5 Tips to Help You Survive in an Economic Recession

I made a few rules. The main one is to be prepared and have a plan of action in a downturn. Some respondents even suggested drawing up official regulations. One study participant said, “It’s never too early to prepare. You should always have an emergency idea that you can implement quickly.”

When developing such a plan, think about how it will affect customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and the image of your business overall. If you lose sight of this, you can put all this at risk and damage the profitability and viability of the company. Here are a few tips that I explained as follows.

Don’t Panic:

 Respondents talked about the need to remain calm and look for solutions. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits One respondent succinctly noted, “Don’t panic. Do not compare periods of decline to past successes. Think more in the long term.” Read and learn how to survive the economic downturn. Go to a library or bookstore and buy/borrow a book: Financial Settlement Day: Experiencing a 21st Century Mild Depression by William Bonner and Beating the Crash: You Can Survive and Thrive in a Deflationary Depression by Robert R. Kaznodzey.

Position your business in changing conditions

The competitive environment in a recession is vastly different from the usual. Consumer preferences are shifting dramatically, forcing businesses to adjust accordingly. Again, respondents recalled how they thoughtlessly used discounts during a downturn and how long it took to recover. One respondent said: “Don’t drop prices or rather don’t lower your public/retail price. Use it as a starting point for lowering prices and limit your discounts wisely.” Another participant in the study commented: “I advise you to be incredibly careful when playing with price cuts. We have been trying to increase our corporate prices for a long time, and in just a few months, all this and much more have gone to pieces. We crossed out three years of demanding work in just eight months. It will take 3 or 4 years to return everything to its previous level. If you want to give discounts, do it wisely and think about how to present them initially. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Increase and accelerate the flow of funds

Remember that there is a difference between your “public” price and your “private” price. Focus on creating packaged offerings that add value to the customer without costing you too much. Watch for download drawdowns, which can be offset by online promotion or non-transparent sales channels, which will not significantly impact your pricing strategy in the future.” Think about what customers want and try to provide it to them without paying too much. Also, consider offerings3. Make a checklist of your spending habits and change it to include only the essentials. Use the extra money you usually spend to create an Emergency Cash Fund. Also, learn to do more things for yourself without hiring or paying others.

The team needs to be more productive than ever

 Ensure your current job is in a critical sector to avoid layoffs during a recession. Most jobs in healthcare, food production and distribution, and government and military positions are safe. Avoid retail and construction or any areas where you can easily do without. Do not go into debt during a recession. If you learn to live on less money (putting it aside in the cash as mentioned above reserve), then as the economy grows, you will make more money faster thanks to the skills you acquired during the crisis. You want to survive, but the goal is to develop. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Reducing and slowing cash outflows

Find a niche where you make money, are interested in it, and get involved. Even when people are scared, and money is tight, you can still make money if you have the skills or services people need. Grow food to sell, learn how to renovate a house, rent out a space, teach others about financial planning, learn or apply skills and earn money from them. Hard times won’t last forever, and you can delay recovery if you save where you don’t need to.” If customer satisfaction and service quality suffer, it will be harder to attract current and new guests when the downturn ends. Consider the following sentence: “DO NOT REDUCE COST BY REDUCING QUALITY. Prices can be lowered but set a limit that won’t prevent you from raising your ADR next year.”


Keep these five instructions in mind as you plan and implement your survival strategy during this challenging time. Do not panic; think clearly and plan strategically. Everything will be fine! CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

How Having a High Employee Turnover Affects Your Business

High employee turnover affects more than just employee productivity. Employee turnover also affects the employer branding of your company. Due to the prominent level of employee turnover, business costs increase, and profits decrease.

The cost of replacing one person is usually more than his monthly salary – with most of the losses associated with lost profits. Replacing thirty people with a salary of $677 will cost the company an average of $30,500. Therefore, most large companies keep records of staff turnover indicators and analyze the change in turnover rates over time and by the department. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

When one or more positions are frequently vacant and vacancies need to be filled regularly, it is considered that there will be a high turnover of staff.

Voluntary rotation occurs when an employee voluntarily leaves the company.

A forced rotation occurs when an employee involuntarily leaves the company.

In some cases, the root cause of churn is because an employee has decided to leave their list.

However, this can result from how your company conducts its business in many cases.

The more retention issues you have, the more likely you will notice a change in energy in the office.

The low productivity of your employees is a direct cause of constant employee turnover. This is one of the most visible signs that affect the company at a basic level.

