Wherever you are in the world, our hearts go out to you, your family, and your loved ones. To those whose families are committed to fighting the virus: give them a warm “thank you” from me.
The coronavirus is a nightmare; everyone hopes to put the pandemic behind us soon. Yet it is good – and even beneficial – to realize now what positive coronavirus could bring us in the longer term. Because if we succeed in turning the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity, it could become the long-awaited tipping point in our history. So here it is five transitions that we can start right now.
A New Economic System
While humanity stayed at home in masse, the Earth recovered. During the lockdowns, animals worldwide seized the chance to explore undisturbed streets, parks, and even shopping centers. After years of pollution in China, people are finally breathing clean air again. And the number of flight movements was historically low. The coronavirus has shown us how destructive our ‘normal’ lifestyle is. Now that the world is slowly starting up again, we are facing a choice: do we transform our economy or not? After all, this is the moment to restore the decades-long disrupted relationship between humans, animals, and the planet and create a society where social and ecological compassion are central.
The Basic Income
To save lives, many companies had to close their doors. From restaurants, theatres, and cinemas to hairdressers, freelancers, and sports clubs, tens of thousands of people have dealt with a significant financial blow because of the Corona. With this, the pandemic has confronted us with the facts: In times of crisis, an incredible number of people are vulnerable, even people you would typically not expect to have personal financial issues. A universal basic income that provides us all – regardless of the situation – with a subsistence minimum seems to be making more sense by the day.
In addition to security, basic income offers many other benefits.
The Proper Appreciation for Important Work
On Tuesday evening, March 17, the Netherlands clapped in masse for healthcare. The applause, honking, and cheering echoed through the streets for minutes. Realizing that some professions are more crucial than others seems to have hit like a bomb. This is a bitter realization, given that we have systematically undervalued and underpaid the nurses, cleaners, teachers, garbage collectors, police officers, bus drivers, and medical assistants of this world for years. At the same time, this realization offers an incredible opportunity. After all, now is the time to ensure that we show our respect not only with thunderous applause but, above all, with good working conditions, less work pressure, more confidence, and an appropriate salary.
More Solidarity and Cooperation
We usually deal with a select group of friends and family; we helped others across all kinds of dividing lines during the lockdowns. Young people jumped into the breach in masse to support (lonely) older people, we helped our favorite entrepreneurs out of the fire, and volunteers reported to their local hospital. And guess what? All these compassionate and generous initiatives made us extremely happy and happy. It’s a nice feeling to hold on to in times of and after Corona!
A Genuinely Inclusive Society
From one day to the next, our lives became entirely under the spell of the virus. The pandemic has shown us what it’s like to live in a situation you have no control over, a problem that puts you and your loved ones in danger. It is essential that we come together and support one another during these times of uncertainty.