The security issue in the operation of banking products is always very acute. Practice shows that many bank customers do not know the elementary rules for handling details, codes, and other data. It becomes essential in the case of repayment of debt on loan. If the client has deposited an amount greater than the amount of his debt on the credit card, then the spare part is accounted for on a separate account and cannot be used to make transactions at the expense of the client. It will only go to the future repayment of the loan after its occurrence.
Moreover, the loan is repaid on a specific date specified in the contract and not immediately after the event. There is a particular set of rules that help, if followed, to secure the finances contained on the card:
- Do not share your PIN information with anyone under any circumstances. It is strictly confidential information available only to the client. Remember that even bank employees are not allowed to request a PIN code.
- You should keep the code used to carry out specific operations separately from the card.
- You should not temporarily give your plastic to another person. Only the person specified in the service agreement has the right to use the card.
- Upon receipt of the payment instrument, sign on the reverse side in the field provided.
- Remember or keep the contacts of the issuing bank with you. They are also listed on the back of the card at the top.
- Upon receipt of a request to provide card details, the client has the right to ignore this. It is even recommended to report the fact to the bank.
Cashless Payment
Due to the popularity of non-cash payment for various goods and services, it is worth considering the rules for conducting the operation:
- Do not use the card for purchases in stores of dubious origin.
- Always be present at all card transactions – this will reduce the risk of unauthorized access to confidential data.
- Keep receipts – including when the operation was not completed successfully (make sure that the receipt does not contain an operation and you made no payment).
As you can see, there are some conditions, but they are pretty necessary.
Online Payments
Online transactions are a separate topic because there is an acute security issue and many nuances. The rules for online payments are as follows:
- You cannot use a PIN when ordering goods and services by phone, fax, or Internet.
- Card data that are strictly confidential cannot be entered into any forms – the same applies to the account.
- For operations on the Internet, if necessary, to purchase something, it is better to use a separate card that was issued for this.
- Check the correctness of the entered data – for example, address, contacts, etc.
- Perform remote operations on your device (in extreme cases, turn on incognito mode so that the entered data is not saved).
Card details are highly confidential information to which only the owner should have access. Leakage of this information is fraught not only with the loss of access to the account but also with the debiting of all funds. And in the case of a credit card – also the formation of debts to the bank. Getting at least some information into the wrong hands requires blocking the card. The bank can do this independently if it detects a leak and at the client’s request.
A credit card is a different wallet. You can spend money from it at your discretion and return it without interest using the grace period. The validity period is usually limited to three to five years at the plastic itself, but then the card is reissued. It is just a key to a credit account, which can be unlimited or limited, for example, by age. A vivid example of this is youth credit cards, which are not reissued after the client reaches a certain age; terms are discussed in the contract. If you only have the card number, it will not be possible to withdraw funds from it. However, an attacker can pretend to be an employee of a banking organization to find out other, more critical information.