With constant staff turnover, it is not easy to maintain an atmosphere of trust and confidence between employees.

In addition, failure to create a shared corporate culture is at risk with high employee turnover. Exit Advisor

The amount of employee turnover for a company is significant.

Every time an employee leaves, the HR department must re-enter the recruitment and selection process.

Since employee rotation is quantifiable if you look at your turnover and the cost of hiring, you will see a direct correspondence between the two.

The goal of many companies is to reduce the average turnover. This can be done in distinct methods, depending on what works best for your company.

So, what does high turnover mean?

We can say that every time an employee enters or leaves the company, there is a staff rotation when a position is constantly filled and then abandoned due to high turnover.

High turnover of employees has serious negative consequences for the company. If you have a high turnover, it is essential to stop and analyze why this is happening.

You can then act and make the necessary adjustments to bring it down.

To create an action plan to prevent high employee turnover, you must consider the data received from all employees who left the company, at least in the last year.

If you have more time and data, you can also look further to analyze employee turnover over a more extended period.

The calculation should not include those who left the company for reasons such as retirement. The turnover rate does not take these cases into account.

When analyzing employee turnover, we are only interested in other cases, such as when people leave because of dissatisfaction with their job, duties, or the company.

Turnover types

  • Voluntary rotation

As the name implies, such a rotation occurs when an employee voluntarily leaves the company.

The reasons for this may be different. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Most often, the reasons are they have found a better job, disagreements between colleagues, they feel undervalued or underpaid, they cannot adapt to the company culture, etc.

You will never be able to satisfy everyone, and the condition you propose will not suit everyone.

However, your duty as an HR manager is to create a comfortable atmosphere in the company.

In addition, it is essential to recognize the merits and achievements of your employees and praise them so that they feel recognized.

The above causes occur after an employee is hired, but sometimes voluntary rotation can occur due to a poorly planned and executed recruitment process.

In this case, you can hire an employee quickly without thinking about whether he fits the position or the company culture.

  • Forced job change

When an employee leaves the company, he falls into forced rotation. It is easy to place the blame on a departing employee.

However, as a company, you must ask yourself if this situation is due to something you did wrong. This may include a lack of necessary tools and training, resulting in the employee not being able to perform their tasks properly. These involuntary rotations cannot be 100% avoided, but it is best to minimize them as best as possible.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

Tips on How You Can Become a Great Risk Manager

Today, risk management is one of the highest-priority professions. If you think you are going to make a career out of just calculating numbers, you are wrong. This is not just a career that you can do in a day. You must present yourself with dignity, understand and work with all departments of the company, building relationships along the way. Overnight, a career in risk management has grown into one of the most important professions in the world, and that is no understatement.

The people who work in the risk management department have the following responsibilities:

  • Minimization of financial and other losses of the company in which the specialist works.
  • Conducting work to identify threats of financial and other losses.
  • Search for sources of risks through an audit, analysis of decisions made by top management, and work with reporting documentation.
  • Analysis of assigned risks, development, and subsequent work with risk maps and other methodological documentation.
  • Daily monitoring, analysis of the causes of occurrence, fixation of risks, and organization of the management process.
  • Performing calculations and evaluating the risk management methods used. Download A Free Financial Toolkit
  • Keeping records and storing documents in a personal working archive.
  • Control over the fulfillment of assigned tasks.
  • Methodological support of employees and senior management.

Risk managers make up strategies that conduct research, identify and control various risks, and help companies avoid severe economic and reputational losses. Specialists allow you to maintain the profitability and efficiency of business processes in any situation. In 2021, the career guidance center ProfGuide created a reliable career guidance test. He will tell you what vocations are best for you and give you his judgment on your personality type and IQ.

Risk is a situation of uncertainty that can make the company vulnerable to different market circumstances.

For this reason, here are the following tips to become a successful risk manager.

Risk identification

First, the manager must identify which risks may affect the company.

For this, you must analyze historical data and detect situations of uncertainty that, at the time, became risks for the profitability of the business.

In addition, you must assess the current context by using powerful tools such as SWOT analysis, interviews, Delphi technique, and brainstorming. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Qualitative analysis

This type of analysis is performed as a filter to detect the risks that need to be addressed through a more delicate, complex, and advanced study.

Therefore, this is a subjective classification stage whose results are captured in the risk assessment matrix, serving as objects of study in the next step.

Quantitative analysis

At this stage of the risk management plan, it is possible to investigate the probability of occurrence of the risks and estimate their consequences for the company.

