The service industry has seen rapid growth in the past few years. Especially after the massive 2008 Economic crisis, service organizations have helped restore the world economy and flourish. There has been a massive redesign in how companies lead generation processes. They have had to re-evaluate everything that previously worked to rev up outbound marketing. Lead generation processes have changed radically in modern times, which has brought up new misconceptions about lead generation services that did not previously exceed. And these myths need to be debunked before we can realize the full potential of lead generation services. We must break these myths to increase our sales and production to get the most value for every dollar we invest in lead generation.
If you wish to know what some ways are to debunk the myths around lead generation, do not stop reading just yet; please, continue scrolling.
Let’s see four lead-generating myths get debunked:
Myth #1: The Role of Cold Calling
Cold calling might not be the most effective lead generation method, but it has been termed ‘unproductive,’ and this is unjust, to say the least. If done correctly, cold calling can yield astonishing results as a lead generation device. It puts the skills of a marketer to test, and if the marketer can convince prospects through his play of words, cold calling can get you to value for every invested dime.
Myth #2: The Role of Websites
Websites have not been given the proper importance when it comes to converting leads into customers. It is just considered a tool to showcase some online web presence. The reality is far different than this perception. Having a good website can shape the buying pattern of customers significantly. A highly optimized website can convince a prospective lead to trust you as the right company. They can attract visitors who will post their queries on your website. Your website can produce leads through search engines, online seminars, and event registrations, and it can also act as a point of ales.
Myth #3: You Always Need New Leads to Generate Sales
No, you do not. Statistics show that 80% of generated leads go to waste because there is no proper follow-up. This mishandling causes these leads to go to waste. Lead generation service is bound to give you new leads, but that does not mean you do not nurture all the existing ones properly. Focusing on having new leads can lead to negative results, as the cost you spent on generating the old ones that were not capitalized upon properly goes to waste.
And these myths need to be debunked before we can realize the full potential of lead generation services. We must break these myths to increase our sales and production to get the most value for every dollar we invest in lead generation.
Myth #4: Direct Mails are Useless
Same as the cold calling myth, using emails as a marketing tool has been dismissed by firms. They still act as an effective means of lead generation and should be invested in. You can specifically target people who are interested in buying your product or service through direct mail. All you need is a well-drafted email with the correct information to attract customers and not make them feel like it is just another phishing scam.
All in All
Lead generation services can help you create sales-ready leads only if you manage to squash the myths surrounding them. They can devise a holistic marketing plan for you only if you allow them to do what they do best. Just because you heard from someone in your circle that led generation tactics like those mentioned above are bad for business does not mean it is true.