As the term implies, transparency in business is the practice of keeping honesty and an open environment as the cornerstone of your business. Whether it is about being honest to partners, investors, or employees, transparency in business can reap many benefits. In today’s world, where information is rapidly available, companies tend to make transparency a policy to ensure employees, partners and investors remain loyal and satisfied without the need to switch to other parties. However, while to a layperson, transparency in business may sound like a goodwill policy, in business terms, it is much more than that. In certain states, transparency is legally binding depending on the type of business we will get into later. For now, let’s establish that the purpose of transparency in any industry is to maintain trust and honor among partners, investors, and employees.
What are the Benefits of Transparency for a Business?
Be it a small or a large-scale business, transparency will always yield loyalty and goodwill from all ends. To bring this into perspective, here are a few benefits your company can reap by maintaining a policy of transparency:
Benefit # 1: Improved Performance with Employee Loyalty
Long gone are the days when employees were considered corporate slaves. Today, employees are well aware of their rights and regularly look for better financial opportunities in the corporate world since they are readily available. Instead, employees want to work in an environment where their skills are valued and nurture valuable relationships. Companies allow employees to become an essential part of the operations with an open environment policy, making them feel part of the family. Such motivated employees will think twice before leaving your organization. They will work harder to produce results as the entire company can enjoy the results when it hits its targets, not just the owner.
Benefit # 2: Brand Image Reflects Better
Unlike in the past, today, a disgruntled employee or partner can damage your reputation instantly without going to the courts through social media and other channels. Building a brand image takes years of hard work, and a simple act of dishonesty can destroy it all. Recently, many cases have damaged companies’ brand image due to their employees or stakeholders publicly questioning their policies. To avoid such situations, organizations should adopt a transparency policy where they can internally and externally talk about their business without hesitation.
Benefit # 3: Boosts Productivity, Reduces the Need for Stringent Hierarchy
With an open environment policy, companies can resolve problems of even the junior employees by creating feedback forms, having weekly meetings, and the like. When you have transparency in your company, it will reduce your need for having layers of management. Since the employees connect directly with the business’s products, services, expenses, and revenue, nothing is hidden, reducing the need for oversight. Instead, you can hire more employees who will directly bring in profitability instead of hiring people to manage other employees.
Benefit # 4: Better Compliance Management
If your company does not have much to hide, it will be easier for you to pass external audits and win the trust of your investors and customers. For most companies that do not follow a transparency policy, sharing information about the finances becomes difficult since there are discrepancies that they do not want their partners or investors to know.
Benefit # 5: Improves Customer Relationships
Customers are the lifeblood of any business. You need to constantly keep your customers updated with your company’s happenings to keep them loyal to your brand. With a transparency policy in place, a business regularly shares its audit report and how they spend money. Companies can maintain a healthy and positive image of themselves in front of their customers, enhancing brand image and customer loyalty.
Today, transparency in business is not optional but mandatory. For any business that wants a good brand reputation, it is crucial to have a transparency policy as part of its bylaws. You can expect a boost in trust and loyalty from your partners, employees, and stakeholders by announcing that your company follows a ‘transparency’ policy and formulating other policies around it.