You are in the bakery near your house on the corner, and you buy the bread. Why do you go to this bakery? Because it is remarkably close, but otherwise you do not care to go to a bakery than another. You could almost say that bread is a commodity, an interchangeable product.
You want to prevent your product or service from becoming a commodity. You want to prevent people from buying something from you once and from your competitor the next time. But how to do that?
You must develop different income models to stand out above the rest of your competitors. You need to diversify, create, and offer your products and services in different ways, at different levels and prices, and adapt to customers’ and consumers’ different motivations and needs.
Without a doubt, you have many business ideas, and you are highly creative, but you have problems when making decisions. Therefore, you need to systematize your knowledge and experiences and ask yourself what is essential for your client. You will create something like a system with your knowledge, experience, and the service with which you help your clients.
Systematization has enormous benefits. You get a much better picture of what you do. You create your business model, your knowledge will be more easily transferable, and you will be more visible. But how do you create a blueprint or system?
For this, we will see the example of the “bricks” or building blocks of the practical book. Your business models. This excellent book is about 9 “bricks” that make up the essential steps in creating or improving your business model:
- Customer segments (specific customer groups)
- The offer (what do you offer?)
- Distribution and communication channels (how do you offer them?)
- Customer relationships (how is the relationship with your customers built? customers?)
- Income flow (what are your sources of income?)
- Essential resources (your primary resources)
- Key activities (your main activities)
- Partner network (collaborations)
- Cost structure. (How does your cost structure work?)
Creating a perfect and complicated system from the start is unnecessary. You can start with something simple. That is why I give you some tips:
First, it is essential to determine what your elements are, your “bricks.” You have some vision about your client’s needs, which will teach you how to help you best. That is why it is essential to devote much time and attention to choosing “bricks.”
Once you know the essential elements, it will be much easier to start developing your products. Everything will be much more straightforward. All the puzzle pieces will fit, and you will see more clearly what direction to take.
However, to make your “bricks,” you must follow a series of stages:
- Define the purpose or purpose you plan for your client when buying and using your product or service.
- Determine what your client must learn, know, or do to achieve this result. Remember that this is your unique vision and that each action your client must take to reach the result is a “brick.”
- Set the number of bricks. If necessary, use similar group actions. Keep your system simple and take, for example, 3, 5, or 7 steps.
- Then, set the order of all the elements. What is the first thing the customer should know? What is coming now? In this way, you determine the order of the bricks.
- Imagine what products or services you can develop or modify with these elements or bricks. You will make your offer more straightforward and tangible for your client.