Private Banking vs. Wealth Management

In the intricate financial services realm, the terms “private banking” and “wealth management” often intertwine, leaving many to consider them synonymous. However, a closer examination unveils distinct nuances that shape their roles in assisting individuals and families in navigating the complexities of wealth.

This article delves into the core disparities between private banking and wealth management, shedding light on their unique features, functions, and impact on clients’ financial well-being.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Join us as we dissect the intricate relationships between these financial powerhouses, exploring the realm of strategic consultation, custom solutions, and the pivotal role of adaptability in securing financial serenity. Discover the tailored services offered by private banking and wealth management and understand the dynamics that govern their processes. From managing investments to addressing family concerns, we unravel the diverse facets that distinguish these financial services and help individuals make informed choices for a secure and prosperous future.

Financial Strategies

Private banking and wealth management are usually correlated, mainly to the point where these terms appear exchangeable or indiscernible. Nonetheless, this cannot be the situation. The essential contrast between private banking and wealth management is that private banking generally does not handle investment and everything else. Personal bank management might advise their customers on some specific investment choices, yet not all banks are associated with investing resources for their customers. 

Usually, most customers are using private banking to open deposit accounts of some type. Wealth management assistants, which also comprise financial consultants, offer guidance to customers to assist them in enhancing their financial position and help them invest assets to produce high profits. Overall, while wealth management organizations cannot offer their customers the services private banking may provide, private banking can reach out to include wealth management.

Comparing Financial Powerhouses

Even though both include essential business asset management and organization, Private Banking provides banking assistance, brokerage, asset management, and basic help for tax planning. A wealth manager offers consultancy services in asset distribution, asset configuring, tax planning, natural state or property planning, retirement planning, pensions, charity funds, inheritance, moving families and their organizations, etc.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsStrategic Consultation and Custom Solutions

A wealth manager focuses more on financial consultation and interest in accumulating, preserving, protecting, strengthening, and transferring wealth. The wealth consultant starts by preparing a financial strategy for the customer that addresses family issues and executes the process with the help of all the other included professionals. The consultant observes the customer and the changing dreams and desires of the family to make the required changes. Private banking suggests a coordinated model and current bank packages for high-net-worth or ultra-net-worth individuals. Private banking provides personalized guidance, aiming to use the bank’s existing services to its customers.

Distinguishing Choices

Private banking provides its customers with the products granted by the bank for which they function. Meanwhile, as a separate organization, the wealth manager can execute a custom-made service and present the results of a few foundations, enabling the customers to select the more appropriate one for their circumstances. Usually, the situation is that a wealth manager’s customer utilizes numerous establishments for security reasons.


The wealth management profits from all the adaptability and reactivity to act only to the most significant advantage of the customer since he is additionally autonomous of the decisions of the hidden assets that make up the portfolio of the customers. In contrast, private banking has delayed and denser procedures, less transparency, and freedom; hidden assets are selected for the portfolios that occasionally create conflicts. Simply put, wealth management is more receptive and adaptable to the customers’ needs, whereas, in contrast, private bankers are less independent.

CorpNet. Start A New Business NowFinancial Serenity

In wealth management, everything starts by understanding the reality and worries of the customer and afterward outlining and executing a strategy to attain the customer’s objectives that constantly focus on ensuring a safe and peaceful life for the individual and the family. The customer is questioned during the procedure, and the problems regularly go unnoticed and are addressed. Relationships happen on the foundation of trust between the wealth manager, the customer, and his family for a long time. In private banking, the allowed services need less time, less participation, and customer information. Their services are adjusted to the more prominent or lesser danger and the capacity of the customer’s assets.


To conclude, wealth management is a business model that is the most beneficial for financial consultants, and it is usually considered one of the essential parts of private banking.

Download A Free Financial ToolkitAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Crowdfunding For Business 101

One of the most challenging aspects of starting a business is financing. You can try to convince investors and venture capitalists, but your chances of getting funding through these channels are slim if you are new to entrepreneurship. You can also discuss this with your bank, friends, and family to see if they can lend you money, but it’s often a tough battle.

