The rapid advancement of science and technology has raised the demand for well-rounded education and training in various fields for workers and employees. This includes technical, economic, and technological training, ongoing skill development, performance assessment, and effective utilization of human resources. The human resources department is responsible for meeting these demands within a company. Over time, the department’s significance in management has consistently increased due to its impact on production and operational efficiency.
It is increasingly determined by the successful selection of human resources, the organization of training, advanced training, education, performance evaluation, and other functions that are the duties of the enterprise’s human resources departments.
Furthermore, the role of the human resources department in the apparatus of a modern enterprise is also determined by the fact that its function approaches the work of other departments. In addition, the human resources department is an independent structural subdivision of the management team and operates based on a regulation approved by the head of the enterprise.
The department reports to the head of the business and, in his work, is guided by the orders and the relevant legislation in force. The company’s staff form determines the structure of this department and the number of its full-time employees. The number of workers, specific conditions, and characteristic features of the type and specifics of products and services are the basis for calculating the required number of full-time employees in the human resources department.
Nevertheless, the human resources department performs functions auxiliary to or in addition to the central functions of the enterprise, but this does not mean that it has less weight than the production units. Human resources management controls all divisions and functions of business and production.
The following tasks are assigned to the human resources department at the enterprise:
- Implementing the principle of selecting and placing human resources for business and personal properties.
- Measures to form a stable workforce reduce staff turnover and strengthen labor discipline.
- Providing the enterprise with the necessary number of management human resources, specialists, workers, and additional human resources of the required professions and qualifications following the approved states.
- Participation in educating the enterprise’s workforce in the spirit of high responsibility for the task assigned, strict observance of discipline, and tolerance to shortcomings.
- Work on forming a reserve of specialists for promotion or transfer to other full-time positions included in the vocabulary of the head of the enterprise, organizing the training of a reserve of human resources.
In human resources management, the main principle is to select and place human resources according to business and personal traits.
This principle provides:
- The continuity of human resources is based on the systematic selection of energetic, creative workers and the training of new human resources.
- Providing conditions for continuous improvement of business skills.
- A clear definition of each employee’s functions, rights, duties, ties, and responsibilities.
- Combination of experienced workers with young staff.
- Providing conditions for professional and job advancement of employees based on established criteria for assessing their activities and personal characteristics.
A combination of trust in employees with performance verification. Work on the selection, placement, and education of human resources is performed by:
The Administration of Enterprises and Associations
The enterprise forms a stable labor collective capable of achieving high market relations results. From the point of view of the functional division of labor, workers of all categories are divided into professions, specialties, and qualifications.
A profession is a specific labor activity requiring special theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The tariff-qualification directory of works and occupations of workers in the national economy provides characteristics and requirements for employees who perform work that is different in content and profile. It contains the characteristics of each position: “Job Responsibilities” and “Qualification Requirements.”
Levels of authority depend on the level of special knowledge of employees, the usefulness of the service, and its positive impact on the organizations it serves. Furthermore, there are several options for the role and place of the human resources management service in an organization’s management structure. The PM service is organizationally included in the management of the organization. This option is typical for developed companies and is the most common in modern practice. With this option, the human resources management subsystem acquires an equivalent status to other organization management subsystems (HRMS).
Human resources work is a set of organizational, meaningful measures and steps aimed at the effective use of each employee’s abilities and professional skills. Poorly organized work on human resources inevitably affects the activities of the entire enterprise. Mistakes made when creating human resources documents often lead to errors in wages and sick leave of workers. The presence of human resources documents will help to avoid mistakes, problems, and consequences. Many small enterprises do not have a separate structure or employees who deal with human resources management issues. Discuss in detail among your managers what the human resources department should do.