“I am easily satisfied with the very best.”
– Winston Churchill
The above quote is what separates average leaders from agile leaders in the business world. Agile leaders always seek opportunities to improve and never settle for good enough. Being agile is about executing critical business objectives and taking the initiative quickly. When you have agile leaders in the organization, the sky is the limit for your business.
One of the biggest struggles of leaders in the business world is coming up with a strategy, which takes a lot of work. Whether it’s about making small decisions like improving employee workstations or something more complex like coming up with a new product – agile leaders don’t panic; they take focused actions.
Here are a few essential traits of agile leaders in healthcare:
Agile leaders always follow the best
Agile leaders seek advice from experienced leaders who have achieved outstanding results inside and outside the industry. These people have networks with other, more successful leaders and know what’s happening in the industry. Agile leaders immediately see how success happens and explore how they can achieve similar results.
Agile leaders are relentless
Agile leaders pay consistent attention to matters of great importance and expect their staff to do the same. They realize that it’s impossible to focus on everything all at once. Therefore, they ensure the team is transparent on what processes and behaviors are more important than others. They also ensure everything is addressed and reported daily when things are done well and when they are not.
Agile leaders are self-aware
Agile leaders are confident and always willing to act, even in situations they have never encountered. This powerful trait, followed by self-reflection, allows them to understand their strengths and weaknesses. One of the best traits of agile leaders is admitting their mistakes and learning from them. When it comes to improving the outcomes, they always start with the self.
Agile leaders never underestimate the metrics
Agile leaders never take the results of their staff for granted and never give excuses for poor performance. They pay close attention to numbers and identify performance patterns. These statistics help them, and their team sees both big and small wins as they work towards their goals.
Agile leaders are curious
Agile leaders have a strategy in their DNA. No matter which industry they serve, agile leaders are tirelessly and naturally inquisitive wherever they may be. Also, they have a hunger to learn more and expand their horizons, entertaining new perspectives. One of the best traits of a leader is that they are not afraid to start from the beginning. They also ask bold questions and give all hypotheses a fair chance.
Agile leaders are courageous
Agile leaders are bold and audacious. Successful leaders are known for taking risks and not being overwhelmed by what might happen, but they are not reckless or careless. Agile leaders make calculated and intelligent decisions. They gather all the critical information, do their homework, keep a close eye on the competition, and when the time is right, they don’t hold back. Agile leaders don’t spend too much time worrying about what others might think if the plan went south; they are strong enough to face criticism.
Agile leaders are creative
Agile leaders have impeccable imaginations. They may not be coming with the “Next Big Thing” but will look for new and innovative ways to improve their team’s performance. These leaders aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo in the value chain. They are dedicated to experimenting and being playful with new combinations and ideas, helping their business be more cost-effective, customer-centered, and productive.
Agile leaders set directions
A leader is unafraid to take charge and can stand up when needed. Agile leaders clearly understand where they want to reach and communicate that with ease. They know how the team, the organization, and other constituents respond to industry changes. Agile leaders are known for seeing the bigger picture and continuously making things easier for those who follow.