The time for planning years ahead has passed. A corporation must first become flexible and adapt to change to be successful. The structure of business processes is one of the most critical points for development – it is necessary to analyze and change business processes by current tasks and goals. In this way, companies can maintain high efficiency and optimally use available resources. With this, a methodology for improving business processes will help.
Six Sigma
Six Sigma, or the Six Sigma Concept, is an approach to project management in a company that eliminates all obstacles to a successful business or production. Six Sigma was born when Motorola lost a lot of money due to constant manufacturing defects.
Then engineer Bill Smith came up with a whole system to reduce the number of these defects to the minimum mathematical error.
The main principles of the concept are sincere interest in the client and satisfaction of his needs, management based on data and facts, teamwork, and staff involvement.
When implementing Six Sigma, two algorithms are used:
- DMAIC (Define – Measure – Analyze – Improve – Control) – is used if the company improves business processes, including cost reduction, increase in quality, efficiency, and effectiveness.
- DMADV (Define – Measure – Analyze – Design – Verify) – is used if the company creates something new, for example, a new product.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
TQM, or Total Quality Management, is a management method based on providing quality services from the customer’s point of view. The main idea of TQM is that the company should work not only on product quality but also on the quality of work in general, including the creation of staff. Constant parallel improvement of these three components – the quality of products, the quality of the organization of processes, and the level of personnel qualification – allows for achieving a faster and more efficient development of the organization.
Quality is determined by such categories as the degree of implementation of consumer requirements, the growth of financial performance, and the increase in the satisfaction of employees of the organization with their work.
The basis of this scheme is the comparison of business processes within the organization with the regulations for similar actions in companies that have achieved better results.
During the analysis, experts find out what negatively affects the company’s work. Correction of these errors helps to improve the quality of goods or services and increase financial performance. It is an easy and cheap method to improve business processes, although sometimes you can solve complex tasks in simple and obvious ways.
Benchmarking allows you to achieve cost reduction and process cycle time, and the error rate is reduced by 20-50%. But at the same time, there is always a chance to copy only the outer shell of successful processes without profoundly understanding their essence, which will lead to wrong decisions.
Business process reengineering (BPR)
A business process management technique improves business processes within a company and between different organizations.
It is a very complex and costly method. It is used either by companies on the verge of bankruptcy or by leading companies that feel the need to stay in the first place and grow faster than competitors.
Each process is first mapped to an ideal design and then fine-tuned to suit specific circumstances, funding, and other resources. Then all operations are coordinated with each other, a corporate strategy is created or updated, and performance criteria are determined and controlled. The team’s goal is to bring reality closer to the ideal as much as possible.
Robotic Business Process Automation
Automation is the transfer to software robots of a part of routine and monotonous tasks performed according to an algorithm.
Automation helps minimize errors while performing tasks while freeing up employees’ time for more strategically important missions. In addition, automation creates and maintains the same high level of service.
An excellent example of automating processes within a company can be working with counterparties and customers, processing orders, answering emails, invoicing, etc.
How ElectroNeek can improve business processes with automation
Every day, companies are trying to reduce the number of errors in their processes and increase their efficiency because this directly affects customer satisfaction and profits. ElectroNeek helps analyze the operation of processes and optimize the work to perform all tasks in compliance with clear action algorithms.
ElectroNeek offers unique solutions for the most efficient automation of business processes. The platform allows users with minimal programming knowledge to analyze employee productivity and create software robots for inefficient, repetitive tasks.
ElectroNeek products are focused on the entire cycle of customer tasks. For example, Studio Pro allows users to create bots using an intuitive interface, while SaaS Orchestrator helps manage and connect bots into scalable chains. It is a single web service where all processes are conveniently monitored and controlled – regardless of the number of clients.
In addition, deep analytics tools help monitor all company business processes, find errors, and fix them in real-time.