CorpNet. Start A New Business NowCrowdfunding: What Should a Budding Entrepreneur Do?

One of the best options available to you is crowdfunding. You can launch a crowd-lending campaign to request funding and validate your idea. But make no mistake, crowdfunding campaigns require a lot of work. If you want to start a business, you must be ready to invest the time and energy necessary to promote your project.

Crowdfunding introduced a significant change in how entrepreneurs evaluate and give birth to their products. As the personal computer has brought computing to everyone, Crowdfunding has put investment and financing in the hands of the masses.

Crowdfunding finances projects, from $ 1,050 raised for a chicken burrito to investing billions of US dollars in real estate investments. The range of projects using Crowdfunding is seemingly endless. However, obtaining funding is more challenging than it seems.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

The First Failure: You Can Always Try Again

You can learn many things from a crowdfunding failure, and it could provide you with the lessons you need to make adjustments for a future campaign. Although you should never fail for the sake of failing, it is best to adopt the mindset that you have nothing to lose because you have none.

So, every attempt would provide you with invaluable data and feedback in the real world. The chance to appear on a crowdfunding platform that receives hundreds of thousands of visitors each month gives you an excellent exposure rate.

This audience will give you their comments and can help you guide the design of your future products. You must understand that it is not just a question of money. Your crowdlending campaign can help you validate a product, build a supporter base, and find future customers.

Set Realistic Crowdfunding Goals

The longer a crowdfunding campaign lasts, the more it raises funds. But, experts say longer crowdfunding campaigns are less likely to achieve their goals. Statistics show that a high percentage of donations come during the first days of the campaign. It always follows a lull, followed by another peak during the campaign’s last days.

Setting up your campaign for a month reduces the lull period between the initial and final peak of donations. It allows you to raise funds faster and move on to production and execution.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Many entrepreneurs are tempted to overestimate the capital they need to get their projects started. They have probably never done the research necessary to determine the costs for the start-up. So, do your homework before you set a campaign goal above what you need to start your business.

Find out about the actual costs. Get the real numbers. Then, you can adjust for a small safety margin. This process will help you set more realistic and achievable funding goals. However, it would be best to consider the costs of running a campaign and fulfilling orders before committing to a final funding goal.

Build an Access Crowdfunding Page

Having a fundraising page drives your crowdfunding campaigns towards remarkable success. Your crowdfunding page should provide details about the cause to attract donors for maximum donations. For this, you need to create a crowdfunding page that the audience can find easily on the internet. As a result, more and more donors will land on your page for donations.

Your crowdfunding page should include an intuitive campaign title, aesthetic visuals, and a precise and concise description. Everything on it must be well-engaged.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Companies with Debts: There’s Hope

There are many companies that, despite being profitable from an operational point of view, have been suffocated by a cluster of debts derived from poor financial management. That is why, after the approval of Royal Decree-Law 4/2014 of March 7, announced by the Government. With the latest measures for contracting and financing SMEs, many will have the opportunity to refinance their debt thanks to new formulas that simplify and streamline processes.

The new regulation, which entered into force on March 9, modifies some aspects of the Bankruptcy Law 2003. It aims at companies with excessive debts not involved in the bankruptcy proceedings and can opt for new formulas to relieve the financial burden or “deleveraging.” Thus, the new measures aim to protect companies with debts when banks demand a necessary bankruptcy.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

But what does all this mean? These new measures allow companies to reach more favorable agreements with their creditors (usually banks). It will enable them to request new financing to continue operating and deal with long-term debt. Also, it opens the possibility that creditor banks can convert part of their debt (which is not sustainable for the company) into capital.

Refinancing Formulas for Companies with Debts

Individual refinancing agreements: Refinancing agreements may reach one or more creditors if they improve the patrimonial position of the debtor without the need for significant liabilities.

Collective Refinancing Agreements not Judicially Approved

The independent expert report will no longer be necessary, and a certification from the auditor will prove that the concurrence of the required liability majorities is sufficient. These agreements may not terminate later (unless they fail to comply with the requirements) if the debtor comes into bankruptcy proceedings.

