One of the advantages of digital communication is its ease of being shared. The vitality of certain content leads them to go far beyond the sphere of the target audience. Video is a powerful lever to see its shared content. Again, the multiplication of delivery vectors and connected objects makes it possible to adapt videos to different formats. From clips of a few seconds to the sharing of actual short films, the video medium is the one that is most easily shared. Keeping in mind that the content must meet the expectations of browsers, it can be fascinating and very profitable to use this medium.
Be aware that users watch several hours of online video per week. Whether it is content from YouTube social networks or a brand’s site, it will be more easily consulted and shared by Internet users and mobile users.
In the coming years, it is a safe bet that virtual reality will shake up the rules of the game. The immersion it allows will offer an experience specific to each user. Sensory marketing is underway. Also, the advent of artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on communication. The AI will generate messages in real-time on the most suitable channels. You can redefine the client journey and acquisition by understanding how people are interacting and adapting your message. The new paradigms will emerge as to how to channel and attract users.
Voice search and audio content
Although it is in its infancy, voice search is part of this evolution of communication. Backed by Google Home, for example, it is based on new search criteria. The example of cooking recipes is telling. Until then, when looking for a recipe online, all you had to do was type in the request and look at which site offered the most suitable solution.
Today, a voice assistant delivers the recipe directly to you. It will be up to him to put forward this or that way of doing things.
This parameter will, therefore, be sure to benefit from the favors of these assistants. It will, therefore, be necessary to take this into account when setting up your digital strategy.
Adaptation of companies
These changes and their new modes of communication are bringing about changes within companies. The skills necessary to exploit all these communication levers will have to be integrated into the workforce. Human resources will, therefore, must evolve. The appearance of the community manager position is becoming commonplace. An employee, qualified and aware of the constraints and issues, dedicates himself to the existence of a company or a brand on social networks.
Similarly, digital marketing using many techniques such as growth hacking, for example, will require trained personnel able to ensure the implementation and operation.
For example, the person responsible for referencing discounts has now become its director. It shows the importance of the digital and marketing strategy of a company or a brand. It becomes essential to master all aspects and take advantage of them.
The need to reinvent itself pushes today’s companies and brands to evolve constantly. Only by listening to the market and its customers will a company be able to continue to exist efficiently and profitably. The challenge is enormous and requires mobilizing resources and know-how that companies do not necessarily have. If, until then, we had more recourse to freelancers or agencies to take care of these questions, new sectors would thus appear within the commercial structures.
Views and conversions
In the past, uploading a picture of a product or service was sufficient on digital platforms. It is human psychology that can catch and understand things in multiple ways. Media-driven cultures are leveraging the video uploads by the website owners. Such videos aim to engage people more with a clear understanding of products or services. Multiple authentic types of research have proven video marketing a highly effective marketing technique.
There is also the fact that people need to read paragraphs to get any information that takes time. A full-fledged and well-explained video gives you all the necessary information in minimum time. This authentic research reveals that 75% of business professionals watch business promotional videos.