After mapping the potential risks, you should first select them and establish an order of priority, considering that not all bets must be controlled, mitigated, or eliminated.

Probability: Each risk has a certain chance that it materializes. You can follow a quantitative (database) or qualitative line to calculate it. To order them, it is necessary to consider the following variables:

Impact: There is a dimension of the effects of each risk caused by its materialization. Its calculation requires the analysis of historical data. In some cases, it may be necessary to conduct a qualitative study – due to a lack of numerical data.

The risk criticality indicator is defined by multiplying the absolute values ​​of probability and impact. The higher the value, the more critical the risk. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault

The Decision Tree and the Monte Carlo Simulator are other equally exciting tools for prioritizing risks.

Once the risks have been detected and their priority established, it is time to plan the responses.

Planning response strategies

After completing the previous stage, the manager must establish action plans and plan response strategies to deal with each threat.


In this sense, the action plans allow the manager to focus on prevention, thus avoiding the appearance of risks. For their part, response strategies make it possible to minimize the effects of the materialization of the risk.

Finally, it is essential to control the execution of the plans and the performance of the risks.


The effective control of plans and risks requires the creation of reports, development of procedures and policies, implementation of control and monitoring mechanisms, and the definition of performance indicators (KPIs).

As for the latter, when properly defined, they can provide reliable data and information for decision-making.

After following all the steps and monitoring the risks regularly, your company will begin to reap the rewards of efficient risk management.

For this to happen, you must align the administration with the objectives and the company’s strategic planning. When this level of excellence is achieved, you can turn risk management into a tremendous source of business opportunity.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

6 Super Useful Tips about Career

Strategize the concept of failure

Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.

We all are uniquely creative, but fear of failure suppresses it. We may have a talent we want to pursue, but social pressure and worries hold us back from achieving what we want. It’s like living without being alive.

Thomas Edison would have never been the most significant inventor if he hadn’t strategized his failures to reach his goal. You can do it; you have it inside you. So, strategize your failure, and devise a plan to move further; the courage to drive ahead matters in every journey. You open the door to unlock creativity by implementing this.

Challenge your fear to unearth the most stunning skills! You may not know what has been buried inside. So don’t let your creativity recess back in your mind. To have a great career, you need to allow mistakes and evolve daily. Develop a creative strategy that enables you to pursue what you are passionate about. A ‘great’ career asks the bulk of time, patience, hard work, and the ability to accept challenges with a growth mindset. Exit Advisor

Do not accept success to happen overnight

Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency.

It is for individuals who perceive success to occur overnight. You’re mistaken unless your ancestors left a hunch of dollars, 17 properties, and six luxurious cars for you. It sounds like a movie, right? But, of course, it only happens in the film! Once you enter professional life, you should bend your efforts for a rewarding career. The initial years require a tremendous amount of hard work, which develops valuable experience and learning.

A growth mindset has paved the way; excellence is guaranteed if you follow this concept! It would be best if you were eager to learn and work hard for a promising future. And the ability to accept constructive feedback.

The art of working hard in the right direction

Extrapolating out the ‘right direction’ is a requirement of modern times. Therefore, learning the art of working hard, educating one on the intellectual strategies for a better outcome.’ However, maybe you are only consuming your energy in the wrong dimension, which doesn’t guarantee success. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

The power of intelligent working will help you in accomplishing your milestones. Combining both will result in relatively more than ‘just energy consumption. Therefore, aligning your goals with your thoughts will make you a competent worker with a hard-working attitude.

Moreover, discover something you love, and you won’t feel like it’s burdening. A professional career coach reveals the secret to working hard is to do what you love. You are best fueled by the ‘passion’ to achieve your goals and comprehend why you want to do it.

Mastery in self-assessment

A valuable tip- conduct your performance analysis at the end of the day and note down your area of improvement. You will develop a sense of clear direction in your career by enacting this.

However, one essential attribute that contributes immensely to your career is to master the proficiency of endurance. You can take specific courses on endurance training to keep your stamina and energy level high—Groom yourself with better and success guaranteed skills to acquire a promising career.

Actions speak louder than words

Instead of boasting about your abilities, demonstrate them through discipline and excellence. The importance of action outweighs the worth of mere words.

Furthermore, to master the auspicious skills, one must make a habit of reading. Specifically, self-help books act as the sun on a gloomy day. Homework develops our ability to think logically and accumulate a great wealth of knowledge. You can learn excellent tips and implement them for better character development. Learn from those who succeeded and inspired your career. Exit Advisor

Reading is one of the cheapest options but a valuable one! You can read articles, studies, and books and listen to many YouTube podcasts. Moreover, to become an expert at something, you should practice it consistently.