Collective Refinancing Agreements Judicially Approved

The judge will only have to verify the concurrence of the required majorities. That is 51% and not 55 until now—the formal requirements to agree on their approval. The agreements, once approved, may not be terminated if the debtor comes to enter bankruptcy proceedings.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Although the new measures aim to prevent the liquidation of companies, they can continue to operate and contribute to the generation of wealth and employment. It seems that they are more destined to solve the financial problems of the enterprises and financing paths. It includes a medium-sized enterprise and a smoothness for Small businesses and freelancers, who are precisely those who find the most difficulties when accessing credit.

The Best Financing Measures to Get Rid of Debts

Managing finance has multiple complexities, especially when it comes to running a small business. Often, the owners of such companies need a reasonably obvious method for completing the rundown of what they wish to have.

Reset your Budget Plan

You must have a complete record of your current and updated financial status for business management processes. For this, you will have evaluated your business operations and the level of money transactions. It would be best if you used all your financial key performance indicators. You must know when, where, and how you have spent your money and what resources you have used, including your rent.

Hire the best bookkeeper or accountant to evaluate your business budget. You can also consider free businesses that offer different workshops on business budget management. Use accounting software to automate the budget process. QuickBooks can be the best choice for you. Using it, you can monitor the smoothness of your business’s cash flow.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsCut Your Expenses

Check your total business expenses and operating costs. Look at your daily expenses, services, and operations, then evaluate them by cutting the rest. Check out which subscriptions and memberships you use rarely. Then, I decided to suspend all of them. Strive to negotiate with certain vendors for prices and flat rate reductions. Track the expenses of your advertising channels that give relatively little profit. Find out a single thing that adds up to substantial business debt. Pinpoint all these expenditures that increase your debt. In this way, you will have better cash flow, and there will be a significant reduction in the business debt burden.

Temporary Cash Payment

Change your business expense management that will bring your small business proceedings under control. Pay all your credit card bills on time if you want to shop online. Also, you can avail of loan services of any amount. 

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Developing Financial Resilience

Since the start of the famous mortgage meltdown, which resulted in financial crises, “Resilience” has often been thrown around a lot. In simple words, resilience means rolling with the blows and keeping going despite the conditions, etc. Resilience in finance implies the ability to bear financial crises and keep moving forward.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts 

A few examples of economic resilience are getting a divorce, facing unemployment, dealing with disability, and other health problems that affect an individual and others, such as recession, stock market falling, and acts of terrorism that affect society. According to research done by a professor at the University of Minnesota, five main characteristics enhance resilience in people and enable them to face life changes and challenges. 

Here are the five main characteristics to enhance resilience. 


There is a famous example: what do we do when nature gives us lemon? We make lemonade.” Such illustrations portray the image of a positive individual who always tries to make the most of everything and never loses hope. A positive person can overcome almost anything. However, there is a thin line between positive and denial. Always be optimistic in all matters.


Maintaining a solid focus is extremely necessary; determined people will always find a way to get ahead. Staying focused is the main goal. People should always look towards the future and stick to their goals so that declining life events and other barriers cannot discourage them.

CorpNet. Start A New Business NowFlexible

Be flexible and learn to adapt, being open and adjustable when it comes to new opportunities. Adopting change is a high-key trait that makes a person resilient.


Staying organized is crucial. People who can set priorities properly and develop controlled approaches to manage change have a higher chance of being resilient.


Be proactive in all of your affairs. These are the type of people who instead work with change and try to adjust to different environments rather than defend against it.

Building Financial Resilience

Financial resources such as savings, insurance, and decent-paying jobs can enhance financial resiliency in people. Another reliable source is capital, which can be when someone’s knowledge, skills, contacts, and other personal self-improving qualities.

