In “Dumb Little Man,” pick up some quotes on which characters of the likes of Michael Dell, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, or even the famous Oprah Winfrey have built their fortune.
Create your opportunities
“It is thanks to the tremendous curiosity and our ability to create our opportunities as we have grown up in Dell. We can always find an opportunity that makes the difference over the rest. “Michael Dell – founder and CEO of Dell.
If we do not struggle to find new business opportunities, we will never find any. Without our initiatives, believing in what we do, and betting on innovation, we will not revolutionize anything, nor will we stand out in anything. Nobody is going to open the door for us if we do not dare to ring the bell.
Believe in yourself
“I always knew I was destined to do something great” – Oprah Winfrey.
We are sure that this statement will sound to many a Naïf, but it makes all the sense in the world. If we want to be great, we must believe that we already are. If we do not believe in ourselves, in our project, nobody else will. We share our doubts and our assurances with others unconsciously. The more we believe in what we do, the stronger our business project will be.
Create an environment in which success is breathed
“It’s better to frequent people who are ‘better than you are. Choose partners whose behavior and ethics are better than yours and one day you will become like them. “Warren Buffet, investor.
There is a metaphor that perfectly illustrates the meaning of this phrase: “you cannot dream of being like an eagle if you surround yourself with chickens every day.” By this, we mean that to succeed, both in life and in the company, you must always choose the best and, if possible, people much more prepared and qualified than you.
Bad managers often surround themselves with mediocre people because they think that in this way, they will not realize how bad they are. On the other hand, the good ones only want to be with those who are better than them.
Learn to delegate
“I am increasingly aware that the real leaders are those who are capable of delegating functions” – Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.
In this quote, Bill Gates not only refers to the very fact of delegating his functions to others, but in his ability to show other people how they can delegate functions to third parties, and so on.
That is, a good leader is not only the one who learns to delegate but the one who builds a business structure that has one of its most solid principles in the delegation. In more mundane words, “Helping others, I am helping myself.”
“At the end of your career, you will be judged not by all the projects you started, but by those that you finally carried out” – Donald Trump, investor.
Donald Trump’s phrase speaks for itself. Concentrate on what you know and can bring to fruition. Do not jump into a new project without first knowing the terrain you are treading on. Do not try to cover too much and above all, look for a goal, just one. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to go?
Learn from your mistakes
“I am the kind of person who believes that if we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it” – Mark Cuban, owner of the NBA team, Dallas Mavericks.
The quote proposed by Mark Cuban is not exactly original and is more, it may have been repeated ad nauseam. However, this does not take away a validity price.
If we cannot learn from our own mistakes, sooner or later, we will repeat them again and again. This seems simple; it is not so much. That is why many people spend their lives constantly stumbling with the same stone.
Never look back
“We will always go forward; we will never look back,” Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York.
We must learn from our mistakes, and another thing is to always look at what we have done wrong. We cannot progress if we are always looking to the past. It is much more productive to always face the future, with a point of optimism, thinking that things will go well in the end.