Getting acknowledged is one of the most challenging jobs for businesses.
There are different ways to promote a business: online advertising, social networks, content marketing, personal acquaintances, and much more. Depending on your industry, some methods will be more effective than others. But internet marketing and the network of personal acquaintances are critical for any company.
Here’s a list of small business marketing tips to help get your business noticed before, during, and after opening.
Know who you are targeting
TAR Productions, a video production company, received about 260-1300 monthly visits to their most popular posts. However, they did not generate quality leads from their traffic.
Grow and convert, a content marketing business, researched and discovered the problem: their posts were on video production, but their ideal clientele didn’t generate videos.
So instead of attracting their ideal customers, their content attracted other video production companies with no intention of buying their services.
Many small businesses make the same mistake. Instead of creating content for their target audience, they create content for others like them. For example, a CRO agency that writes about CRO attracts CRO specialists, and a photo studio that writes about beautiful photos attract amateur photographers.
To effectively promote your target demographic, you must determine who they are. It should be easy if you’ve done market research and created customer profiles. You already know who you are targeting content.
For example, if you are a photography shop in Singapore, potential target customers might be:
- Millennial couples (25–35) in Singapore are getting married.
Do you still have such a portrait of the target client? Don’t be concerned. To make one for your company, follow the steps outlined below.
Focus on what is already working
No one can use all existing marketing tactics because no one has infinite resources.
That’s why it’s so important to allocate marketing resources properly.
If something makes you money, do it more. The best method is to find out which tactic is currently working and invest more resources into it. You can scale the channel by creating standard operating procedures (SOPs), hiring more people, investing in tools, etc.
You need to track your marketing KPIs to understand which channels are working. If you’re already doing this, great. If you haven’t started yet, it’s never too late. It’s simple to keep track of what’s working and what isn’t with free tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs Webmaster Tools.
Or you can ask your new clients how they found you:
- Our Slack #signup channel keeps us updated on how new users found us.
Drop Tactics That Don’t Work
If it is worth investing more resources in what works, then it is logical that you need to invest fewer resources in what does not work. Don’t try to force
Make the channel work for your business. Use your resources wisely.
Create a mailing list
Over 120,000 subscribers receive our weekly newsletter with all the content published that week.
What our newsletter looks like.
These are not random people. These are the people who have directly told us that they need our content.
How did we do it? It’s simple – we created a mailing list.
Email may be a relic of the past on the Internet, but as a marketing tool, it’s surprisingly reliable. Social media platforms may deliberately limit your reach, but email allows you to connect with your audience anytime.
To build a mailing list, you must convince your site visitors to subscribe. The easiest method is to offer something in return for a subscription. Most sites offer things like free e-books, courses, and sometimes discounts.
As for us, we offer a simple subscription benefit:
- You may either do the same thing or provide something different, such as the entire globe in your pocket.
Take care of your followers
After all, the number of your followers is just a number. They aren’t going to buy from you just because they signed up for your newsletter. You must involve them and take care of them by sending regular emails.
But what to send them and how often?
This question does not have a universal answer.
The key idea is to set expectations and then live up to them.
For instance, on our blog, we promise to send weekly updates to our content to everyone who subscribes to the newsletter – and that’s what we do. Once a week, we send out a newsletter with all the content we’ve published that week.
In other words, we deliver what we promised to our subscribers.
Your “promise” may differ from ours. But whatever it is, make sure you do it.