As social ties in society become more complex, among the reasons for a person’s need for social assistance from the state are added due to the nature of the economic forces that dominate society. Relations generate unemployment, inflation, poverty, and the maintenance of the elderly and disabled orphans, conducted within the family for a long time. In the villages and community, with the development of feudalism in Russia, it was supplemented by the provision of social assistance in kind, as well as by placing those in need in almshouses, invalids, and orphanages maintained at the expense of charity and donations, including under the supervision and care of the clergy.
- Social Security is going broke
- The retirement age is sixty
- The annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is guaranteed
- The opposition party members do not pay into Social Security
- The state aids Social Security to pay for other programs
- Undocumented immigrants drain Social Security
- It is like a retirement savings account
- You do not pay taxes on Social Security benefits
- An ex-spouse’s benefits come out of your own
- You lose benefits permanently if you keep working
One of the Direct Payments project’s main goals is to ensure timely benefits transfer. As we have already noted, delays are often caused by the employer’s financial and other problems. With a direct payment model, this risk factor is eliminated. At the same time, errors are possible due to the human element during the transition period – from the credit scheme to the new model. The employer must create registers of employees eligible for benefits transfer and other necessary data to the IRS. With a credit scheme, businesses must initially use their funds to pay for maternity benefits and sick leave. This money needs to be diverted from operational and economic activities, which can be unfavorable from a financial point of view.
It established the functioning of the state’s social security system in the USSR and citizens’ rights to material security in old age, illness, and disability (Article 120) in the years following the passage of the USSR Constitution in 1936. In the same year, moms with several children were given monthly allowances (at the birth of the seventh and each subsequent child).
Benefits of Social Security
The following types of benefits are paid at the expense of state social insurance funds:
- Temporary disability allowance
- Maternity allowance
- A one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the initial stages of pregnancy
- Lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child
- Allowance for the adoption of a child
- Monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years
- Social allowance for burial or reimbursement of the cost of a guaranteed list of funeral services
- Payment of additional days off for the care of children – disabled and disabled from childhood until they reach the age of 18 years
The Right to Benefits for Temporary Disability, Pregnancy, and Childbirth
Benefits for temporary disability pregnancy and childbirth are assigned and paid to citizens subject to state social insurance, i.e., working under an employment contract. The benefit for pregnancy and birth is also paid to women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within twelve months preceding the day it recognized them as unemployed in the prescribed manner. Benefits are paid at the principal place of work or by the social protection authorities. The benefit is assigned if you follow the application no later than six months from the date of restoration of working capacity or the establishment of disability, the end of maternity leave. At the same time, temporary disability benefits for the past time are issued no more than 12 months from the date of application for benefits.