Communication is the key to success

Improve your communication skills today if you don’t already have them. To minimize misconceptions, be proactive in communicating with your co-workers and employer.

Learning new skills or researching career development is truly rewarding. Always aim to work in an environment that empowers you to be the best version of yourself and allows you to be productive and creative.

In addition, never overlook the importance of reading people. It helps you in determining who is reliable and not. For instance, many employees overshare with their colleagues, which only turns into a new hot topic for others and ruins your impression. So, never discuss your private and previous company matters with colleagues nor indulge in gossip. If you aspire to succeed in your career, you should read people and determine their reliance. Take decisions based on your actions and not just words.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

How to Manage Loans and Debts

Here are the following clever ways to manage loans and debts.

Aerial view of your debt

The best and most practical way to handle borrowed money is to create a plan and proceed accordingly. But unfortunately, your debt can be mounting with compounding interests with the passing day. To avert this unpleasant situation, assess a broader view of how much you owe.

Make a list of the various types of loans and the debt you own, such as credit card balances with higher interest rates; making an extra payment each month can lower your overall costs. And enable you to pay back the debts quicker. Credit cards and personal loans have higher interest rates. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits In contrast, home or student loan has lower interest rates and tax benefits.

However, once you have devised a strategy to pay off debt more than your monthly premium, this will keep you ahead of your loan duration and may also grant you certain financial perks!

Furthermore, extra payments can reduce the period of your loan plan. It will benefit you in clearing your debt and allow you to retain your solid financial position sooner. In addition, you can significantly reduce the higher interest rate by paying early. Plus, your credit score will increase and lower when your interest amount and down payments verily. As a result, you can save money.

While you’re thinking about repaying more than the minimum on your monthly loan installments, take your time to understand the lender’s policies. Although some will permit you to repay your loan sooner, others may demand penalties, offsetting the value of making an early repayment.

Have a risk management plan

In a movie, it’s constantly cooled to see your favorite hero overcoming any problem he’s trapped in by having a backup plan. Likewise, you always find it amusing; let’s practically implement and have a feeling of ‘hero.’

Life is the name of unpredictable events. For example, when talking about finances, your loan provider could increase rates or repayment terms, or you might undergo changes in health or employment which could prevent you from working. In this case, being backed up by emergency saving funds can be turntable for you. Exit Advisor

Time management skills

Late payments can add interest charges and black marks to your credit report, obstructing the next possibility of borrowing money. Therefore, time management is vital in excellently managing debt or loans. To avoid unfortunate events occurring in the future, consider setting up reminders to notify you regarding your next payment timely.

However, paying off monthly payments on time can be a practical way to avoid late fee charges that may ruin your credit score. These unnecessary results will turn your financial position upside down, so be thoughtful of them and ensure to pay on time.

You can pursue this option by setting up a budget. In this way, you can conveniently follow on timely making payments. Moreover, you can set aside a portion of cash to avoid the occurrence of unfortunate financial instability.

Be realistic while making choices

When you’re in debt or have a loan, it’s relevant to be realistic and classify your expenditures into essential and non-essential categories. Distinguish between requirements and desires. This challenging yet simple tip can keep you from going around in circles. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Invest your bonus wisely

Dig yourself out of debts or loans in a practical way. You may come across an irresistible buy, but paying off debts with additional funds is imperative to living a calm life. Any excess revenue should preferably be used to pay down debt.

If you require assistance, seek it

If you’re still unsure how to handle your debts, speak with a professional financial advisor who can help you understand your alternatives and establish a strategy.

Once you’ve figured out the difficulties, managing a loan may be a pressure-less and straightforward process. Being financially diligent, creating a comprehensive and practical strategy, and paying off your debt as soon as possible can put you ahead of the game and make maintaining your loan very simple.

If you assume you cannot handle the responsibility of clearing a debt after incurring it, fret not, there are several plans available for your assistance. However, consulting a professional financial advisor can turn the situation in your favor. They will guide you throughout your journey and make it stress-free. We wish you luck!

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

6 Mistakes that May Destroy Your Career

Here are the mistakes that can make your career collapse.

You are chickened out by failure!

Forget building your’ house of cards ‘if you are afraid of failure. You cannot ascend the ladder of success if you are frightened of loss. It may tremendously ruin your career. The courage to rise after failing is what makes you truly successful.

