Life insurance deals with an insurance company where the policyholder agrees to pay a premium. The insurer admits to paying capital to the beneficiaries designated in the policy in the incident of the insured’s death.
What are the Options for Protecting Life and Health?
In general, life and health insurance can be divided into two types:
Risk allows you to protect yourself and your loved ones from any dangers, whether a minor injury, disability, or even death resulting from an accident. The risk of diagnosing critical illnesses (heart attack, stroke, and oncology) includes Health Protection insurance programs. Accident Protection programs involve a one-time contribution or small periodic payments and a cash payment many times higher than the insurance cost in an insured event. Extended life and health insurance for borrowers under the Borrower Protection Program helps protect yourself and loved ones from non-fulfillment of credit obligations to the bank because, in the act of an insured event, the payment will be transferred by the insurer to the bank and will be used to pay off the loan debt.
Savings are long-term programs that combine life and health insurance with a savings program. For example, Cumulative life insurance (CLL) allows you to create savings for any purpose and receive protection in unforeseen circumstances.
In addition to classical insurance, Investment Life Insurance (LIS) is available on the market. Not all insurers offer this high-risk investment product. There is no guarantee to receive high profitability under the ILI agreement; in case of early termination, there is a risk of losing a large percentage of the contributions made.
Each type of insurance protection solves particular problems and helps achieve different financial goals.
Cumulative life insurance (CLL) is a way to create long-term savings (at least five years) and, at the same time, financial protection in situations that threaten the insured’s life or the family budget’s stability.
With a Raiffeisen Life HOA agreement, you can form Endowment Capital for large purchases (for example, a car, a summer house, a house). HOA will be helpful to those who want to give children a successful start into the future, for example, and take care of quality education. Retirement programs will help make savings that will complement the state pension and provide a comfortable standard of living in adulthood.
If something goes wrong, the insurance company pays out. HOA ensures the transfer of your capital to you or the beneficiary, the person you specified when concluding the contract.
Health Insurance
The fight against oncology diseases of the heart and blood vessels requires significant finances and high-quality treatment. With a deadly disease (POPs), a person is often helpless. Raiffeisen Life’s “Health Protection” programs allow the client, when diagnosing POPs, to receive a range of medical services in clinics in Russia and abroad: hospitalization and services based on a hospital, surgical interventions, organization of flights if treatment is abroad, medication, including consulting support for all stages of the client’s treatment. Medical programs may also offer a one-time cash payment
Briefly About Accident Insurance (HC)
There are accident protection programs for those afraid of unforeseen incidents where the insured person receives only cash payment, not medical assistance. This difference in payment is the main difference between such programs and health insurance. Unfortunately, an accident is one of Russia’s leading causes of death. An insurance contract may provide for various possible consequences of an accident, such as:
– Bodily injuries and temporary disability
– Permanent disability with the establishment of a disability group
– Death (as a result of an accident or an accident)
Depending on the program’s configuration, its cost, and the amount of the insurance payment change. The amount of monetary compensation for certain risks is established before the conclusion of the insurance contract. For instance, a table of interest payments for each of the stipulated insured events with bodily injury is permanently attached to the insurance contract. For key risks – the insured person’s death or the receipt of disability group I, the beneficiary (for example, a relative) will receive 100% of the guaranteed sum.
You can insure against accidents not only yourself but the whole family, including children from 1 year old.
Borrower Insurance
Even a small loan can convert into a problem. For example, if the borrower loses a stable income or ends up in a hospital. However, debt obligations to the bank do not stop. Upon the borrower’s death, payments on the loan fall on the shoulders of relatives. Borrower Protection insurance programs provide financial protection to the insured and his relatives in case of loss of the primary sources of income: life and health.
Life insurance is a tool you can customize based on the goals and needs of each person at a certain point in life. By purchasing an insurance policy today, you solve various financial problems and gain confidence in planning your future.