Do your finances seem to be continually out of your control? Do you spend too much money on credit cards? Do you struggle to keep a balance between your spending and savings? If one or more of these circumstances describes your financial situation, maintaining a budget may help. Creating and sticking to a solid budget are the first steps to financial freedom.
Although budgets tend to be excellent in action, they are demanding in theory. Not sure how or where to start budgeting? Whether you have not managed to create a budget plan or are simply facing trouble sticking to your budget, here is your easy yet practical, step-by-step guide to help you build a budget you can effortlessly follow.

Begin with Big Goals
First, you must know that successful budgeting focuses on your goals. Thus, make it clear in your mind WHY you are making a budget. Do you want to get rid of your debts as soon as possible? Are you planning to pay cash for a vehicle? Do you aim to purchase a home? Do you wish to retire early to travel around the globe? In essence, focus on your big goals, as they are the secret to achieving everything you want to.
Track Your Spending
Before creating a budget plan, you must understand how much you spend monthly on various items. To determine this, you must identify your budget baseline simply by tracking your spending for the past few months. Thus, go through your recent bank statements, the last six months or more, and determine how much goes towards utilities, food, groceries, mortgage or rent, transportation, shopping, etc. This process will also enable you to identify areas where you often overspend. Consequently, you become more aware of your spending and saving patterns, helping you make better financial decisions.
Make the Most of Technology
Technology has made things far more straightforward than most people know. If you have never made a budget before, are unsure where to begin your budgeting, or get frustrated with intricate details, using a smartphone app is a good idea. Many great budgeting, bookkeeping, and finance apps can connect with your bank accounts and set up a total budget over time by using the data from your spending habits.

Give Each of Your Dollars a Purpose
When you begin budgeting every dollar, you eventually plan for unexpected situations, such as spending on a sporadic cup of coffee with your friend. It will also help you put your extra money towards either savings or an emergency fund. Give your cash purpose down to your every penny.
Set Goals
Your financial goals can ease the pain of saving money. The more specific your goals are, the more motivated and excited you are to save money and the more inclined you are to stick to them and, thus, budget. Your great goals could be saving for a dream vacation with your family or a down payment on a new home.
Allow Yourself Some Fun
Besides focusing on your basic needs and financial goals, make a thin line for fun. If your budgeting plan makes your life dull, you are less likely to follow it. On the contrary, you will love sticking to a plan that keeps you happy. A few fun categories in your budgeting may include eating out on weekends and saving for the winter holidays.

Use Cash
It is often easier to overspend; thus, save less when using credit or debit cards. Therefore, take out adequate cash on your payday for the budget categories that make sense and tell yourself, ‘I cannot get more money, even when I run out.’ You will finish spending right away when your cash is gone! And this is simply one of the easiest ways to keep yourself accountable.
Automate Your Savings
Transfer part of your paycheck into your savings account as soon as you receive it. This will help you minimize your spending and improve your savings. You can also leverage auto withdrawals to save for expensive transactions like a vacation or new furniture.