Our founder, Jennifer Brazer, sat down with Dr. T on Expert Exchange. Dr. T wanted to discuss so much because Jennifer is a strong, fierce woman entrepreneur, and Dr. T has an online network for fierce female entrepreneurs; Innovate Her Business Community. This is where business education meets social networking. These women sat and discussed everything about starting an empire as a strong woman!
During this conversation, Dr. T and Jennifer chatted about so much including how Jennifer started Complete Controller, where she sees a need for cloud companies, maintaining records and finances, and so much more! One of our favorite takeaways was Jennifer’s points on establishing business functions to progress towards financial stability.
Finances are everything! When it comes to business, without financial stability, your business won’t last. So, what is the top thing that helps a business contribute to a company’s financial sustainability? The answer; Bootstrapping!
How is bootstrapping the answer? Simple…
Creating a foundation for your business where you can discern, early on, where the greatest impact of each dollar will be.
Understand foundational concepts. If I hire this person, how are they making me more efficient? Bringing in revenue? How are they making or saving me money? Otherwise, they are unnecessary.
Hiring specialists as an entrepreneur is essential. You can’t be everywhere all the time, and this can get in the way of efficiency. This allows you to focus where you need to while allowing other areas of your business to flourish.
If you want to learn more about Dr. T and the Innovate Her Business Community, go to the website! To see the full episode of Expert Exchange with Jennifer Brazer, check out the YouTube video!
Start your Empire the right way; learn from the best!