Connectivity seems to be the motto for the future. From the advent of artificial intelligence and self-driving cars to the innovation that we have only dreamt of, easier life awaits us. Moreover, with internet connections consistently going up, you can be sure that it will be a surreal experience.
Now that we witness the importance of video conferencing and smartphones in this pandemic-torn world, 5G is like a breath of fresh air. The new cellular standard can reduce network congestion indefinitely. Imagine downloading an entire Netflix series in a matter of moments!
All in all, the experience seems promising as well as life-changing. However, it is a lot more than what meets the eye. So, let us explore the remarkable features of 5G technologies and how they will change our future as we know it.
What is 5G?
For those of you who are already preoccupied with other things, 5G is the next best thing in the internet world today. 5G not only promises faster downloads but unusually faster upload hours as well. Moreover, with gadgets increasing daily, the 5G network provides you with a central control system to link them all!
It is not only the users who benefit, but companies have begun their quest to achieve digital supremacy with the help of 5G. Thus, in 2019, AT&T and Verizon made a paradigm shift by adding 5G networks into their ranks.
However, with the pandemic and the demands of the 5G network increasing daily, Verizon continues to perform exceptionally in catering to them. The CEO of Verizon said, “So far, I’m pleased with how the network is performing.”
Nonetheless, 5G is a work in progress as we continue to embrace its full benefits. Especially since the devices that could boost 5G’s influence are currently unavailable for mainstream purposes, you will find that most organizations do not have the resources to make the most out of 5G well.
What does 5G Empower Us to do?
Each of us currently has phones that substantially improve things for us daily. However, with 5G in the frame, we can do the same things on our smartphones better and faster.
Add the touch of smart glasses in the form of augmented reality and virtual reality, and then you get smart devices in your arsenal. Moreover, with IoT in the frame, you can also witness improvement in search and rescue operations. Talk about drones cooperating to monitor traffic and fire assessments wirelessly with base stations spread throughout the cities.
Moreover, we are currently in a world of gaming excellence, with state-of-the-art computers and global competitions enhancing the gaming experience tenfold. With 5G technologies complimenting the gaming experience, gamers can experience lowered latency and bettered experience.
The New Version of the Speed of Light
In the era where bandwidth is absolute, 5G technologies plan to deliver speeds that surpass 4G services. With a transfer rate of 10 gigabytes per second, you can virtually download an HD movie within half a minute. A definite boost of 600 times faster than a 4G transfer speed and over ten times than that of Google Fiber’s standard home broadband service.
The first nationwide implementation of 5G technologies is in the US market, which is expected to witness a revolution in 2020. However, it is not a single implementation but a collection of different technologies working under the umbrella of 5G-based brilliance. In short, you could say that this is the modernized breakthrough of the speed of light.
5G – Connecting Devices
If you think it is only the need for speed that connects 5G to us, then think again! We discussed the importance of connectivity before, but it is much more than that. Today, we dare to dream about self-driving cars, automated thermostats, and cellphone-controlled environmental sensors. The reason is the efficacy of the 5G internet producing results and its rapid evolution in the contemporary era.
Falling behind the Technological Development
Today, 5G technology seems like the saving grace of modern development. Many industry experts and political leaders believe that companies will fall behind if they fail to utilize 5G prospects.
Currently, China has showcased the most notable development in 5G technology to date. Thus, if companies or nations do not lay down the foundation of 5G technology in their infrastructure, then they are good as lost.
Therefore, the government must open the wireless spectrum to carriers to reach the goal of a nationwide revolutionization of 5G networks. Then, they must utilize those carriers to expand their infrastructure and develop new hardware devices to maximize the impact of 5G internet.
As we embark on the new technological development decade, we realize that 5G is not ready for the mainstream US market. Moreover, 5G is not available for a wider audience. Even though most companies in the US market have laid the foundation for a technological revolution, much more must be done.
Moreover, with the pandemic still going strong, the year of the 5G will have to wait a bit longer. But, as organizations continuously adapt to the prospect of 5G networks in their infrastructure, it is just a matter of when, not whether.
Not to mention, the lack of state-of-the-art devices is still not here to cater to the new and improved internet. So, if you think 5G still feels afar, then do not worry. The pieces are coming together!