Every person who decides to become a music artist, whether as an individual or in a group, dreams of producing that music and making enough profit to live off of it. The music industry is competitive and tough to make it in. However, it is easier to earn money on your music with the internet and music platforms without a significant production company backing you.
There are several ways to use the internet to promote your music and make a profit. However, it can be confusing to get yourself or your group out there and make money. Here are fifteen tips on how to make money with your music.
TIP 1: Do not use a website based on Flash. WordPress themes are much more user-friendly and SEO-friendly. Flash is difficult to use on mobile devices and challenging to deal with, so it is not a great option.
TIP 2: Your website should be easy to read. A music website should always be designed to be easy to read, find, and navigate. Please, do not use inappropriate background colors and images with strange dimensions.
TIP 3: Make it easy for your fans to be in contact. Let people who enter your website know more about you. Create an experience that they will not forget.
TIP 4: Do not allow your website to contain old and outdated content, and there is no current news and little information on what you or your band is currently working on. WordPress makes it easy to update your web page. Updating your music and events can be as easy as writing a text in Word.
TIP 5: If on your website there is no clarity, no purpose, no objectives, you will not be giving reasons for your fans to delve deeper into your website.
TIP 6: You have to control the design of your website. The downside of social profiles is that they are all the same and with many ads and information that distract the visitor. On your website, you can create a brand and make visitors recognize your logo or corporate colors, and the design can be focused on achieving your goals, whether they play a video or a song, buy a new CD, or subscribe to the newsletter.
TIP 7: Your followers have to be yours indeed. It would not be the first time that the number of Facebook or other social media followers changes overnight. If we imagined what would happen if that platform stopped working, the answer would be that we would lose all our followers.
TIP 8: You have to make your visit a pleasant experience. Be wary of using too many ads or other distracting additions to your website or social media pages.
TIP 9: You can and should make every time a visitor enters your site feel comfortable and can perform interesting and logical navigation. You control if you want to be more or less aggressive with your content and requests.
TIP 10: A domain is a sign of being serious. A domain is much easier to remember than the full address that Facebook or Twitter gives us. In addition, the visits we will receive from the search engines will be thanks to the website and the content we publish
TIP 11: Millions of people are present every day on the internet. Capturing a small percentage of users will be easy if you develop a site and other social media pages.
TIP 12: You only have to offer exciting and valuable content to gain a following on the internet and social networks.
TIP 13: It is not necessary to publish every day on all platforms simultaneously. Each social platform has its schedules, public, and favorite posts. Focus on two or three networks where you are strong and focus on the content you publish, and stay constant in the others to reach different sectors of your audience at the same time.
TIP 14: Your website has to be the center of everything, and from it will come the different channels of contact with your followers, blog, social profiles, audio, and video platforms, merchandising. Everything you post on the web will be distributed throughout the internet to achieve a spider web effect, and you will gradually attract followers from different platforms.
TIP 15: Imagine that your website is a train station and that your social profiles are the doors where travelers get on and off your train. It is essential to have a strong presence across several platforms, including music-based platforms, to ensure that you reach the possible followers and fans.