Get the basics right
You can’t expect to earn money from your blog if you don’t have a readership. To entice people to read your content, you need to make sure that it’s easy for them to find and read what they want. It means making sure that:
Mobile-friendly. Readers will use their phones and tablets more than ever before, so your site’s design must be responsive.
Easy to navigate. You can create an intuitive navigation bar that makes sense whether someone has been visiting the site for months or only minutes and place it at the top of each page. If possible, give users the option of bookmarking pages they like so they can return later without guessing where they are about everything else on your website.
Use precise language, both verbally and visually, if using images. Words should be spelled correctly throughout all pages, including titles!
Become a thought leader
As a blogger, you are uniquely positioned to be a thought leader. You know your readers and their needs better than anyone else, which means you can help them in meaningful ways!
Becoming a thought leader will enable you to:
- Share your knowledge with others.
- Be a trusted source for your readers.
- Become an inspiration for your readers.
Make the most of your homepage
Your homepage is the most important page on your site, so it should be designed to meet your specific business objectives. Your homepage should be the first thing a visitor sees, and it’s essential that it effectively communicates your brand and value proposition.
Organize your site structure
Organize your site structure. A logical site structure makes it easy for visitors to navigate and find what they are looking for and helps maintain your blog.
Use a navigation menu that features the main sections of your website. It allows anyone visiting your blog to see where they can go on the website without having to scroll through pages to find what they want.
Keep each section as short as possible; don’t add unnecessary sub-sections just because you think they might be helpful in future posts.
Link back between posts within the same category so that people who have read one post can find related posts easily.
Make sure all links work! Avoid broken URLs by testing them regularly using W3C Markup Validation Service.
Develop a loyal fan base
Develop a Loyal Fan Base. One of the most important ways to increase your blog’s revenue is by creating loyal fans. A loyal fan base is made up of people who trust you, engage with your content, and often share it on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They are also likely to buy from you because they have developed an affinity for your brand or product.
To develop this following, create high-quality content that gives readers what they want while still being trustworthy and consistent. You can ask them for feedback, engage with their positive or negative comments, connect with them on other platforms such as Facebook or Twitter, and always respond quickly when someone reaches out via email.
Experiment with different types of content
Write about a variety of topics that your readers are interested in, and make sure you are adding value to their lives.
Use different formats to deliver your message: videos, infographics, webinars, and podcasts all contribute to the overall quality of a blog post and can help you create an engaging experience for your readers.
Experiment with different media types: images and graphics help illustrate points or break up what would otherwise be a long block quote from a text-based post; video is excellent for demonstrating processes or concepts that may be difficult to explain in words; audio recordings allow listeners to hear from experts on specific topics; transcripts allow them access if they don’t have time or resources available for watching or listening in person; illustrated blog posts can combine text with illustrations for maximum impact.
Pick topics that always sell branded products
Pick topics that are relevant to your brand and audience.
Moreover, choose trending and evergreen topics, newsworthy and relevant to your industry or niche.
Use an effective ad strategy to add value to your blog
There are several different ways to add value to your blog. One way is by maximizing your earning potential through an effective ad strategy. By using well-placed ads, you can drive traffic and increase revenue for your blog.
The first step in developing an effective ad strategy is to consider what kind of ads will work best for your audience, content, and brand. For example, if you write about home improvement projects involving many DIY skills like woodworking or tiling floors, then a good option would be placing an ad for tools like saws or hammers because they are relevant to this topic. Similarly, if you write more general articles related to cooking, then maybe a cookbook advertisement would make sense. Moreover, these books provide recipes and valuable tips for using them once prepared.