Health is a big part of a person’s finances because it can affect someone’s efficiency and presentation. Having solid social capital can also increase financial resiliency in people. A strong social support system includes having good friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and other people who can give financial and emotional support when needed during tough times. A few examples of this are below:

  • Maintain a ratio of low debt-to-income. Once-a-month customer debt payments should be around fifteen percent or less than take-home monthly pay. For example, if 275 dollars of debt is divided by 2,500 dollars of net income, it will equal a consumer’s debt-to-income ratio of eleven percent.
  • Having a reliable backup and emergency fund with at least three months’ worth of expenses for bad times. Keeping a liquid amount in extra cash equals a credit union savings account, money market fund, etc.
  • Never stop learning new things, including education, job training, etc. Experts always advise people to care for their physical health and never stop learning new marketable skills. Insurance is another excellent way to obtain future security during challenging times such as accidents or illnesses.
  • I want to learn more about finances and gain financial knowledge to help make better financial decisions. It is incredibly beneficial for a person to know more about such basic investing principles.

Not having surety is a scary thing. But it’s also a big reality of life that a person can’t ignore. It’s always better to prepare for the worst to avoid being a victim.Download A Free Financial Toolkit


In summary, the article emphasizes the crucial concept of resilience in the financial realm, particularly in the aftermath of events like the mortgage meltdown. Resilience involves navigating challenges, adapting to change, and persisting through adversity. 

Applying these traits to finance involves building resources such as savings, insurance, and stable employment. Personal assets like knowledge and social connections contribute to financial resilience. Health and a strong social support system are integral components. 

The proactive pursuit of financial knowledge and preparation for uncertainty empower individuals to navigate the complexities of the financial landscape successfully. Building financial resilience helps individuals weather challenges but positions them to thrive in a dynamic economic environment.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Promote Using Social Media

You had been planning to launch your startup for some time. After overcoming the usual hurdles and months-long planning to establish the business, it is time to get on with it. However, what if something goes wrong again or if you don’t know what medium to use to promote your business correctly? Launching a business can be confusing and sometimes downright frustrating for first-timers. If this is your first attempt, keep trying and continue learning the basics.

Make a list of methods that will help you promote your small business most effectively. Settle down and realize the usefulness of social media as it is being used by four billion users worldwide. Would you let the opportunity pass you by and not do something about utilizing it to the fullest? With that many users that you can potentially tap into as customers, you would love to.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Learn how to use social media to launch and promote your business worldwide.

Find a Massive Audience for Your Business

As discussed, social media continues to expand its footprint worldwide at an unprecedented pace like never before. It will help if you learn to use different social media platforms properly. Start using the most popular media and check if they can offer your desired business. Small businesses are known to put their social media accounts to good use. You are expected to achieve this by setting some rules that will help you develop your business account on a firm footing.

Hire social media experts and assemble a team to handle your accounts. Brief the team about targets you wish to achieve for your business using social media platforms. Social media experts understand what your business needs. They can fast-track the promotion of your business and make it happen much sooner than you could’ve achieved. That’s why you would hire them in the first place, right? With that in mind, take your social media team on board and have them do their stuff. Ensure minimum interference, but keep a vigilant eye on proceedings to be safe.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Affordable and Fast Promotion for Small Business

Did you know social media users often stay logged in day and night? There is an opportunity to identify and promote products and services to such customers for social media experts. They’ll start by creating a business account for your business and promoting it on different channels. They would request people like the performance and participate in activities and surveys whenever possible.

Next, social media experts will wait to flood the account with media and information. They’ll play smart and update the statement once or sometimes twice a week. The performance will stay updated at this frequency and attract users who prefer participating in activities. Launch the questionnaire and urge users to fill it out within a few days, preferably within a week. Check feedback on activities each time and notice the number of fans who participated in current and previous actions.

Keep Your Business Accounts for Business Purposes

Remember that business accounts are strictly for business, with no personal activities to occur on them. You can maintain a personal statement in addition to a business account and continue using it separately. The business account will continue to post business-related and product launch updates and acquire user feedback on each development.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

As for other social media platforms, they’ll also promote your business and tap into customer feedback. After attaining enough users, social media experts should start using these accounts to promote business more aggressively. You should more frequently load updates, media clips, and photos with event-related updates. Surveys must be there with user feedback on each study to help you identify your business account’s overall popularity.

Paid campaigns on social media are a norm nowadays, so tap into that as well. These campaigns will cost you a little, but these platforms will prove more affordable for your business.

