In every organization, no matter small or large, there is a proper system of obtaining the required raw materials, producing the goods, and then delivering that manufactured product to the consumer. The more organized the system is, the more efficient it will be. The importance of a streamlined supply chain department might be overlooked in many organizations. However, the supply chain is indeed equally important when compared to other departments. Similarly, the sales process depends on the supply chain as it determines the quality of the finished goods and what is delivered to the end-user.
Neither is the supply chain simply a process of increasing cost reduction in the budget, nor just a mission to improve an organization’s operational efficiency. While these are factors, the modernized supply chain management system involves much more. For instance, it now invites you to align your strategies with the market and economic demands. Moreover, it provides the organization a benefit in competition with rivals in the market.
In the modern era, the field of commerce has also been entirely transformed thanks to digitalization. If we examine the production processes of twenty years ago, we see that it looks completely different. Every process was extremely strenuous, consumed precious time, required intensive labor, and was far too disorganized. Now the time taken to deliver a product has been drastically reduced from a month to two weeks, and even from weeks to a few hours. Fast communication systems are largely responsible for the growth of supply chain management.
Better Services for the Customer
We can currently observe that supply chain management holds immense significance in businesses and is necessary to satisfy customers. It has enough potential to improve customer service, decrease production costs, facilitate the company’s financial status, and much more.
- What a customer wants: Customer expectations are simply the best quality of the product, the quantity as asked, and the right time of delivery. For example, someone orders five different books from Amazon but only receives three books, two of which have the right title from the order. In contrast, the third one has the title, which was not even ordered, and the other two are missing. The customer is dissatisfied with Amazon leaving behind a negative review.
- Right location: An unsatisfactory situation also arises if the correct delivery location is not used.
- Support after selling the product: Customer support after a purchase is equally as important as the purchasing process. For example, customers can become annoyed with their appliance store if the furnace they bought from it stops working the problem is not fixed as soon as possible.
Cost Reduction
- Purchasing cost: The manufactured goods of high-cost production need to be sold immediately as not to remain in expensive inventories. This is one reason retailers rely on supply chains.
- Production cost: A company cannot delay production as a deal might cost tens to thousands of dollars. Here, the supply chain plays its role again by reliably delivering the materials to assembly plants to avoid cost-increasing delays.
- Supply chain cost: Retail suppliers and wholesale manufacturers utilize a supply chain management system for composing a network that is effective enough to achieve the organization’s customer service goals. It makes its position in the market much stronger.
Better Financial Position
- Supply chain management has immense value in businesses as it maintains a balance in expenditures.
- Supply chain management aids in reducing assets that are largely fixed, like transport. It considerably decreases the cost.
- Supply chain management also contributes to the betterment of cash flow and product transfer system.
What Does This Degree Offer?
If you apply for a master’s degree in this field in supply chain management, you will be able to understand everything on a fundamental level. It allows you to think from a global perspective, like how supply chain management has a significant role in businesses and the impact on any business’s performance. With the help of a supply chain management degree, you become capable of working in not just your own country but also in other countries as well. Graduating with a degree in supply chain management offers the ability to support companies to become competent in management and technical skills.