Take the example of Michael Jordan, the most iconic basketball player. He could not have been considered NBA’s most outstanding all-time player if he hadn’t viewed failure sensibly. In one of his statements, MJ worded

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and repeatedly in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Furthermore, several inspirational personalities share their insightful lessons on failure. You must grasp the core part and put it into practice. This one helpful tip will undoubtedly change your life!

Scant crisis management

When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.

Your career is not a linear slope; it’s challenging, fruitful, and consists of crises. Lacking crisis management skills is the same as being sent to a war with no weapon. You may never succeed if you cannot decipher a crisis and an opportunity. Specific problems are a disguised opportunity; through crisis management, one can turn the situation in their favor. Conversely, assessing the gravity of a crisis and devising strategies to overcome it leads to a trajectory of a bright and hopeful future. Furthermore, you can enroll in professional development courses to master this skill. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Intelligent but not emotionally

We often disregard the significance of emotional intelligence in our careers. Yet, it is an influential triangle for your career’s pyramidal structure. Daniel Goleman’s discovery has given a new dimension to success in a career. High EI gives you a realistic perspective and accurate self-perception, which helps build a great job. Conversely, your career may be stalled due to the inability of EI.

Today, your success is directly proportional to emotional intelligence.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence involves the capability to detect and manage one’s own emotions and empathize with the feelings of others. A pleasing EQ assists you in developing better relationships, reducing team tension, deterring disputes, and career satisfaction. Furthermore, with high emotional intelligence, you can boost the productivity and engagement of employees. As a result, when hiring and promoting people for managerial positions, businesses prefer applicants with a high ‘EQ’ instead of IQ.

Due to EI, if you are dealing with stressful and uninspired emotions, you assess these emotions and regulate them with this remarkable skill. You will handle the matter with appropriate actions when you can identify a feeling and comprehend what’s causing it. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

Non-progressive behavior

Your career may not progress as it should be based on your potential if you halt in behavioral improvement areas. One must advance in professional behavior annually for a rewarding career upon constructive criticism and feedback.

Jealousy, jealousy!

Jealousy is a roadblock to your accomplishments. Likewise, comparing oneself to others’ spin-offs causes low confidence and self-esteem. Instead, one should strategically perceive their strength and success for career growth.

Jealousy is the reason that dominates your peaceful life with discontentment.

Every possibility to realize your ambitions, live the best possible life, and receive what you’ve always desired evaporates under the shadow of your anxieties. So, if you choose to be happy, you must confront and address your worries.

You will never question yourself if you recognize who you are, what potential you possess for accomplishing, and how phenomenal you are.

Directionless Career

If you don’t have a vivid picture of where you are headed in the next five years may result in uncertainty and doubt in career decisions. You ought to have a clear vision of your career.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

6 Reasons Why Having an Excellent Education is Important

To be wise is the highest effort of man, his highest act of self-determination.

An excellent education nurtures a person in two manners.

  • Personal development
  • Future development

Knowledge carries the responsibility to see that it is well used globally.

Education has encouraged people to conduct an internal analysis, reflection, self-perception, and questioning.

To attain Self-mastery


The goal of education is not mastery of subject matter but one’s person. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

This powerful Greek quotation depicted what an excellent education is meant for. Through education, you enrich your brain with updated and valuable information to improve your ability to think and analyze. The subject matter is merely the tool; the real purpose of education is to enable one to use ideas and knowledge to forge one’s personhood.

An excellent education cultivates vision, imagination, and spiritual sensitivity. It encourages benevolence, compassion, and gentleness.

To thrive sustainably

Education aims to give you the moral courage to make the world livable and humane. Our world already has many ‘successful’ people. It desperately needs more peacemakers and healers. The masses can develop sustainability and efficiency with sustained efforts and excellent teaching. Education facilitates comprehending the effect of knowledge in the practical world. 

Lifelong empowerment

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

Every individual has an innate personal development that you can unearth through self-actualization. Education is the medium that nourishes your personal growth, which has a considerable impact on your relationships and success in your career. Self-actualization enables everyone to become what they are capable of. This path involves experiencing life thoroughly with total vocation. Furthermore, it develops your vision and purpose for life. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault

How does it create better opportunities for a rewarding career?

The level of education is correlated to a job

Education enlightens, formulates, and hones organizational and personal skills. It will assist you in shining at work and withstand the challenges that practical life throws at you.

Education is a significant step in enhancing your skills and staying competitive.

