When you are stressed over your obligations and you are attempting to settle on the ideal approach to tackle your monetary issues, numerous individuals begin to think about whether they missed something as they experienced school. As grown-ups, we realize how to deal with our cash appropriately. Notwithstanding, either many individuals skirted that class, or possibly it was not advertised. Fortunately, you need not bother with a degree from an ivy-league college to assist you with taking care of monetary issues.
When was the last time you just utilized the money to pay for your buys? Charge and Visas help numerous individuals grow terrible cash propensities and the scarce difference between what they can bear to pay for and what they can manage the cost of installments on obscures. With money, it is anything but difficult to discern whether you can return to pay for something or not. Your first task is to take care of the entirety of your cards for, in any event, fourteen days. At the point when you must purchase something, you permit utilizing money. Following fourteen days, on the off chance that you have figured out how to do it, give yourself a passing evaluation.
Consider what you found out about your ways of managing money by just utilizing money. Was it simpler or harder to leave behind money than plastic? Did you purchase things you required, or was there enough cash to buy something you needed? What amount did you have left toward the end? A few examinations have discovered that individuals spend as much as 15% more per buy when they utilize plastic rather than money. Spending more on each acquisition includes throughout the long term, and if you need obligation arrangements that keep going forever, know about how you go through your cash.
The starting point is, precisely, what I mentioned at the end of the previous post: we must learn to take responsibility for our financial problems. We must stop looking for guilty parties to realize that they are almost always the result of our own decisions.
But even when we know that we often make the wrong decisions, changing and deciding better is not easy. We have trained habits; we are in a comfort zone from which it is difficult to leave. That is why we must look for ways that prevent us from making those bad decisions, which generate financial problems. In the beginning, the fewer decisions we make, the better we will be.
It is easier to illustrate it with some examples:
Instead of deciding to “spend less,” we cannot carry credit cards with us, leaving a small balance in our bank for any emergency or planned expenses. This way, we cannot make impulse purchases.
If we try to save a part of our income, let us schedule an automatic transfer to be executed every time we pay. Not all banks offer it, but there are automatic saving options in entities such as Bank of America.
So, instead of trying to make better decisions, try to make fewer decisions. Because in deciding, at least initially, it is most likely that we will return to old habits. It is about leaving our bad decisions – those that cause us financial problems – out of our reach.
Find the cause of your financial problems
Sometimes finding that cause is not easy and requires a lot of time for analysis and reflection. That is why we must seek professional help. Depending on the complexity of the problem, we may need psychological support.
Your values, objectives, and financial problems
Behind our financial problems, many times, there is something that we are missing or something that we want. Our behavior often covers those emotional lacks. Therefore, we must be noticeably clear about what we want. What matters most in life?
As I mentioned in this post, being faithful to our goal is perhaps the greatest lesson we can learn. And it may be the key to solving our financial problems. So, do not forget the values of your organization and excel indefinitely. The goal is to create a brand and a community, not just a list of clienteles.