Almost everyone who has reached any managerial position is faced with the fact that he can no longer perform his duties independently. And this is normal because he now has a team at his disposal whose talents (ideally) are enough to solve the tasks facing the leader. The leader is successful in his work. He urgently needs to learn how to accept the help of other people and learn the art of delegation. Below is a simple plan of 6 steps that will help the leader achieve the necessary, delegating tasks to his team.
The task-level must correspond to the level of the performer
Remember the simple rule: if a person can perform 70% of the task, he can be entrusted with it entirely and given full authority. And if the job is new, relate its complexity to the skills, abilities, and level of motivation of the person you plan to assign it. The work mustn’t be too difficult, and a person could cope with it. When delegating, it is essential to remember that the manager should describe what and when should be done, and what results are expected. They must also outline the overall situation about the assignment (the importance of the task, the complications that may arise, etc.).
Delegate gradually
The transfer of authority should be done gradually so that the person can be given time to develop self-confidence. You want to “harden” it from the very beginning, loading it with many small tasks. But when things are more significant and severe, the process of delegation must be phased. In the process, the manager should also define the standards used to control the progress of the task.
Delegate the entire task
One of the primary motivators in the business environment is the feeling of full responsibility for the task. 100% trust and delegation of functions awakens confidence, competence, and self-esteem. No matter what position the individual holds, each of your employees must have at least one purpose for which he answers in full. However, it is essential to grant some authority to the person being chosen for the delegation of a task. Though, the manager must make it clear that if he does not do this job, no one else will do it for him. This recognition is another strategy that can boost the confidence of the worker. If the employee feels they lack the skills required to complete this job, they will try to overcome the challenge by putting an effort to learn the skills. However, this does not mean that the manager should refrain from providing support and answering all questions to the subordinate.
Expect a concrete result
Think about the specific result you want to receive when performing delegation. Help the subordinates clearly understand what you expect from them in the end. Be sure to ask how the person understood the task and what is expected of him. This creates an open culture and enhances two-way communication between the subordinate and the manager.
Stimulate participation and discussion
There is a direct relationship between discussion and interest in doing the work. When people have the opportunity to communicate directly with management – the desire to do the job well naturally increases. Through participation and discussion, both the administration and the employees can understand each’s requirements and expectations. It also provides an opportunity for the manager to obtain consent and make sure that the employee understands the assignment’s essence and agrees to fulfill it.
Delegate authority and responsibility
Delegate authority commensurate with the level of responsibility. If the problem is ambitious, tell the staff how much time they have and where to go for additional help. A common mistake made by managers is that they underestimate what employees might need for quality work, whether it’s time or money. Authority is awarded to an employee, should be based on the task assigned to the worker.