As per the Data from The Bureau, employees with a bachelor’s degree receive $1,248 per week on the median, while those with only a high school diploma get $746 per week.

These statistics emphasize your education level; you should never give up on receiving an excellent education. Of course, you get more hard skills training and information about specific crafts when you proceed with your education. But, on the other hand, more artful, equally vital abilities are also learned.

Gentle talents are interaction, inventiveness, team spirit, cooperation, problem-solving, and rational reasoning. Each soft skill provides value to your present workplace but also assists you in planning to move to the next level toward your professional objectives. Blended learning competency is critical since companies will have fewer workforce resources if workers lack these abilities. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

Sharpens your financial intelligence

Becoming financially literate and understanding how to manage money is a skill set that lasts a lifetime. Unfortunately, because it’s not taught in our education system, many students lack the knowledge and skills needed to become financially responsible—and economically accessible.

An excellent education broadens your horizons and enables you to manage your finances intellectually. It can help you develop a budgeting knack and economic comprehension to set you in good stead for life.

Job security

Job stability is the most integral factor for grads with a bachelor’s degree while looking for work nowadays. It is vital since maintaining solid employment gives a person a sense of security. In addition, degree holders are graduating and need a strategy to manage their student debt without feeling pressured.

The digital revolution in our culture now questions what will be available in the coming years. With the rise of technology, new occupations are growing and being launched.

If you have a proper education, you are eligible for a fine job. If you are highly skilled and competent, it will make you an asset to your company. Furthermore, it will guarantee job security for the future.

A thinking individual has a better chance of acquiring and keeping the job they want in most circumstances. It indicates that the more education you have, the more job opportunities you will have after graduation. If you have a decent educational background, your employment prospects are not limited.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

6 Solid Reasons to Avoid Debts

Once you fall into this world of Debt, there is no going back

Extensive studies revealed debts have profoundly impacted debtors’ life. It wreaks havoc on your psyche, shatters your self-esteem, and damages cognitive functioning. As a result, individuals who flounder with Debt are likely to suffer from depression and hyperventilation. In addition, Debt significantly affects your physical wellness and causes a lack of sleep, inability to focus, and headaches.

Debt causes emotional stress, which affects your view of the world

It leads to incapability to concentrate, poor decision making, and pessimism in your outlook on life. In addition, being in Debt gives rise to frustration resulting in anger issues that influence your life and relations. Exit Advisor

Debt encourages infinite and irrational love for material things

You may eye a luxurious car, a gorgeous dress, an expensive watch, or anything. And the strong urge to buy engulfs you from inside, and when in this position, if you are told that you can buy it now and pay later, this notion instantly captivates you, but be aware, it’s a lie! Debt encourages useless expenditure. This over-spending lifestyle perpetuates an increased stack of debts. As a result, you become slaves to your desires. This illusion to buy it now and pay later means you are sending forth piles of Debt and regret.

Your family’s well-being is influenced

“We need to think beyond just what debt means individually and think about what it means for family well-being more generally,” says Jason Houle, assistant professor of sociology at Dartmouth College.

Professor Jason Houle has emphasized the significance of assessing the aftermath of Debt. For example, when parents incur additional unsecured debts for their welfare, such as credit cards, medical Debt, or loans from a family or friends, it coincides with their child’s behavioral pattern, damaging their well-being, personality development, and mental health. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

The credit score is at stake

It’s comparatively easier to damage your credit score than improve it.

So, when you are afflicted with a debt difficulty where you can’t pay off a heavy amount, your credit score will tremendously decline. And once it’s terrible, it may take several years to alleviate your lousy credit score.

It opens the door to a horrid life

A famous mention regarding Debt is that you must work multiple jobs to pay off your Debt. But unfortunately, it still doesn’t settle your dreadful circumstances. Taking Debt ruins your life. Though every tale has a second side, it may build a flourishing future, but with hair loss, marriage, and appetite problems, I believe you are intelligent enough to name further.

How to stay out of Debt?

Credit cards

Avoid paying an excessively high-interest rate on a credit card. Instead, apply for a card with a relatively reduced interest rate. However, it’s fundamental to comprehend the agreement before signing.

Credit card debt consolidation

Shift your highest-interest Debt to a low-interest card and attempt to pay it entirely afterward.

