The appropriate amount of car insurance to pay will depend on the type of coverage you are looking for. Typically, the more insured the car is then the higher the price for insurance. It is necessary to compare insurance quotes since some agencies offer the same coverage but have a 50% monthly value difference.
The price of the policy is determined by different factors:
- The number of claims: the higher the loss ratio, the higher the premium.
- Driver’s age: a younger person represents a greater risk to an insurer than a person with more years of driving experience.
- The brand or model: there are brands or models that are more prone to accidents or theft.
- The technical service: because service costs vary depending on the brand of the car, the model, and the year, this directly affects the value of the premium.
Insurers value policies differently based on these four factors, which is why it is important to quote rather than safe to take.
Car insurance is the responsibility assumed by the company, in exchange for the payment of the premium, and which consists of taking charge up to the limit indicated in the policy of the economic consequences of the damages suffered by the good.
The insurance covers the damages to the car produced in the accident, as long as the person who is driving is the owner or has been authorized by the owner to drive the car.
It is necessary to consider that no car is insured for the same value that you bought it. The amount of insurance will correspond to the car’s commercial value at that time, that is, the cost of the same vehicle in the market, considering the brand, year, and model, and how it has been preserved.
The deductible is the amount that is previously agreed on each policy that the insured must pay in each event of loss and that will not be reimbursed by the company.
Everything depends on the needs of the driver. It is true that a deductible insurance is cheaper when paying the policy than one without a deductible. However, when an accident occurs, the insured must pay the amount of the agreed deductible at the time of contracting the insurance, and the company assumes the expenses that surpass this amount. In insurance without a deductible, the policy (annual or monthly, as agreed) is more expensive, but the coverage at the time of the accident in total. That is why there is no better formula than the other; everything depends on the needs of who contracts the insurance.
Assists and benefits
Assists and benefits correspond to additional attributes to your insurance coverage such as Auto Replacement, Crane, Free Technical Review, Replacement Driver, Smart Deductible, and Brand Workshop. It is important to compare before choosing, as some companies can offer you one, some, or all of these additional coverages.
Of course, the greater the benefits associated with the insurance, the greater the policy. But, for example, for a person who uses the car to work, the replacement car can be an essential benefit.
Exclusions are those risks that are not covered by insurance. For example, no automobile insurance in Chile covers the damage caused to the insured’s car when driving under the influence of alcohol or in a drunken state, regardless of its coverage.
Before choosing an insurer and the respective insurance, one must be careful with the conditions or fine print. Be clear before signing what the top value of our coverage is, the value of the deductible if it is included, what risks the policy does not cover, what the exclusions are, and how long is the validity of the insurance.
Everything depends on your budget and what you are willing to pay in case of an incident. Auto insurance offers different coverages, which can be chosen separately or together. There are some that cover the total loss of the vehicle. There are also coverages for theft, civil liability (damages to third parties), body damage, medical expenses, etc. The idea is that it fits your needs as much as possible.
In this sense, it is important to research and compare the different offers.