In the meantime, continue using other promotion platforms to promote your business. E-commerce entrepreneurs should work on their websites to improve customer experience. Usual tweaks may not cut it, so ask your developers to improve the overall experience and put the site through maintenance to improve its performance. These sites will likely continue receiving traffic constantly, so they should continue functioning correctly.

Keep these in mind and tap into social media to promote your small business to the world to make them buy your products and services as planned.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

Capture for Control: Life Mastery

If you already know what control means in GTD, it is time to delve into the first step: collect or capture. Collecting means capturing everything that goes through your mind in an external, reliable system you know will always be there and never forgotten. This is the first step to achieving an effective Productivity System.

A Demanding World Full of Commitments

I am sure that your life is entire of commitments. At all times, you have to do something. And if you are not doing it, sometimes it seems you are not as productive as you should be. Also, you often end your day with the feeling of not having done everything you should do.Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Don’t worry, it’s normal. Right now, your life is going at a speed that even you cannot manage properly, hence the importance of the habit of capturing. If  you want to do many things to go far and achieve all your goals. Your partner, children, and parents want you to do many things to get you very far. The head of your company, you’re superior. They want you to do many things to get far and fulfill your goals. It can make you enter a spiral of doing, doing, but sometimes there are more important things. And obviously, you don’t get everything you would like.

The solution? I will tell you at the end of the article, but I think you already have it clear. Capture everything in an external system to live with less stress.

The Reality of Life in Our Day

As you can see, you and I were born in a world entirely of commitments. The thing may not be like that a few thousand years ago. At that time, the main objective of any person was to survive, hunt for food, and help their tribe with the best intentions.

Currently, living does not seem to be a problem. Food is not suitable for many of the people who live in our country. So, life has changed for the better, something you must take advantage of in your favor.

This change has led to a different way of working, not only at the industrial, technological, or electronic level. Now you have commitments that did not even enter people’s minds before, enough work they had to do to stay alive.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

One of the main problems with all this is that you have to fill your mind with many commitments, which often causes you a feeling of stress that does not allow you to live in peace.

The mind is a great counselor and creative, but she has no idea how to manage the information you give her.

Your mind is perfect for some things. It allows you to feel and live life with the people around you.

It also allows you to find creative and different solutions to the problems of your day today. It even allows you to decide between several options and, often, correctly, as long as you have the correct information.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsStrategies to Clear Your Mind

Distract Yourself

Find something else to think about when you are left alone with thoughts that leave you feeling overwhelmed. It doesn’t mean you take a break from your routine and go on vacation. You will have to be more concerned about your responsibilities. Take out some space and time to figure out the things. Try to find ways that can reduce pressure and tension.

In 2015, the researchers of the Journal of Neuroscience studied the way by which the brain archives optimal inattention. They said it could happen when the synchronization of brainwaves changes between different parts of the human brain.


You can’t tell your brain to shut up as it continues, whether you are getting angry or upset. It means your mind is full. You only observe your mind and surroundings in a non-judgmental way. You are in a state of mindfulness whenever you get awareness from your direct experiences through your state of mind, senses, thoughts, and emotions. Try to remodel the physical structure of your brain while training your brain to be mindful.

LastPass – Family or Org Password VaultAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Delaware: US Business Hub

Delaware, a tiny territory of the United States located in the southeast bordering New Jersey, was the first state to join the Union in 1787. No one knows Delaware, however, for its pioneering character. Delaware’s surface is small, but it is a gigantic financial enclave in which more than 1.3 million entities are recorded, compared to a population that does not reach one million citizens.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

For centuries, the state has used tax advantages and a welcoming business atmosphere to attract hundreds of thousands of companies worldwide, leading Delaware to be identified by many as a tax haven despite not being listed anywhere from the official lists that determine those territories of special taxation.


Experts believe that more companies than inhabitants in Delaware are not taxation but the legal framework and jurisprudence. “An ecosystem has been created that has made lawyers, companies, funds, and investment firms get used to it. Delaware is more flexible than other states and protects more managers and investors. Still, companies do not register in the territory due to that, but because everyone knows its rules, “explains the director of the tax department of a US technology multinational.