Stay out of the trap of credit cards if possible

If you don’t require a credit card anymore, withdraw and discard it immediately. Close the accounts. Moreover, some issuers charge a greater interest rate for the outstanding balance; you must repay and cancel it. Download A Free Financial Toolkit

We recommend you place some of your savings toward debt repayment. It may seem radical; however, if the amount in your savings account earns only 3.5% interest and the associated with carrying Debt is 15% or greater, it stands to reason.

What benefits can one enjoy by not falling into a debt trap?

Debt isn’t necessarily a negative thing. People fall into difficulty because of how they regulate their Debt. However, there are various advantages that you can enjoy without Debt.

In the west case scenario, an impulsive buying mentality can adversely influence numerous aspects of life. It can harm our esteem, relationships, and misuse of materials. Additionally, the reluctance to practice self-discipline when it comes to money can result in financial instability. Implementing self-restraint can be tedious and demanding, but this consistent effort will fulfill your financial goals.

Debt has the potential to deplete your financial resources. However, you’ll have more cash to blow on items you desire or appreciate once debt-free.

Debt mismanagement might result in a poor credit rating. If you seek employment or get a new mortgage, this can hurt your chances. On the other hand, prudent debt management can place you in a solid financial position related to significant purchases.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

How Do You Finance a Car?

Here are some effective car financing options.

  1. The Opener; credit score

The unspoken truth: if you have an excellent or at least adequate credit score, the better options you will experience while financing a car. Furthermore, checking your credit score before applying for a loan is highly imperative; it demonstrates your eligibility for this process. However, if your credit score is not satisfactory, buckle down and boost it up to the criteria.

Want to know your credit report? Checkout government authorized websites for free. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

  1. Puzzle out your budget

Setting up a budget beforehand is efficient advice; you may have an eyed a good-looking car, but without proper planning and comprehension of financing a car, you may not be able to execute this process successfully.

To map out a budget plan, assess your monthly budget periodically; this emphasizes how much you can afford and allocate for monthly car payments. Nevertheless, financing involves interest and potential fee charges. So, while projecting your budget, do include these factors.

  1. Hit upon your dream car!

The exciting part has arrived! Onto finding your new dream car! The actual question is: how will you acquire it?

To search for a vehicle, you generally have these options.

  • Look for cars in person.
  • Shop online through a financial institution by answering a few questions.

Furthermore, several banks offer dedicated dealerships; this simplifies the process as the employee guides you throughout the entire process.

  1. Here comes the financing

Now that you have picked your dream car that coordinates with your budget. This procedure provides several options while dealing with such lenders and online lenders.

  1. Become an expert at car buying

When trying to finance a car successfully, it’s paramount to understand terms like interest, finance, and charge or other potential fees. Moreover, getting familiar with car loan terms is imperative. If you have understood the words clearly, there are fewer chances of being fooled. Furthermore, you can also get a reasonable down payment with your basic knowledge and skills. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business

  1. Explore financing options

Different companies offer different interest rates, incentives, and financing terms. However, if you have good credit, the dealer might provide you with excellent rates.

Furthermore, if your credit score does not meet the requirement, you must buckle down to research and find the lowest ARP.

  1. Apply for financing

You can request pre-approval when you’ve found the appropriate loan for you. You can apply for many loans to discover which lender offers the best deal, but doing so may harm your credit score.

  1. Make your payments automated

It’s crucial to arrange automatic payments with your lending institution so that you never pay on time. It will keep your lender happy and your credit score from dropping.

How to finance a car in the best possible way?

Financing a car is undoubtedly tricky, but you must decide according to your financial stability and preferences. However, here are the following tips to take out the best deal.

Narrowing down loan terms

You are offered various loan term choices depending on your credit history. Several lenders allow you to pick from different financing terms. In addition, the duration of the loan may be different. For instance, you can take out a loan as short as 36 months or as long as 72 months. But, if you opt for a shorter term, you must pay higher monthly payments, whereas, for a longer duration, your monthly payments are reduced, but you are locked in for a long time. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Online or in-person car financing

Regardless, it depends on your preference. In the past, most people preferred financing through representatives of the respective financial institution or incurring loans from a dealership. Nowadays, online funding has rapidly increased due to convenience.

Whether or not financing a car is an excellent alternative comes down to personal preference and financial position. You can prevent interest payable and financing costs if you pay cash. However, if paying in money involves depleting your funds, you may find yourself stranded in the event of a financial disaster.

Financing may be your best solution if you need a vehicle but don’t have the money on hand. Keep track of how much you’re borrowing versus the car’s worth. If you don’t put down a deposit and instead finance the total price of the vehicle, you may end up paying relatively more than the car is worth.

