What we are going to do is explain ten simple ways with which we can improve the management of our companies thanks to this social network, LinkedIn.
Get new customers thanks to our recommenders
A satisfied customer represents the best way to attract new customers. On LinkedIn, this translates into obtaining recommendations from our clients. At this point, we only have to ask our best clients to write a brief recommendation for us, which we can certainly include in our personal profile.
Maintain contact with people who care about our business
As in so many other social networks, LinkedIn is a way of saying to the world, “I’m here.” If we also update our status message with some frequency, we participate in discussion forums and regularly send messages to our contacts, we will ensure that we will always be one of the candidates that will take into account when there is a new initiative, proposal, etc.
Find allies and partners to outsource processes
Think of the number of times you have asked your acquaintances if they know a good photographer, an SEO expert or any other service you need but lack in your company.
One of the great advantages of LinkedIn is that by being able to get in touch with thousands of professionals from all over the world, you can find the partner you need in the simplest way possible: through a simple search on the Internet.
Share doubts, interests, etc. with other companies in your sector
In addition to finding new business opportunities, LinkedIn is also an excellent forum in which to discuss the concerns of your sector (or subsector).
Faced with the rigidity of the Chambers of Commerce and other “official” institutions, LinkedIn offers us hundreds of discussion groups and forums (more or less formal) in which we can closely monitor the reality of our sector, get in touch with companies, discuss the main problems that affect a whole business community, etc.
Learn from the great
In addition to groups classified by sectors, LinkedIn has dozens of groups in which we can raise our doubts in matters of taxation, legislation, marketing, etc. which are usually answered by the community.
Not only are questions of a general nature answered, but we can also learn from the example that great professionals offer in their performance in the thorniest situations that we can imagine.
Get new customers thanks to your Know-How
Continuing with the topic of forums and discussion groups, it is important that we join some in which we are experts. By participating actively, we can soon become a reference for the rest of the participants.
In this way, we can improve our brand image, make our company known and, as a consequence, get more customers interested in the type of services we offer.
Find investors
One of the most important elements that we need to launch our business project is to obtain financing.
Although there are many ways to finance a project and many competitions for start-ups that can help us, on LinkedIn we can also present our idea to a huge group of investors who can assess the viability of it or even invest in our project.
Joint Ventures
Have we already discussed the potential of the discussion groups? Obviously, in the same way that we can find partners to outsource services, we can also find companies interested in joining forces to pursue a common goal. As the topic says, the only limit is marked by our imagination.
Corporate Blog
LinkedIn is a network in which, among other things, we can include the content of our corporate blog or our updates on Twitter. Doing this is another great way to show the community about our expertise in certain topics and attract traffic to our company’s website.
Watch your competition
Most companies maintain a public profile. By consulting it, we can carry out a small investigation on how our market competition is moving, what are its main contacts, how they are relating to each other, etc.

About Complete Controller® – America’s Bookkeeping Experts Complete Controller is the Nation’s Leader in virtual bookkeeping, providing services to businesses and households alike. Utilizing Complete Controller’s technology, clients gain access to a cloud-hosted desktop where their entire team and tax accountant may access the QuickBooks file, critical financial documents and back office tools in an efficient and secure environment. Complete Controller’s team of US based accounting professionals are certified QuickBooks™️ ProAdvisor’s providing bookkeeping, record storage, performance reporting and controller services including training, cash-flow management, budgeting and forecasting, process and controls advisement, and bill-pay services. With flat rate service plans, Complete Controller is the most cost effective expert accounting solution for business, family office, trusts, and households of any size or complexity.