Unlike in Europe, in the United States, there is no federal commercial code, so each state’s laws and jurisprudence govern business relations. Delaware’s track record and experience have made the territory, in practice, the country’s business code of commerce.

So, any company looking for investors in the United States typically settles in Delaware at the behest of investment funds, seeking clear rules and the least possible uncertainty. “We settled in Delaware because our lawyers recommended it to us,” explains Javier de la Torre, founder of the Spanish geolocation start-up Carto. “The state has specialized in Commercial Law, and its rules are clear. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Most lawyers know Delaware law, which creates a standard for you. Their services are also more accessible and cheaper,” says De la Torre. This entrepreneur refers to the fact that, among other facilities, companies decide on the composition of the board of directors. In other states, like California, there must be at least three directors if there are more than three shareholders. Also, notifications in Delaware are almost instantaneous, while processes in California can take more than two weeks.

Small, medium, and large companies have addresses in Delaware, home to more than half of the companies listed in the United States, including multinational giants such as Apple, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, and Google.

US companies pay federal and local taxes. The national corporate rate stands at 21% after the reduction applied by the Donald Trump Administration and does not depend on Delaware. State tax is in the hands of each territory, and, in the case of Delaware, it stands at 8.7%, even higher than in other states. However, there is no state tax if you do not operate in the region.

Delaware is a benchmark for LLC companies (a hybrid of a limited partnership, joint venture, and joint venture), which only pay taxes in the United States if they have business or partners. On the other hand, Delaware-based companies can operate anonymously through the agent creating the company, one of the most criticized features Congress is trying to eliminate.

CorpNet. Start A New Business NowInvestors

“Delaware’s bad reputation is because some have used it to create opaque structures,” explains the director of the North American multinational, who insists, however, that “what keeps the state as the preferred center is not even taxation nor the opacity, but the legislation. ” According to this lawyer, “the company that wants to look for investors has to be in Delaware.”

Start-ups installed in the United States always have the name Inc. relative to corporations, which deprives them of the tax advantages of LLCs. “Delaware holding companies that have subsidiaries in Europe and have already paid taxes do not pay taxes, but that would happen in any other state,” says the director.

Download A Free Financial ToolkitAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Land Loans: Consortium vs. Traditional

The consortium is a process where many banks finance a borrower based on standard assessments and documents and construct joint supervision plus follow-up exercises.

Is it even a good idea to do land financing? Well, know now: buying a lot to build the house or even resell is an exciting investment, yes! But have you ever stopped to wonder if the interest of a banking operation does not end up nullifying these advantages?

Be careful not to get carried away by anxiety. It is expected to maintain prudence at all stages of the procurement process. When discussing a high-value investment, you must carefully put the bills at the pencil’s tip. So, you can compare with the alternatives, such as the consortium, to see which is more attractive.ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

To evaluate whether the consortium is a viable option and know the costs of financing a land, follow the post today!

How Does the Real Estate Consortium Work?

Those who want to finance the Housing Finance System (SFH) find it difficult to acquire land without construction. The idea of the program is to favor the acquisition of its housing. 

Some banks offer alternative financing lines for the purchase of lots. However, what happens is that interest rates are even higher than those charged by SFH and the Financial Real Estate System (SFI). Thus, the purchase comes out much heavier for the pocket.

Some people still do not know that the real estate consortium can also be used for land acquisition! That’s right: there are no impediments to this. It is allowed, therefore, to buy simple or under-construction lots in urban or rural areas.

Download A Free Financial ToolkitEnjoy knowing some of the characteristics of this modality:

  • Security: The Central Bank supervises it
  • Accessibility: does not require payment of entry
  • Practicality: can cover up to notary fees
  • Economy: no interest collection
  • Flexibility: it has longer-term options
  • Facility: has more affordable plots
  • Bargaining power: the letter of credit is worth a cash payment

A pause to better describe the cost of the notary’s office: who buys land through the real estate consortium can also use part of the value of the letter of credit to pay the fees charged in releasing the documentation of the property. Did you buy the land and still have a balance of the letter of credit? Then, you can pay for notary fees, documentation, and taxes!

