When it comes to stagging your business, the hiring process can be daunting. Many owners or managers have issues when it comes to hiring the right employee(s) for the available position. There are some apparent steps and qualities you would use or look for in the hiring process, and there are others that the person doing the hiring may forget. Here are nine surefire steps to hiring the perfect employee.
Define the Job
Before you post the job online, you must do a job analysis and have a thorough list of job requirements. It would be best to break these into job descriptions, required skills, education requirements, and environment.
When formulating the job posting, you should use concise wording and bullet points and have a job summary, attitude, and environmental expectations. Chances are you will have many people apply that are not qualified, but having defined job requirements, detailed job descriptions. The environment and attitude will help pull out applications and resumes of those who match your keywords.
Plan Your Recruiting Strategy
A team in the human resources department is generally dedicated to posting jobs, conducting interviews, and hiring employees in a larger company. However, in a small business, this is usually done by the owner or a trusted employee. Because a smaller business is more intimate, it may be necessary for all employees to input the hiring and recruiting process.
Create a Checklist
Creating a checklist may seem like a simple process, and in most cases, it is. However, having a list of what you need and expect in an employee will help you streamline the hiring process. Also, creating a checklist can help keep all current employees involved in the hiring process on the same page as far as expectations and recruits have potential.
Recruit the Right Candidates When Hiring an Employee
If possible, create the largest talent pool to choose from when hiring a new employee. Use available online tools such as hiring sites and social media to widen your talent pool as much as possible. The more potential candidates you have, the better chance you have of hiring the perfect employee.
Review Applications, Resumes, and Cover Letters Carefully
Have an effective system in place to review cover letters, resumes, and job applications. This process starts with a well-written job description and bullet points, and your checklist. Screen all potential candidates against your list of skills, characteristics, job experience, and other essential hiring points. Having this part of the process precise and streamlined will ensure that you can narrow the field of suitable candidates down to great ones.
Prescreen Candidates
While many candidates will look great on paper and have a compelling cover letter, they still may not be the right fit for the position or your company. Before taking the step to set up a face-to-face interview, you should do a phone interview to get an idea if they are still in the running before you go further in the process.
If you feel a candidate isn’t the right fit through the phone interview, you can eliminate them from the process at this point and not waste anyone’s valuable time.
Ask the Right Questions
The hiring team or business owner should develop standard interview questions that will be identical in each interview. This way of designing the interview questions will help you make a side-by-side comparison.
When formulating the questions, make sure every question you ask has value. There should be no throw-away questions to fill time. Organizing the questions will also ensure the interview stays focused and on track.
Do Background Checks and Check References
After conducting interviews and having further narrowed down the best candidates, you must do thorough background checks. Once candidates have passed these checks, you must check with their references.
In most cases, all of the candidates who have made it this far in the process will also pass these checks. However, there could be candidates in the running that are eliminated because something negative comes up in these checks.
Extend a Job Offer
Once you have the final selections made, it is just as important as any other step to extend an enticing job offer. Use a professionally written job offer to explain why they want to choose your company over other job offers they might have. Include the salary and benefits and any further detail to sweeten the deal. Getting the right quality employee in the position is crucial, and if you find the right person, you have to make it enticing.