Men and women face many issues when they start an entrepreneurial venture, but there are certain things that women go through that men can’t even imagine.
In the French language, an entrepreneur translates to an ‘adventurer.’ When a woman embarks on her adventure in this modern world of the corporation, the challenges can get pretty intense. A woman is taught to raise children and bring her family up, while a man is taught to make a living. We forget that these tasks are not gendered specific. Both ends can contribute a little or more and live a happy life.
When a woman starts her journey in the corporate world, she is often held back with other responsibilities and questions. Here are some challenges that a woman faces as an entrepreneur in the corporate world.
Competition against males
Entrepreneurship has always been a field dominated by men, and while the scenarios have changed, we still have a long way to go. For instance, India has the world’s 3rd largest startup in the world. Last year, over one thousand new startups were added, yet the % of female founders in India is measly 11%.
Limited funding
Funding can be crucial when you start a business. A large number of women in the states still do not have assets or property to their name. They face a lot of difficulties when applying for loans because of a lack of security. And this problem is found worldwide.
This may be out of context, but to clarify our point, a woman is usually paid less than a man on the same level as hers. Why is that? It is believed that a man has a family to look after. The sad part is that even in the 21st century, this practice is quite prevalent.
Work-life balance
Women worldwide are expected to play a huge part in managing the house and taking care of the family. Owning and running an enterprise means long hours, which causes a work-life balance disruption.
Working mothers take care of their children, which takes up a lot of time and energy, which forces them to prioritize their business setups. On the other hand, while men have the opportunity to play a secondary role in domestic responsibilities. However, the situation seems to have taken a cultural shift, and now more men are seen stepping forward to contribute and play their part in the household.
Minimal support
When starting a career and finding your place in the world of business, you need as much support as possible. Regrettably, in most cases, women find themselves on their own with or little help to guide them through the way.
In this modern era, it has become necessary to have yourself surrounded by experienced mentors. Women find it hard to manage their homes and keep up with their friends and family while managing a business. As a result, it becomes tough to mark an arena where men have already dominated.
Lack of education
68% of women from the world’s population are illiterate, stated by UNESCO’s education report. A female entrepreneur without formal education can end up with many problems regarding business development, understanding currency matters, maintaining accounts, and even day-to-day running the business.
Lack of skills, resources, and information can cause a business to run against their favor, and the chances of turning a business into a success can become almost impossible.
Our point here is that women are not above men, nor this is a cry for help, but to reirrigate; when it comes to running a business, a woman can do anything that a man can. They are so caught up with their ongoing lives and family responsibilities that they do not allow them to make a difference or prosper.
Men have the privilege of starting their work because our society has grown seed in their mind that it is a man’s job to earn – as much as that is true, we must not forget that they are meant to dominate or feel superior to the opposite gender. All a woman asks for is equal rights in the corporate world and a fair game.