4 Common Types of Business Credit and How They Work

Business Credit - Complete Controller

Businesses, no matter how large or small, at one time or another, have to take out loans or utilize other business credit types to start and operate their business. This is especially true for small businesses. Small businesses often have struggled financially, which causes them to use tools to provide capital until the business can pay down debts and profit. If you are a small business owner, it is essential to consider the types of business credit you can get and how they work to make sound financial decisions that will make funding stress-free. Here are four of the most common types of business credit and how they work. Check out America's Best Bookkeepers

Business Charge Cards

Business charge cards are similar to credit cards with some primary differences. Though you can charge the same things on a charge card as a credit card, charge cards are expected to be paid in full each month. They also rarely have a spending limit nor interest since they do not have a revolving payment over time. A business would use a charge card to make a significant purchase that needs to be made quickly that would take the rest of the month to save for so you can pay the balance in full as expected. Charge cards are good to have on hand for emergencies and large purchases, but it is recommended that you use them as little as possible, as paying it in full can be difficult. Check out America's Best Bookkeepers

Installment Accounts

Installment accounts are generally loans at a fixed amount with installment payments. These accounts will have interest, but it will be figured into the overall cost, and the loan payments will be a fixed amount the lender agrees to upon approving the loan. The entire amount is determined over a specific timeframe then a fixed amount is pulled from that total. These loans are generally obtained from a banking institution or friends and family members that don’t charge interest but work with you to pay the loan back in manageable payments.

Revolving Credit Accounts

Revolving credit in the simplest terms is credit that has limits, but as long as you make payments on time and keep your charges under the limits, you can charge as often as you want or need to charge. This type of credit can be useful, but with interest, it can be expensive and is not recommended to be a primary business credit source. Business debt is generally already problematic for the small business owner, so taking on an extra debt can quickly overwhelm a business owner and cause debt that threatens the business. Check out America's Best Bookkeepers

Vendor Accounts

Vendor accounts can be a lifesaver for the small business owner. These accounts are just as the name implies, accounts established with vendors that the business uses for materials, products, services, and other business needs that the business cannot fulfill. Generally, business account balances will have anywhere from thirty to ninety days to pay the balance. The other advantage of a vendor account is that it carries no interest. Also, because vendors and the businesses they serve usually have a positive relationship, if something happens and you can’t make the payment, vendors will generally work with you on a payment plan until you get on your feet without withholding what the vendor offers.


When you are the owner of a small business, it is better not to use personal money to fund the business unless you act as though it is an investment and are a stakeholder paid from profits. Business credit is a reliable way to take care of the business’s needs until the company is self-sustained. You should carefully consider all the options and use what makes sense for you and your company. You can use more than one type of business credit; be sure you keep in good standing, or your business could suffer financially.

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