Why is it an Alternative to Financing?

Many people who want to buy land soon face financing constraints. Also, due to the abusive interest in the modality, the final value is much higher than the initial one. Yes, the loss is significant. It makes land loans a riskier transaction for a lender. 

Want to get an idea? Do the math! Imagine you wish to finance land costing $100,000 in 180 months. You find a bank that practices a rate of 8% a year (equivalent to 0.6434% per month) and finances a maximum of 80% of the land value. You will, therefore, give $20,000 input. When making the account using a financial calculator, you will see that, under these conditions, the monthly installment will be $751.68. CorpNet. Start A New Business NowHowever, when you go to the bank, you will come up with a figure well above that! They will include the following values:

  • Bank fees
  • Collection of taxes
  • Insurance and other added products
  • All this is embedded in the amount to be financed, composing the final installment!

All in All

A land loan is financing that lets you purchase a plot of land. You can get a land loan through a bank lender who evaluates your credit history and the ground to determine whether you are eligible to buy

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Deductible Expenses for Self Employed

The first quarter of self-employed obligations is intertwined with the beginning of the Income Statement 2023. From next week until Tuesday, April 2, you can make your declaration online and by telephone.

Therefore, you must know all those expenses that are considered deductible. They can reduce your profit by making your taxation more profitable, saving you some good money.

What are Considered Deductible Expenses in 2024?

Deductible expenses are considered investments you make in purchasing goods or services to develop your economic activity.

To understand that an expense is deductible, you must meet specific requirements:

  • First, link to the economic activity you do. That is, it is necessary to develop it.
  • The corresponding invoices, receipts, or tickets must justify it.
  • And it must be conveniently recorded in your expense and investment books.
  • Your deductibility means that when you post them, they will reduce your income.Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Personal Income Tax is a progressive tax, meaning that as your income increases, the percentage of your income paid in taxes also increases. Therefore, if you have deductible expenses, they can reduce your taxable income, potentially lowering the amount of tax you owe. This is a fundamental concept in tax planning.

The importance of understanding deductible expenses lies in optimizing your tax liability. You can legally reduce your taxable income by identifying and utilizing eligible deductions, resulting in a lower tax bill. Here is a list of deductible expenses that can serve as a guide for individuals to consider when preparing their taxes, aiming to maximize deductions and minimize their overall tax liability for the year 2024.

Deductible Expenses

  1. Exploitation costs

Operating consumptions are all purchases made in 2023 of merchandise, raw materials, and other current acquisitions of goods made to third parties.

  1. Wages and salaries

If you have them, they are deductible salaries, extra payments, allowances for travel expenses, and rewards for your employees.

  1. Other personnel expenses

In the same way, you must include in the list the training expenses of your personnel, the contributions as a promoter to your pension plans, the indemnities derived from an injury or damage to your workers, accident insurance, and any other that is not as pure liberality.

  1. Social Security contributions

Yes, the fees you pay per month are also considered deductible expenses.

  1. Leases and fees

We talk about the expenses originating from movable or immovable property rentals. But also those amounts paid for the right to use patents, trademarks, and other manifestations of industrial property.

  1. Repairs and conservation

All those expenses you have had and have been necessary to maintain your real estate, without including the expansion and improvement.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

  1. Services of independent professionals

You can also deduct the amount you paid throughout 2023 from different professionals: economists, lawyers, auditors, notaries, etc.

  1. Other external services

Transports, insurance premiums, banking, similar services, advertising, propaganda, and public relations limit 1 percent of the net amount of the tax period turnover.

  1. Fiscally deductible taxes

There are taxes and non-state surcharges, Parafiscal charges, fees, surcharges, and unique contributions deducted. The Tax on Economic Activities (IAE) and the Tax on Real Estate (IBI) fall on elements affected by the activity.

On the other hand, non-deductibles are the penalties, the penalty surcharge, the late filing of tax returns and settlements, and tax self-assessments.

  1. Financial expenses

The expenses from using the financial resources of third parties necessary to finance your company’s activities are also deductible.

