Many entrepreneurs confirm that finding financing is the most challenging step in starting a business. Generally, you can choose between public and private sector funding sources to help your business take off.
Financing of the Public Sector
The government is funding to help entrepreneurs like you start your own business. This funding is intended for specific demographic groups or industry sectors, while another domain is happening on a larger scale. Funding includes grants and contributions (which generally do not have to be repaid) and loans and loan guarantees (which, in most cases, must be paid).
Private Sector Financing
You can also turn to the private sector for financing for your business. You can look at critical financial institutions like banks, credit unions, and co-operatives. Also, depending on the type of business you want to start, it is possible to obtain venture capital or financing from angel investors. Below are resources to help you get started.
Private financing
The private sector offers various financing types, including debt and equity.
Sources of private sector funding
Learn more about debt and equity financing from the private sector to meet your business needs.
Deal with the banker and other lenders
Find out what bankers look for in a loan application and get private-sector financing for your business.
Choose and Arrange a Location
Are you looking to position and develop your business when the time comes? Check out these resources and assess your options.
ZOOM greater Montreal
Thanks to this tool, you can consult the offers of land and industrial and commercial buildings for sale or rent in the Montreal region.
Rent a commercial space
It allows you to take note of the key elements to examine before renting a retail space.
Arrange your home office
For those who work from home, it is essential to have a functional office space. You must ensure your home office is adequate and meets your needs.
Home business
Examine the issues to ensure that working from home suits your personal and professional needs.
Determine Permit and License Requirements
You may need to obtain specific licenses and permits from the federal, provincial, or municipal government. The permission will depend on your location, your sector, and the nature of the activities you plan to undertake.
Hire, Manage, and Train Employees
Learn about recruiting, hiring, and managing employee relationships, and learn about your ongoing responsibilities regarding, among other things, payroll, pension, taxes, compensation, health, and security.
Hire Employees
Recruit a sales manager
This guide offers a simple process to follow and includes examples to help you choose the best possible candidate.
Recruit employees
This guide provides information on jobs, wages, prospects, regulations, functions, required skills, education, and training.
Recruit in four stages
This guide informs you about your rights and obligations regarding recruitment and offers tools and resources to guide you on your journey.
Recruit and manage sales staff
This link allows you to find sellers to understand the need for the job interview. She explains how to write a payment structure to promote high sales.
This guide offers a solution. A teleworker, an employee who works outside your office, could be an excellent option for you.
Integration fund for people with disabilities
Funding is available to a disabled person who is considering going into business or wanting to hire a disabled person.
Training Your Employees
There are many types of training for employees. Your needs, workplace, and preferences will determine the training you choose. Improving basic skills can be a success in your workplace. Employee training under professional guidance will always help you achieve your business needs, whether in language skills or learning.
According to one of the effective surveys, 31% of CFOs reveal that their companies decided to enhance investment in employee training this year. It is pretty easy to understand the logic behind this considerable expense. The reason is to train the employees with solid technical skills, letting them work more efficiently. As a result, workers work with full attention and strive hard to commit minimum mistakes. Also, they learn some soft expertise such as written and oral communication, leadership, and collaboration. These traits are pretty vital for team success. Hence, companies get more ROI with excellent feedback from clients than before.