Financing a car can allow you to take additional benefits of dealer discounts and car manufacturer discounts like 0% financing or rebates. However, to be eligible for these deals, you’ll almost always need to secure a car loan from the automaker’s financial services firm.

Best wishes!

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts

10 Things You Should Never Pay for With a Credit Card

If you choose wisely which purchases to make with credit. You’ll pay fewer credit card fees, save money on interest, and complete debt management and repayment easier. Here are ten things to avoid charging to your credit card.

Payments on a Mortgage

If you’ve ever asked, “Can I pay my mortgage with a credit card?” the answer is yes, but it’s not a brilliant idea, especially if you’re in a financial need and are tempted to use a credit card with a high limit.

Most mortgage firms will not accept credit card payments directly. Although some third-party organizations, such as Plastic, will assist you in paying your mortgage with your credit card, they frequently charge fees for this service, which will add to the amount you pay in bills each month. Plastic, for example, charges a 2.85% fee. ADP. Payroll – HR – Benefits

Small Pleasures

Taking out your credit card to pay for a cup of coffee or a sandwich at the deli is convenient. Based on the cash-back or rewards credit card you use for your transactions, you may also receive advantages such as free cash or airline miles. However, if you swipe your card for every tiny transaction, your credit card amount might quickly balloon, making it difficult to pay off, let alone make the minimum payment. You’ll be left thinking if those 20 lattes were worth the extra money at the end of the month.

Payday Loans

A cash advance is a short-term debt or withdrawal made using your credit card. It would help to avoid a credit card cash advance because the withdrawal may be subject to hefty fees and interest rates.

Of course, there are times when a cash advance is necessary, but only in an emergency. Also, check for credit cards with cheap cash advance rates.

Domestic Bills

Is it possible to pay bills with a credit card? Yes, you almost certainly can. Should you, however?

Your electric and water companies may provide free online bill payment with a credit card, incentivizing you to connect your card to the accounts and earn benefits. If your servicer allows you to pay your bills with a credit card via automated payments, you’ll have one less bill to remember to pay on time. However, the hazards frequently outnumber the advantages. LasPass – Family or Org Password Vault

Medical Expenses

Putting medical bills on your credit card when you don’t have enough money is one of the worst things you can do. Medical care is costly, and paying for it with a high-interest credit card adds to the expense.

College Costs

College tuition is expensive, and depending on where you live, it may even outweigh the cost of living. Paying tuition using a credit card is attractive and handy for broke college students but resist the temptation.

You may not be able to pay off your credit card account before interest accrues unless you have a consistent paycheck. Furthermore, many institutions charge a 2 percent to 3 percent convenience fee for making the payment.

Income Taxes

Although it is possible — and legal — to pay taxes with a credit card, there is a compelling reason not to: your payment processor will almost certainly charge you a convenience fee of roughly 2% for doing so. If you choose intelligently which purchases to make with credit, you’ll pay fewer credit card fees, save on interest, and make it easier to hold and pay off debt.

You should avoid paying property taxes using a credit card as well


Some claim they paid for a car using a credit card and don’t regret it because they earned many points. Cubicle to Cloud virtual business Another reason they may not be remorseful is that they pay their credit card account online as soon as it is due, avoiding large interest charges. Don’t use this payment method if you’re not sure you can perform the same thing.

Because your credit card balance accounts for 30% of your credit score, having an amount that is too high in proportion to your credit limit could hurt your score. If you don’t pay your credit card bills because you’ve lost control of your account balance, the same thing happens.

Any down payment

Never put a down payment on anything using a credit card, even a house or a car. It may be moot for the home because you can’t use a credit card to cover your down payment unless you get a cash advance, which isn’t a good idea either.

If the sole reason you want to use a credit card for a down payment is to take advantage of your card’s high credit limit, that could indicate that you can’t afford it.

Costs of Starting a Business

It’s not a good plan to use your credit card to pay for business expenses or finance beginning charges. A firm will often take several years to become profitable, and in the meantime, you may be paying exorbitant interest on the debt you can’t afford to repay.

Even better, see if you can raise funds via a crowdfunding website or friends and family.

CorpNet. Start A New Business Now About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing service to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud platform where their QuickBooks™️ file, critical financial documents, and back-office tools are hosted in an efficient SSO environment. Complete Controller’s team of certified US-based accounting professionals provide bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting, and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay. With flat-rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost-effective expert accounting solution for business, family-office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity. Complete Controller. America’s Bookkeeping Experts