, that you cannot have resigned, because in that case you will lose the rights of which I speak to you in this post. Is that the case and would you like to recover them? You will have to get a new contract of at least three months duration (and not resign again, of course).
- On the other hand, to obtain an unemployment benefit, the interested party cannot be entitled to the general unemployment benefit; that is, to the contributory benefit or “unemployment”. If you find yourself in this situation you will have to resort first in this way, and then later, if it runs out, you will consider the subsidies.
- As expected you will have to be registered in the SEPE as job seekers, since it is considered that this type of subsidies are granted to the active population. Come on, to those who are looking for work and really need a cape.
Finally, there is a very important point: you cannot have incomes above 75% of the SMI per member of the family unit concerned.

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