Understanding the environment, especially where we live, is incredibly important for any community’s survival. The world began to study the climate centuries ago, long before our era. In recent years, contract farming has been a real industry that is rapidly changing and developing dynamically.
Way to Sustainable Agriculture
Contract farming includes the solution to such problems: the search for goods and producers, the development of genetically modified cereals, technical development, environmental protection, and organic farming methods.
The contract farming sector plays a vital role in the economy of any state. The production of food products determines the specific role assigned to contract farming – the basis of people’s livelihoods and the reproduction of labor, the production of raw materials for many types of non-productive consumer goods, and production products. In many ways, the level of farming development determines the level of economic security of the country.
The global crisis has recently aggravated the problems of the world’s agriculture. Therefore, agricultural production development’s main tasks require priority solutions, especially the availability of human resources, their use, and pricing policy.
Sustainable Development – 2 Main Concepts
- The concept of needs, including the poorest sections of the population
- The concept of restrictions (due to the state of technology and the organization of society) imposed on the ability of the environment to meet the present and future needs of humankind
Sustainable agriculture’s main task is satisfying human needs and aspirations. It is important to note that sustainable agriculture requires meeting the most vital needs of all people and giving everyone an equal opportunity to satisfy their aspirations for a better life.
The category of sustainable development of the entity’s economy has not been sufficiently developed, and the issues of its practical use have not been considered so far. It served as the basis for studying actual matters of the functioning and development of agro-formations in the zone of irrigated agriculture. The following components directly influence agricultural enterprises: economy, ecological situation, natural and climatic zones, scientific and technical sphere, and legal policy.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of contract farming in the modern world. It is the most obvious way to save lives. The planet’s population continues to grow, all at a high pace. And the Earth’s resources are exhausted. So, agriculture is constantly looking for new ways of producing and distributing necessary food.
Many Key Problems in Food Systems are Directly Related to Industrial Agriculture
– Cultivation of monocultures with chemical fertilizers and pesticides
– Concentrated feeding of animals, which uses antibiotics
Industrial agriculture is the main culprit for increasing biodiversity loss; 35% of contract farming is now under threat. It also causes the depletion of about 20% of the world’s soil, 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, and many other negative consequences. Thanks to activists and scientists, these problems are now widely discussed. At the same time, we are much worse acquainted with essential facts and figures relating to ecological agriculture’s potential.
The issue of power imbalance can no longer be a minor footnote in the debate on food system reform. It is no less important to discuss this imbalance and how it helps industrial agriculture maintain its position than to discuss agroecology’s positive impact.
– Higher productivity, given the yields of all crops grown in mixed crops
– Greater resistance to external damaging factors
– Greater diversity, which in turn leads to an increase in the nutritional quality of products
– Rational use of ecosystem services, both on the farm and beyond
Research programs in the agricultural sector continue to focus on the small number of crops that enter the market and generate profits. They also prefer industrial agriculture’s needs, although many are now concerned with productivity problems.