  1. Amortizations

The counted amounts corresponding to the effective depreciation suffered by the different elements of your business due to operation, use, enjoyment, or obsolescence will be deductible.

  1. Provisions

Expenses derived from implicit or implied obligations and those related to remuneration and other employee benefits are generally not deductible. Still, they are deductible if they meet the conditions established in article 13 of the Corporate Income Tax Law.Download A Free Financial Toolkit


In summary, understanding deductible expenses becomes pivotal as the first quarter of self-employed obligations aligns with the commencement of the Income Statement for 2023. Knowing what qualifies for deduction—from operational costs to personnel expenses, leases, and more—is crucial for optimizing taxation. Compliance with documentation and recording requirements ensures the legitimacy of deductions.

The comprehensive list provided for 2024 serves as a guide, emphasizing the significance of reducing taxable income through justified and recorded expenditures. This strategic approach not only aids in tax optimization but also underscores the financial prudence essential for effective business management.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Cultivating Growth Mindset

Even with their solid academic background, some individuals find it challenging to outdo others in their profession. While some push past their challenges –others give in to the pressure, backing out from the struggles their professional life put them through.

In this case, the mindset has a crucial role to play, particularly the kind of mindset that keeps us growing.CorpNet. Start A New Business Now

The more you strive to learn, the better you grow. Your motivation levels elevate, and you set larger-than-life goals for yourself. As a result, your efforts turn you into a stronger individual – someone the employers would go the extra mile to have them work for their organization. Cut to the point, you become efficient in your job, achieving one milestone after another without any shortcuts. If you can’t relate, find the ways below to help you become efficient in your career.

Set a Vision for Yourself

When you set a vision for yourself, you find your efforts and goals more aligned. You become an organized employee, striving to reach your end goals. In this way, the work you do daily becomes the inspiration for the life you want to live in the future. Goals keep you motivated, and you get to face everyday challenges as just another opportunity leading you towards the vision you have set for yourself.

Celebrate Others and Their Achievements

There can be people achieving milestones when you find yourself barely getting by. Whether it’s the inefficiency in meeting your everyday targets or the daily hurdles you face in your job, you should never let your struggles disturb your mindset. Instead, ensure that you wish others the same achievements you want for yourself.

Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping ExpertsGo for Quality

Even if you receive innumerable awards for your performance, those would only be objects rotting on your shelf. Sure, the rewards and the appreciation you receive motivate you in the long run, and you strive to work harder to achieve more. But seeking to grow and learn in the process rather than going for the number of awards you receive is always a more innovative way to work. So, ensure you strive to improve the quality of your work. The chances are that the results will take you pleasantly by surprise.

Own Your Mistakes

One of the last things you should do when facing constant failures is not owning up to your mistakes. That is, owning your mistakes means setting some time aside for retrospection. When you retrospect – review the problems and errors you faced during your work, you better understand the reasons for your failures. It prepares you in the long run, and you do not have to repeat them the next time you face similar challenges.

Don’t Forget to Learn

When you are working and improving your performance – be sure to keep learning at the heart of your end goal. Precisely, your end goal should be to know rather than achieve milestones. In this way, you’ll become an efficient employee in an organization prepared to face almost any challenge.

ADP. Payroll – HR – BenefitsYou’re Beyond the Validations You Get

Most times, we seek validation from others. While there happens to be no wrong with that, you should always be sure and have confidence in your skills. The more you invalidate the validations you receive from others, the better you grow confident in your skin. One strategy to achieve this mindset is by striving to learn every day – and ensuring that you know your strengths and weaknesses. It leads you towards a path that grows you in unimaginable ways.


When striving to cultivate a growth mindset, push past your fears. The more you hold back, the more inefficient you’ll be in your work, and all the everyday challenges will only scatter the potential you have within you. Other than that, be sure to show your true potential – face the challenge with utmost confidence, and you’ll find yourself achieving milestone after milestone in a relatively shorter period.  

There you have it, some of the most effective ways to cultivate a growth mindset. Tap these into your personality and grow confident in your skin. Chances are, performing efficiently in your job will become less hassle. 

Cubicle to Cloud virtual businessAbout Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.LastPass – Family or Org Password Vault