Loan amortization means paying off your balance over time through regular payments distributed over a certain period. The term is generally associated with paying off loans. However, amortization has broader applications in accounting terms and can be applied to a wide range of balances. Each monthly payment for your home or auto loan may appear to be the same. However, it never is and is made up of several parts, which change over time. As you reduce your loan balance, also referred to as loan principal, the interest rates, which are initially very high, come down gradually, resulting in lesser interest payments for each month.
Loan amortization for long-term loans would generally include high-interest costs at the start. As more and more amount goes into your principal over time, the cost comes down significantly. The period is specified before the amortization process and is designed to pay off the debt within the specified period ultimately.
Showcasing the True Cost of Borrowing
An amortization table will highlight every payment you have to make to pay off the debt. The table highlights a starting balance, ending balance, a fixed payment amount you have to make each month, a principal amount calculated by subtracting the ending balance of each month from the starting balance, and the interest payments that would decline every month.
Instead of focusing on monthly payments because they are going to remain the same, a loan amortization table can help you calculate the exact amount of interest that needs to be paid. Typically, people base their decisions on the amount of the monthly payment. However, the real cost of borrowing is more accurately determined through interest costs that are usually stretched over a long period. Therefore, if you want to evaluate the actual costs associated with a loan, you must always consult an amortization table.
Loan Amortization helps in Decision Making
Deciding on which loan to choose can get tricky as it can be hard to assess each lender’s terms. Interest rates or shortening the payment span can significantly influence the amount you could end up paying. There are also ways to skip interest charges on loans if you make early payments. It will always pay off if you lay your decision on reliable information instead of an offer that sounds good. The amortization of the loan ensures that you are offered detailed information on every payment to plan accordingly. Loan amortization makes decision making a lot easier.
How to Amortize Loans
There are many ways to create amortization tables. You can build one for yourself or use an online calculator that can easily create one for you. The online option is more convenient and reliable for loans that span over a long period. Figuring out how the table works are simple math. The payment is centered on the loan amount, the interest rate, and how many years the loan lasts. Those three ingredients work together to affect how much you pay each month and how much total interest you’ll pay. As you lower the interest rate, the payments will also decrease. Stretching out the loan over a longer duration would lower the payments. However, you pay more interest. All values work in response to one another.
Types of Loan Amortization
Auto Loans
Auto loans are usually five years or shorter and are often paid through fixed payments. Because the loan is not a considerable amount of money than other types of loans, buyers prefer to pay them in equal payments without stretching them out and raising the interest costs.
Home Loans and Mortgages
This kind of loan is spanned over more extended periods, such as 15 or 30 years. People generally tend to refinance these types of loans at some point.
Personal Loans
Credit unions, banks, and online lenders offer personal loans at fixed interest rates that are to be paid back within a specific period. A loan amortization must be done for all kinds of personal loans to ensure that you can plan for future payments.